The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
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I Favor Gun Control

January 16th, 2013 . by Cary

You read that right. I figured I’d beat Obama(THHO) to the punch and come right out and say it.

Early reports indicate that Obama(THHO) is going to use his Executive Powers to make it all good. Obama(THHO) Is going to tell everyone to Enforce Existing Laws!” Obama(THHO) is going to demand that high capacity magazines and “assault style” weapons be declared illegal.

I’ll let you in on a secret or two – true gun control only happens when you can hit your target. True gun control is keeping YOUR OWN gun out of the hands of those who would use it for criminal purposes (are you listening, Eric “Fast and Furious” Holder?). Gun control is when the rules are followed by everyone.

And therein lies the issue. Not everyone follows the rules, even the ones they declare should be made. Dianne Feinstien D (umb, CA) treats an AR-15 style weapon like a firehose in a room full of people – loaded or not, you DO NOT POINT A GUN AT ANYTHING YOU ARE NOT WILLING TO DESTROY. Especially with your finger on the trigger, you old bat. This, from Dianne “You can’t have weapons, only my bodyguards and I can have weapons” Feinstein.

Criminals don’t follow the rules. That’s why they are called criminals – because they break or don’t follow the rules. More rules about gun ownership is not going to suddenly make them law-abiding citizens. Taking away the ability of law-abiding citizens to protect themselves only emboldens and even allies the criminals with the politicians. Or the other way around – sometimes it’s hard to tell who is on which side.

Keep this in mind – if Obama(THHO) is allowed to sidestep the Second Amendment with an executive order, then what makes you think he will stop there? What happens when Obama(THHO) sidesteps the First Amendment? we won’t be able to stop him, because we will no longer be an armed society.

Stay ready, keep your powder dry, Molon Labe, Deo Vindice!

Chat ya later…


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