The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

Thanksgiving 2014

November 27th, 2014 . by Cary

I would like to wish my family and friends a very Happy Thanksgiving. I don’t have any flashy graphics (but I know who does, and he would probably let me use them if I asked), I don’t have an eloquent and deeply moving set of words to post here for all to see and admire (although, again, I know who does, and they would probably help me write and polish and rewrite until it was perfect), and I don’t have time to go through and name each person that means something – anything – to me (but if you start with my wife, The Most Beautiful Woman in the World, and our daughter MEG, then go to the blog roll in the sidebar, my friends list on that MyFacePlaceBook+ web site, and finally wander through my twitter list …).

But, I do have this – the desire that each one of you who reads this through any of those portals, be found today in the place God wants you to be, with people who mean something to you. DO something today that will make a difference in a life, be it yours or someone else’s. If you haven’t found it yet, find the one thing that will allow you to have an unwavering, unchangeable anchor from which you can test and trust everything you encounter.

May God bless each and every one of you, today and always, with a sense of purpose and commitment; a reason for being here, a goal for your life here on earth; and a sense of accomplishment every time you reach a milestone towards that goal.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving. May this open the holiday season at the end of this year with love. Please be careful, whether you are traveling or receiving travelers, whether you are eating with family or feeding strangers, whether you are observing this day with everyone you love or by yourself.

Happy Thanksgiving 2012

November 21st, 2012 . by Cary

I am thankful that I live in a country where it is still a God-given right to speak freely, worship openly, and gather peacefully.

I am thankful that I live in a country where we still have the right to bear arms in order to protect the rights of the people from the federal government.

And the local government, too.

I am thankful I have a church family that loves me, and that I love – for fellowship, for worship, for prayer, there is nothing like two or three gathered in His name.

I am thankful for the friends I have – the ones I’ve been blessed to meet, the ones I am looking forward to meeting – and especially the ones that have stuck by me through thick and thin.

I am thankful that God has blessed me with a beautiful, loving wife and a precocious daughter. And the patience and wisdom to deal with them both.

I am thankful I have a group of readers who will see this, and think of their blessings and count what they are thankful for.

Have a Happy, safe, and blessed Thanksgiving celebration, ya’ll.

Chat ya later…


Thanks for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, and Wear Red on Fridays!