The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

Like Sand Through An Hourglass

February 14th, 2017 . by Cary

… or the steady drip of water on a stone, eventually all the little things do add up. Sometimes, they add up faster than other times. Lesson learned – stay away from the source of the sand. Or the drips.

Asking for prayer today.

Yes, I will update you later.

Chat ya later…


Thanks for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, and Wear Red on Fridays!

The Angry Man

February 13th, 2017 . by Cary

It’s been a while since I’ve been able to actually write a political post that hasn’t raised my blood pressure and caused me to have very un-Christian thoughts about the administration. Things have changed. I’m still watching, but with more interest and willingness to get involved again.

Fred posted this over at Texas Fred’s and I think you should read it – either to understand how we got Trump, or to understand why we got Trump:

The Angry Man is difficult to stereotype. He comes from all economic backgrounds, from dirt-poor to filthy rich. He represents all geographic areas in America, from sophisticated urbanite to rural redneck, Deep South to Yankee North, Left Coast to Eastern Seaboard.

No, Fred didn’t write it, but he got it from an old friend of his. From where I sit, it’s describing me to a “T”.

Chat ya later…


Thanks for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, and Wear Red on Fridays!

What Did She Say?

October 20th, 2016 . by Cary

The classification system for our military operational and logistical secrets (and, don’t forget Operational Security, or OPSEC) is a very serious matter. Serious enough that the lives of our armed forces depend on it, and serious enough that if you misuse or release classified information, you could end up in jail at the very least. The highest punishment for the release of classified information is a charge of treason. In peacetime (that means when we aren’t at war with anyone) being guilty of treason means a very, very long prison sentence. During wartime (that means when we have combat troops deployed and defending assets with live ammunition) a charge of treason can result in your execution.

It’s kind of a big deal.

Hillary Clinton, while Secretary of State for the United States, made the apparently common and unavoidable mistake of setting up a private e-mail server for her official communications, including classified information in those emails. James Comey, the FBI director, found that in spite of this, former Secretary Hillary Clinton should not be prosecuted for mishandling of classified information, setting the precedent of allowing Democrats to flaunt national security at will.

Having just gone through several hearings, briefings, and being reminded that (C) is not just for cookie, Hillary once again disregarded national security and broadcast top secret information in the clear on global television during the October 19, 2016 Presidential Debates. Either she is purposely releasing classified information in the clear, in which case she is unfit for the Presidency, or she is so blind to what security actually entails that she is unfit for the Presidency.

Oh, you need proof?

Skip ahead to the 6:30 mark and listen from there.

Trump 2016 – He Doesn’t Share Secrets

Chat ya later…


Thanks for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, and Wear Red on Fridays!

Uhmmm …

September 28th, 2016 . by Cary

Obama(THHO)’s former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is an amazing woman. She shows so much resilience and the ability to recover from horrific medical conditions that I’m convinced she is either an alien or there are a bunch of her in storage, ready to fire up when a previous model fails. I’m not talking about the medical issues that seem to plague this particular android/clone hybrid (apparently the genes aren’t strong enough to fend off signs of neurological disorders, but I digress). I’m talking about her amazing memory.

As most of America wishes to forget, there was a Presidential Debate Monday evening. Well, it was billed as a debate, but I think it was more of a two-on-one dog pile. Mrs. Clinton (aka Monica’s ex-boyfriend’s wife) could spout off details about Donald Trump’s business history, personal history, and financial history that astounded the “moderator” and wowed her salivating lap dogs the media. It kind of amazed me, too, since she:

Claimed she couldn’t recall more than thirty six times during an FBI interview;

Could not recall the briefings she received when leaving her post as Secretary of State (but it’s OK, because it’s due to her health issues, and we don’t discuss that for fear of being “cancelled”);

Could not recall if she had ever lied to the American people;

and cannot recall how many times she has fainted.

But she wants to be your next President. She remembers that much.

There’s more, but I don’t want to overwhelm you.

Chat ya later…


Thanks for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, and Wear Red on Fridays!

Man Plans, God Laughs

July 22nd, 2016 . by Cary

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I meant well. I do plan to sell the bike. I do plan to stop riding, so my wife does not worry about me.

On the way home Wednesday afternoon, I was changing lanes on the freeway (turn signal, mirror check, shoulder check) and half way into the lane I got knocked back into the lane I was leaving. Sideswiped, hard, by a lady coming from the lane further out. Running damage down the drivers side of my car, and my side view mirror (the one I had just checked – ah, good times …) was destroyed. We pulled over, exchanged insurance and registration information, and went along our way. I very carefully made sure to stay in the far right lane all the way to the exit, and then stayed in the left lane all the way to the house. No mirror to check, you know. But I can guarantee that my shoulder checks were often and thorough. My insurance adjuster still gave me an earful when she found out the mirror was gone and I had still driven it home. I was told in no uncertain terms that the car was not to be moved under it’s own power until the mirror was replaced.

Our auto insurance covers the cost of a rental car. I was OK with it at first, my beautiful bride was not. I offered to let her drive the rental, but even that didn’t help. We turned it back in yesterday.

That left only one option: the motorcycle.

While my bride reluctantly agreed, and I know my knee cannot take another hit like it did in May, I certainly enjoyed the ride in to work this morning.

(full disclosure: my bride had agreed, before the sideswipe happened, to allow me to make one last Patriot Guard ride, to escort the National Riders from Winslow to Kingman on Saturday morning)

So, while I had planned to park it, circumstances changed that. I’m not saying it’s God’s will for me to ride, but …


Chat ya later…

cary friday

Thanks for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, and Wear Red on Fridays!

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