The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

Had Enough Yet?

January 31st, 2015 . by Cary

I’m going to borrow an idea that I saw this morning over on Chicks On The Right and ask you if you have ever really looked at your pay stub. Not just checking it for how much you get this pay period, and how much vacation you have saved up, but really looked at some of the numbers below the Amount Earned section.

The next time you get a pay check, stop and look. What if, instead of the withholding being done automatically, you had to write out a check to the government every time you got paid? What if tax day was every two weeks, instead of once a year? (or quarterly, if you are one of those evil rich people with your own business)

Would the amount of money you would be sending to the government every two weeks be enough to get your attention? Would the amount of money that Obama(THHO) and his cronies are spending every two weeks out of YOUR POCKET make you stop and say “Hmmm”?

What do you think you could do with the amount the government is mandating that you owe them? How much better could you be saving for retirement? How much more good could you be doing for those less fortunate? How much would the stress level about affording college for your children go down? Would you still be driving that 17 year old car that, while it’s paid off, still demands a lot of money in the form of repairs and upkeep? (full disclosure: I drive a 17 year old car, and it demands a lot of money every month in the form of repairs and upkeep)

There have been rumblings about disbanding the IRS and changing over to a flat or fair tax. Both are sound ideas. Personally, I like the idea of a consumer tax – you spend money, you pay a consumption tax. That way, everyone is being taxed proportionally. You have more moeny to spend? You pay more taxes. You don’t have as much to spend? You pay less taxes.

So, here’s your homework for next pay period. In the comments below, please tell me what your feelings are about supporting a government that takes so much from you, and please expound on the level of return you get for that investment.

Chat ya later…


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