The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

When Mayors Attack

March 24th, 2011 . by Cary

You might remember my conversation with a certain Texas Mayor (who, by the way, never did answer the question) that got his knickers in a twist. Seems Texas is having an outbreak of some type, what with the Mayor of Rowlett, Texas getting his knickers in a twist when he was called on a procedural issue that led to a nasty little public face off. Head over there to Fred’s place and read all about it. I’m not going to get directly involved in this one, but I would like to ask all you voters out there to do at least as much research on your own local politicos as needed, before just rubber-stamping them back into office.

Remember, political office was envisioned as a duty to be shared by all, not a career path to be taken by a few.

In other news – the City of Phoenix is experiencing more fiscal overages, as their recent citing of my Pastor for having a Bible study at his house attests. No, not the original citing two or three years ago – this is a fresh, brand new one. Won’t the city be surprised to find out that they are going to be sued in Federal Court for violating the First Amendment rights of a private citizen? I’ll bet they suddenly plead fiscal inability to defend themselves, what with the rotten economy right now, in spite of being able to pursue a vendetta against a private citizen …

Chat ya later…


Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, don’t buy or breed cats or dogs while homeless pets die (spay, neuter & adopt a pet, one by one, until there are none), Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

First Friday of a New Year

January 1st, 2010 . by Cary

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Well, it didn’t take very long for yesterday’s e-mail to Mayor Richard Ward to bring out hizzoner’s best: (please note that I’ve altered the e-mail addresses for anti-spam reasons)

from Richard Ward (ward.richardATcharterDOTnet)
to Cary Cartter (carycartterATgmailDOTcom)
date Fri, Jan 1, 2010 at 07:58
subject Re: MAIG – again!

hide details 07:58 (2 hours ago)

Damn, Cary, you made me kinda sorry I named my son after you. (the Cary part)

You ask me what we have accomplished. I think my personal big accomplishment has been to make many folks better understand what my goals are. Simply stated that is to make Hurst a safer place to live.

Also, MAIG is now up to about 550 members even though the NRA scared about 50 away. It is a very long and hard battle to get things moving with the Washington crowd. That is a far cry from the four million (if that is a true figure) members of the NRA. But…we have certainly not introduced nor tried to introduce any legislation that would prevent you being able to buy any gun that you need to buy to serve you on a daily or lifetime basis.

I wish you would take the time to ask the NRA to send you a financial statement and the number of members they have. I promise you will never get it. This is the most secretive bunch you will ever encounter. MAIG list all of their members regularly and invites your questions.

So… I am going to sign off one more time with my best wishes to you and yours for a great 2010.

Richard Ward

That’s quite the claim – making Hurst a safer place to live. Almost like the appearance of MAIG has magically rendered Hurst, Texas immune to the problems of the rest of the world. Wait, there’s more:

from Richard Ward (ward.richardATcharterDOTnet)
to Cary Cartter (carycartterATgmailDOTcom)
date Fri, Jan 1, 2010 at 07:59
subject Re: MAIG – again!

hide details 07:59 (2 hours ago)

By the way, am I the two bit Mayor you are talking about? 🙂

… and isn’t he so cute and clueless? Wait wait wait – one more, and then my reply, OK?

from Richard Ward (ward.richardATcharterDOTnet)
to Cary Cartter (carycartterATgmailDOTcom)
date Fri, Jan 1, 2010 at 08:01
subject Re: MAIG – again!

hide details 08:01 (2 hours ago)

And one more thing, where do you live? I know it is not Hurst. See, another secret.

Show of hands, please – how many of you have heard me refer to my home as Glendale, Arizona? Thank you. My reply:

from Cary Cartter (carycartterATgmailDOTcom)
to Richard Ward (ward.richardATcharterDOTnet)
date Fri, Jan 1, 2010 at 10:51
subject Re: MAIG – again!

hide details 10:51 (6 minutes ago)

Why are you sorry you named your son Cary? Does he have the same habit of asking you questions you won’t answer?

I don’t give a rip about the NRA – believe it or not, I don’t belong to that organization. My question to you is, and remains, WHY DOES MAIG EXIST?

Mayors Against Illegal Guns. Are there folks out there on the legal side of the coin who are FOR illegal guns? That would be news to me.

How has MAIG made Hurst, Texas a safer place to live? Has it REMOVED guns from criminals hands? Nope – because criminals don’t answer pesky questionnaires and reply to official inquiries, and they certainly don’t let people tell them not to break the law. They are criminals, after all.

