The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

News to Use

September 13th, 2008 . by Cary

This coming week (the 15th through the 19th, inclusive) TMBWitW is on vacation.

This may or may not be interesting to you, depending on how my wife’s vacation will affect your life. Since I will be wanting to spend as much time with her as possible, I am canceling the Friday airing of The O Word on Blogtalkradio.

I will also not be on the net, answering e-mail, or anything else.

We are just going to spend the week together, alone, with MEG, and enjoy some family time.

I’ll see you in a week or so. At that point in time, I will be starting a little wood project, and I will take you guys along step by step.

Take care of yourselves, and may God watch over you.

Rare Wednesday Post

August 27th, 2008 . by Cary

I feel like I “owe” my readers some kind of a post, but I’m torn. Do you really want to know the deepest things going on in my mind? My thoughts of “how dare I play God with the life of another”? Second guessing the decision we have made?

Sleeping on the floor next to Logan so he knows how much I love him?

No, I won’t bother you guys with all that. It will come to a peak soon enough.

Friday’s show (to jump subjects, and hope that Saturday morning will never really have to come) should be a good one. The show itself will stretch back out to an hour long. It is my understanding that a certain young Gunny on a certain Rock will stay up late to call in. At least, that’s what he said while I was chatting with him this morning. So – 0700 Mountain Standard Time Friday morning (0700 PDT, 0800 MDT, 0900 CDT, 1000 EDT 2300 Tokyo time) and we’ll have a grand old time.

Hope ya’lls week is going to be more joyous than mine.

Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, listen to The O Word on BlogTalkRadio, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

Where You Been?

August 21st, 2008 . by Cary


Friday, after the show, was spent cleaning the house (with TMBWitW, who took the day off) so when the dogsitter came on Saturday she wouldn’t notice that we have five dogs who shed constantly.

We needed the dogsitter because TMBWitW’s aunt was in Kingman visiting the cousins. We left here at about 0600 to get to Kingman in time for breakfast with our very good friend, her fiancé, and her daughters at the Cracker Barrel. I had the slightest hint of a sinus headache. One of the cousin’s son had spent Friday sick, but that was not revealed to anyone until after we had left, at around 2000.


I woke up Sunday morning with no voice, swollen glands, and post-nasal drip. TMBWitW had a sinus thing going on. MEG sounded like a harbor seal and was running a slight temp. They stayed home while I went to church, although I did not sing and spent most of the service trying not to cough. Should’ve taken a laxative.

Monday – no conscious thoughts from any of us. TMBWitW managed to get hold of her doctor. They called in a prescription for her. With the help of Thera-Flu and Tylenol Cold, I managed to get my symptoms under control. MEG got an appointment for Tuesday morning.

Tuesday – TMBWitW went to work, and got sent home. She worked from home for a while, then went back to bed. MEG’s appointment revealed an ear infection. They called in a prescription. I boosted Tylenol’s stock some more.

Wednesday – TMBWitW works from home on Wednesdays anyway, so no biggie. Although, she didn’t get going until 0800 instead of her normal 0600. Not that I noticed – I slept until 0930. So did MEG.

Today – I spent most of last night keeping TMBWitW awake with my constant coughing and hacking. When she got up to go to work, she told me to call the doctor and get something, or she would muffle me herself. Medicine sure does make her cranky.

I sure hope I have a voice in time for the show tomorrow morning. BlogTalkRadio, The O Word, 0700 Mountain Standard Time (that’s 1000 on the east coast, 0700 on the west coast).

Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, Time, Inc. is a bunch of weasels, listen to The O Word on BlogTalkRadio, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

StartLogic is Crap

July 29th, 2008 . by Cary

Hardly able to post, due to two factors:

1. StartLogic is having a “server issue” – again – but not to worry, their “engineers” are “working to resolve the issue” – again – and will be finished “at the earliest” – again. StartLogic is crap. (did i mention that already?)

