The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
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SB 1062 and the Great Arizona Misrepresentation

February 27th, 2014 . by Cary

Does the Media have a duty to only report the facts and let the viewer think about the facts and make up their own mind? Well, in theory, that’s the way it’s supposed to work.

Here is the text of the Heading for SB 1062, which was vetoed by Governor Brewer after being passed by the Arizona Legislators:



Please note the lack of any mention of homosexuality.

At this link, you will find the complete text of SB 1062:


Again, please note the lack of any mention of sexual preference.

Back to the Media’s “neutrality” – or, really, lack thereof – if you happen to Google “SB1062” most of the entries that are from Major Media Outlets have the phrase (or variations thereof) “Anti-Gay Measure” attached to the headline. The NFL, NHL, NASCAR, Major League Baseball, Apple, Intel, and a host of other businesses all pressured Brewer to veto the bill, based on nothing more than the pressure from the Homosexual Agenda Pushers. Brewer caved in to the economic threats, based on the Media pushing the Homosexual Agenda and pointing out that the measure was “flagrantly anti-gay”.

Simple research (see the links above) shows that SB1062 was not a new bill, but a clarification of the Free Exercise of Religion statures in Section 41 of the Arizona Revised Statues. Eighteen states have Religious Freedom Restoration Act laws on the books, Arizona being one of them. Arizona legislators wanted to refine the scope of the statue. Members of the Media and the Homosexual Agenda groups wanted to blunt the statue, so they attacked the Senate Bill. Enough fuss was raised, and stink ensued, that Brewer caved in the face of the economic threats and dire predictions of economic devastation. Devastation? When only 3% of the entire US population identify as homosexual, how can that possibly affect a state’s economy? Even if all the gays in the US stayed away from Arizona for a year, there would be no impact. Unfortunately, the quasi-Gay Support groups that used to be known as SPorts Franchises decided to throw in with the Homosexual Agenda, as did large corporations who have been cowed into bowing to the 3%. Instead of businesses, they are now propaganda machines.

I haven’t been following football very closely since about 1984, so I won’t miss that. Hockey – meh. Baseball? Well, I’m going to miss that. And NASCAR. That one hurts. All of these “sports” threatened to withdraw from the state of Arizona if Brewer did not veto the bill. Apple, Intel, and others threatened to withdraw from Arizona if Brewer did not veto the bill.

Politics is passe. The New Power is Economic Blackmail (see: Obamacare).

Chat ya later…


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