Thank you for the best wishes. I would like to extend the same to you and yours.

Yes, you are the two-bit mayor I referred to.

While where I live remains inconsequential to this conversation, I make no secret of where I live; I mention Glendale, Arizona quite often while blogging and on on my internet radio show.

Still waiting to find out why you belong to an illogical organization.

Cary Cartter

Let’s recap. shall we? Mayor Ward of Hurst Texas (the only mayor in Texas to join Mayors Against Illegal Guns) feels that he has made Hurst, Texas safer by simply joining an organization that is not logically needed – that is, a group of Law Enforcement Officials who are AGAINST criminals OWNING GUNS. This, in spite of the fact that there are numerous laws on the books in every state making it a crime to own a firearm obtained through other than legal means. However, these same mayors do not feel it is necessary to form an organization against illegal immigrants, or illegal prostitutes, or illegal left turns – all crimes, by their very nature, yet still not “sexy” enough to warrant vote-gathering headlines when they are railed against. By golly, claim you are against “illegal guns” and that makes headlines, doesn’t it? Because guns, by themselves, have committed so MANY crimes in recent years…

Be sure to tune in tonight for more fun and end-of-week-yet-first-of-the-year hilarity and friendship on The “O” Word at 2200 MST, coming to you live from Glendale, Arizona. But don’t tell anyone where I live – it’s a secret!

Chat ya later…

cary friday

Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, don’t buy or breed cats or dogs while homeless pets die (spay, neuter & adopt a pet, one by one, until there are none), Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

Friday – Red, NRA, Mayors

October 9th, 2009 . by Cary

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Almost forgot my posting today!

I am wearing red, in case you were wondering. I’ve also managed to file today’s show for “The O Word”, ran a few chats with several friends and family members, went to lunch with TMBWitW and a co-worker who’s last day is today, installed a hitch on the church van, and now I’m sitting down to catch my breath. On the show this morning, I discussed Hurst, Texas’ Mayor, Richard Ward and his membership in Mayors Against Illegal Guns. Now, I see an update to the story is due.

Top bring you up to speed, read the following items (listed in order of their appearance):

450 Mayors Petition Obama To Adopt Broad Gun Reform

When (IDIOT) Mayors Attack

When (IDIOT) Mayors Attack – Part II

Hurst mayor’s gun stance raises ire of NRA (Star-Telegram)

Hurst mayor’s gun stance raises ire of NRA (Texas Fred’s)

I’m still waiting for the Mayor to reply to my questions.

from Cary Cartter
date Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 10:03
subject MAIG

Dear Mayor Ward:

As a long time reader of Texas Fred, I have watched (and participated) as Fred first opens a conversation with someone and then ends up defending himself from unfounded personal attacks. Time after time, the person making the personal attacks on Fred ends up looking quite the fool, as his readership is pretty wide spread, diverse, and usually very supportive of Fred’s position.

It is my understanding that when Fred asked you why you were supporting the Mayors Against Illegal Guns movement, your reply was a personal attack on Fred, his appearance, and even slanders and slurs against his background, his family, and his readers. I take offense at your unfounded attack.

I ask you, Mayor Ward, why you would belong to a group that, on the surface, would appear to be unnecessary. The only group of people I can think of that would be in SUPPORT of illegal guns would be criminals themselves. Perhaps, instead of increasing the level of legislation and adding more rules and regulations to an industry that is already heavily regulated, the politicians and law makers should encourage the law enforcement branches of the various levels of government to enforce the rules and regulations already in effect. Perhaps those in charge of enforcing laws (which, in most cases, includes the mayor) should be concentrating on detaining, prosecuting, and incarcerating those most likely to be involved with illegal weapons – that is, the criminal element present in each and every town in the US. Once the criminals figure out that they are going to be held accountable for their actions, their criminal actions will stop, one way or the other.

Personally attacking someone who asks you to explain your stance is not a very wise action, sir. Especially not for a politician. Claiming that the person asking you the question is only motivated by a third party is disingenuous at best. Assuming that Fred is incapable or unwilling to research items of interest before asking those involved why they are involved.

At the very least, I believe that you owe Texas Fred, his family, his readers, and his associates an intense, public, heartfelt, sincere and contrite apology for the juvenile response to his question.


Cary Cartter
In GOD We Trust

from Richard Ward
to Cary Cartter
date Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 14:42
subject Re: MAIG

Where are you from, Gary?


Mayor Ward:

Where I am from is not germane to this conversation; however, suffice it to say that I am a very proud American citizen and a veteran of the United States Marine Corps.