2. SciFi channel is having a Eureka Marathon – I know, it’s campy and goofy, but I like the story lines. Oh, and StartLogic is Crap. (i’m certain i’ve mentioned that before)

Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, Time, Inc. is a bunch of weasels, listen to The O Word on BlogTalkRadio, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

Thursday Round Up

July 17th, 2008 . by Cary

WordPress wants me to update to version 2.6. Anyone out there done the update yet? Anything I should look out for?

Kathi and Tony went to Arlington for the first time, and they have a slide show up and running of the pictures that Tony took. Well worth the look-see. Kathi also gives a shout out for the Run for the Fallen, going on now.

Brother Johnny T. Helms expounds on the Archbishop of Canterbury’s insistence that islam be included in an interfaith council on religious tolerance with a link to an article explaining the exact opposite should happen on Our Sovereign Joy.

Akinoluna has an observation about death and leave in the Marine Corps.

Richard’s latest entry is on a mother and juvenile Red-bellied Woodpecker. Beautiful photography. Did I mention that Richard is responsible for some of the header photos on this blog?

GuyK is his usual, Charming self today – slow start, but then he gets up a head of steam…

Over on Blackfive is photographic proof of troops purposely mimicking the locals in Iraq. Scandalous, I say!

Samantha (aka Hana Matsushita) continues her love letter to/about/for the 24th MEU in Afghanistan.

The Rogue has a few straight-talking words about Jamie Gorelick. (Don’t know the name? Do a little digging, and find out why Rogue believes she ought to be sitting in the cell next to the Enron folks…) Also check out his essay on Naval ships named after Commanders in Chief

Texas Fred is his usual fun-loving, rose-colored glasses self today. His entry on raising award-winning pansies is excellent. (just kidding, Fred – don’t change a thing!)

A new addition to my blogroll, Andrew Tallman, is a local radio show host. His show is on 1360 KPXQ in Phoenix, Arizona from 5 to 7 pm daily.

Over on The Old Right Daily is Regular Ron’s viewpoint on the World Court’s declaration that the US should delay the execution of five Mexican nationals held in a Texas Jail. Good reading.

The cookie crumb express has information and a link regarding this year’s Milblogging Conference in Las Vegas.

Oddly enough, over on Take a Stand Against Liberals, Jenn points out the hypocrisy and goofiness of the left. Go figure.

SoCalOilMan’s company is being purchased. Will he have a job? Will he be moving soon? If he moves, will he tell his wife, who is in Montana for three months? Stay tuned…

Today we have BZ’s take on the economy. Be sure to scroll down and check out some pictures he found through his exhaustive research…

Gawfer has a few points on this season’s campaign.

Doug has news about the talks in Israel over on Political Pistachio.

Old Soldier’s latest entry is all wet.

Ablur points to an article that shows that all this cleaning up of the pollution and being green has actually lead to a warming trend… on Some Things Just Need To Be Said.

Third Wave Dave has a video posted that answers the question “How did we get to this point?” Good commentary by Judge Napolitano on how the government is breaking it’s own laws with the “not a bailout” of Fannie and Freddie.

Improv Everywhere pulled off a mirror stunt. Only in New York.

I couldn’t access American and Proud of It – I hope that’s not because of WordPress 2.6!

Greybeard has some “recycling” news on Pitchpull.

Amboy Times has news from the Philippines in regards to how appeasement is working out for them. Don’t forget to scroll down a bit so you can be pointed to Blogrolling. I do apologize if you didn’t get mentioned.

A quick side note – my bass guitar developed a nasty little buzz last night, just before service. I need to figure out what went wrong before I can use it again. Meantime, I used the church’s bass. I wasn’t entirely unfamiliar with it, as I started out on that one, but still…

Thank you for stopping by, In God We Trust, God bless you all, Time, Inc. is a bunch of weasels, listen to The O Word on BlogTalkRadio, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

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