Your inability to give a straight answer is troubling.

And my name is Cary, not Gary.

One more time, Mayor Ward – why do you feel it is necessary to belong to an organization that is illogical in it’s foundation? If you feel it is not illogical, please tell me how many people YOU know who are FOR illegal guns.

Thank you.

Cary Cartter
In GOD We Trust

Cary, (my son’s name, I cannot believe I missed that.) Perhaps the attachment will help, but why do I think you will just try to find every little thing wrong with it that you can and not read it with an open mind?????
1AAMAIG Information.doc
95K View as HTML Open as a Google document Download

I didn’t get a chance to fully read the document, or start framing a reply, when this appeared in my in box:

You see, Cary, you read what you want to. And…old Fred did not attach all that was said. He started this fight by referring to me as an idiot mayor in his very first sentence, then went on to call me a disgrace. As a marine,for whom I have the greatest respect, I am disappointed in you.


He got that a little backwards, and one little lesson in logical reasoning will show that. Remember the links above? The second link, titled “When (IDIOT) Mayors Attack”, included the email written by Fred to Mayor Ward. How could Fred include an email not yet written in a post time stamped AFTER the email was sent? Yet, the Mayor insists that Fred referred to him as an idiot “in the first sentence” and then “went on to call [Mayor Ward] a disgrace.” Seems to me Fred called him a disgrace first, THEN referred to him as an idiot, but maybe that’s splitting hairs. However, this shows that a certain elderly mayor may not be in full control of his faculties.

Mayor Ward:

Thank you for sending me the 1AAMAIG Information document. I did read the entire document, and still have to wonder, why MAIG feels it needs to exist? I know that the document outlines what MAIG plans to do, what it supports, and what it is NOT about. I still want to know WHY MAIG needs to exist?

You said: “I have had contact with many of the Mayors in the group and I have yet to hear one of them even mention the word anti-gun.”

Well, no, they wouldn’t out right indicate that they are anti-gun. But when I read sentences like “That is why we have focused our efforts on helping law enforcement gain greater access to federal data on the origins of guns used in crimes … ” the anti-gun thought is the first thing that pops into my mind. Why? Because, unlike law-abiding citizens, criminals don’t fill out paperwork and wait for a background check before obtaining a firearm. Usually, they obtain the firearm through theft from a legal gun owner. “Greater access to federal data on the origins of guns” smacks of tracking and tracing ALL guns, ALL the time. Yes, even the old shotguns you have in the closet. Hmmm – a federal database of who owns what weapons… now, where have I heard of that before? Anyone? 1930s Germany? Naw – that couldn’t happen here.

“I joined this group so that I could be a part of the group that does something about illegal guns and guns in the hands of criminals.”

You are already a part of a group (Law Enforcement Officers) that does something about illegal guns and guns in the hands of criminals – or at least, that group is SUPPOSED to be doing something about them – that is, enforcing the laws already on the books, and making the lives of ordinary, law-abiding citizens safer in the process.

And the best part of your paper – the Statement of Principles that “… every mayor … signed … “. Good golly, does this mean that all of the mayors who signed the Statement are actually agreeing to do their jobs they were elected to do? For crying out loud, what the heck were all the mayors doing BEFORE they signed the Statement? Ignoring part of their job duties?

Back to my original question, slightly re-worded, Mayor Ward: Why do you feel that belonging to a group that has no LOGICAL reason for existing (who is FOR illegal guns? isn’t this organization just a duplication of effort for what the member should already be doing?) is necessary?

Thank you.

Cary Cartter
In GOD We Trust

Since he sent two in a row, I replied separately to the second one:

Thank you for the respect you hold for members of the Armed Forces. May I say to you, a sincere Thank You for your service during the Korean Conflict. My father was a Marine in the same time frame.

I am surprised Fred called you an idiot in the first sentence. He usually waits until you give him reason to call you an idiot before you catch that side of him. Do you have a copy of his e-mail, where he calls you an idiot in the first sentence? I would like to see that, as I will hold him accountable for that. You see, he has stated that his first sentence to you was:

“How does it feel to be the ONLY Mayor in the entire state of Texas to sign on to this veiled attempt at a libber gun grab?”

And, the second sentence was conveyed as being:

“I sincerely hope your constituents take you to the wood shed in your next election.”

It was in the third, and final sentence, according to Fred, that he said:

“You are a disgrace!”

He says he closed his e-mail to your official e-mail with a link to the article referring to “450 Mayors Petition Obama”.

If I may say, he seems to have lost his edge a bit. Only three sentences, and not a slander among them. A question, incorporating his opinion of the group you belong to, a sincere hope for your political future, and his opinion of your actions. Certainly nothing there warranting a personal attack on him, his family, or his readers.


Cary Cartter
In GOD We Trust

Cary, You ask for the quote where Fred called me an idiot. This is what started it all.It is at the bottom. And do not forget to notice where he called me a disgrace. I think we are probably even in the name calling.

And Cary, Please don’t give me the company line that he was just speaking in general. When he used the plural, he was also calling me an idiot. But, some how I think he might have been right. I should never have allowed myself to react in the manner I did, but I have been beat up to the extent that it was time to fight back. My calling Fred Dumb and Ugly was just totally inappropriate. I would happily apologize, but I believe he would use it to re-open the door.

I will try my best to get to the rest of your questions by the end of the week.

And for what it is worth, the letters in support of my stand have far outnumbered the negative letters from the Texas Fred Group.

My best to you.


When (IDIOT) Mayors Attack

Today I ran a story about the 450 Mayors that are members of MAIG, Mayors Against Illegal Guns. 450 Mayors Petition Obama To Adopt Broad Gun Reform.

I found out that we only have 1 Mayor in the entire state of Texas that stood for this thinly veiled libber attempt at gun grabbing. Yes, they say ILLEGAL guns, but that is NOT what they mean. Their true intent is ALL guns, and as such, and being the gun guy I am, I sent an email to the City of Hurst Texas, directed to their Mayor, Richard Ward.

from: TexasFred
date: Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 10:36 AM
subject: To the Office of The Mayor
mailed – by
hide details 10:36 AM (0 minutes ago)

How does it feel to be the ONLY Mayor in the entire state of Texas to sign on to this veiled attempt at a libber gun grab? I sincerely hope your constituents take you to the wood shed in your next election. You are a disgrace!

450 Mayors Petition Obama To Adopt Broad Gun Reform

Guns don’t kill people
People KILL People

I see – so when he posted the item on his blog, AFTER he e-mailed you, is when you were referred to (or assumed you were referred to) as an idiot. The e-mail itself is not where he called you an idiot, contrary to what you said in an earlier e-mail.

Glad that got cleared up.

I don’t know if an apology to Fred would “open things back up” but I know for a fact that if you were to e-mail him and apologize, admitting that your actions were not in character for you, I can guarantee he would accept your apology like a man and move on from there. I can’t guarantee that you would no longer be in his sights for being on MAIG (which, even though I disagree with you about the whole direction and all, it is still your perogative to belong to that group) but he would accept your apology.

I look forward to reading your responses. I certainly understand that you have more correspondence in favor of your membership as opposed to those who have written from the “Texas Fred” group, I wouldn’t be surprised if that changed over time.

Again, however, it is your decision, and whether I agree or not will have no direct bearing on your career, since I am in Glendale, Arizona. I am, however, very concerned about any move against the Second Amendment, no matter how it is couched, and will do what I can to help target those who may not be fully aware of the ramifications of groups similar to MAIG who use overt measures to support covert movements (not that MAIG has proven itself to be doing as such, yet).

Thank you for your time, and again, I look forward to your responses.

Cary Cartter
In GOD We Trust

So – faced with truth and facts, it seems this liberal posing as a conservative gun owner decided that he could not “convert” me, so he “signed off” – that is, I have been dismissed:

Cary, I just do not understand your first sentence below. So…, here goes my attempt; Fred sent his “When Idiot Mayors Attack” heading, it was sent on October 6 at 10:36 am. That was the first time I had ever heard or read anything about him. He also calls me stupid on October 6th in the article he ran with the “Idiot” heading. I replied on October 6th at 11:23, almost one hour after he called me an idiot and stupid in his attached article. He started this debacle, I did not.

Cary, I had truly thought that you might help us get on the right track and help start catching criminals again, but you just cannot seem to separate the facts.

My best to you and yours and once again, thanks for your service to our country.

Signing off!!!!

Richard Ward

In other words, Cary, you aren’t following my moonbattery thoughts, and I can’t convert you, so don’t wait for any more answers from me!

Gee, Mayor Ward, I wonder who the new mayor of Hurst will be?

Chat ya later…

cary friday

Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, don’t buy or breed cats or dogs while homeless pets die (spay, neuter & adopt a pet, one by one, until there are none), Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!