The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
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Red Friday and Liberal Commandments

January 25th, 2013 . by Cary

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I actually meant to post this earlier in the week; it seems the week is getting shorter while the days are getting longer. I love being hard at work, and working hard. AND working at something I love.

At any rate, Gary over at dcclothesline wrote this piece, and if you are having trouble understanding the rules that Liberals love to live by and change on a whim, then here’s some help:


There actually appear to be some rules that liberals choose live by, at least for a while anyway. Here are the ten main ones:

1.) The Bible is not absolute. None of the laws in it are carved in stone. Everything in it is subject to reinterpretation. If the information in the Bible is inapplicable to the current need, that information is to be disregarded. If the whole of the Bible is inapplicable to the current time, it needs to be eliminated.

2.) The Law is not absolute. No laws are to be considered as representative of moral archetypes. All laws are subject to reinterpretation. If a law does not meet the current need, that law is to be disregarded. If the whole of that law is inconvenient to current needs, that law needs to be eliminated.

3.) The Constitution is not absolutely inviolable. Nothing in the Constitution was written to last forever. All of the Constitution is subject to reinterpretation. If any part of the Constitution interferes with the current agenda, it is to be circumvented. If the Constitution as a whole limits the agenda of the current time, the Constitution needs to be eliminated.

4.) Truth is not absolute. Truth differs in different times and societies. Nothing is true forever. If the truths of the past are inconvenient, they are thereby proven to be falsehoods. If all the truths of the past are inconvenient, the lessons of the past can be disregarded.

5.) Morality is not absolute. What is considered to be morality depends upon the group and its circumstances. The morality of the group is to be the morality of all. If someone else’s morality is inconvenient, it needs to be vilified. If that morality is found to be a hindrance to the current agenda, it needs to be completely quashed.

6.) Right action is not an absolute idea. What is considered to be right action depends upon what group this activity occurs in. Anyone who does something the group does not like engages in a wrong action. If an action that someone considers to be right offends the group in control, that action is actually a wrong action. Actions that the group in control considers to be wrong are to be punished most severely.

7.) To be in charge is to be correct. What is correct depends upon the mood of the ones in charge. That mood is subject to change, depending on the circumstances of the moment. Anyone who says that the ones in charge are not acting correctly is himself in the wrong. Those who come against the group in word or deed are to be viciously persecuted for it.

8.) There is no absolute sin. The concept of sin is relative. What was considered to be a vice is tomorrow’s virtue. If you do something you do not personally believe is wrong, then you are not sinning. If everyone does it, it never was a sin in the first place.

9.) Oppression is not an absolute construct. It is important to be in charge. If you are in charge, there can be no oppression. If you are not in charge, there will undoubtedly be some who oppress you. If you lose control of all means to power, you are absolutely by definition one of the oppressed.

10.) There is no absolute definition of what is life. There is no definite consensus of or opinion on what constitutes life. Life is an intellectual, legal construct, not a physical reality. If something is inconvenient in your own life, you can disregard its existence, and thus consider it not to be among the living. If something becomes totally inconvenient to your lifestyle, you can eliminate it without any moral compunction.

Do you sense some sort of theme here?

Keep your eyes and ears open at all times, America. You do not want to miss it, when it comes.

Gary W. Harper

Follow the D.C. Clothesline on Facebook

And, of course, if something you are in charge of goes totally south, then scream “WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE?” at the congress members who have the audacity to ask you about it.

Chat ya later…

cary friday

Thanks for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, and Wear Red on Fridays!

Round Up

June 4th, 2009 . by Cary

Sorry. I haven’t really felt all bloggy lately. Kinda depressed, really, being all human and forgetting that God already has everything taken care of. That, and we’re “fostering” a two-year-old retriever mix. To say he has a lot of energy would be like saying the Grand Canyon is a bit of a low spot.

I want to say this about the whole George Tiller thing – any church that accepts an ACTIVE abortionist as a member of it’s leadership (usher) is so far strayed from the Gospel of Jesus Christ that it cannot and should not declare itself to be Christian by any stretch of the imagination.

Have you noticed that the conservative bloggers have a much more varied list of subjects? Methinks that TEH ONE has managed to scatter our attention quite effectively, allowing him to slip the rest of the socialist camel into the tent.

Bushwack has found something that may finally put the fear of dying into the islamic fanatics that Obama says we aren’t at war with – Silver Bullet Gun Oil – made with 13% pig fat.

Over at An Ol’ Broad’s Ramblings we get this quote, among other newsworthy items:

‘Whatever you give a woman, she will make greater. If you give her sperm, she’ll give you a baby. If you give her a house, she’ll give you a home. If you give her groceries, she’ll give you a meal. If you give her a smile, she’ll give you her heart. She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her. So, if you give her any crap, be ready to receive a ton of sh!t.’

Very true.

Bill Smith, editor-in-chief of ARRA News Service asks why the current administration ordered the FBI to back off from an investigation into Black muslim Converts. Good question, Bill. I highly doubt we will get an answer from the prevaricator in chief.

Assoluta Tranquilita marks today as the 20th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre.

Richard is kicking himself for not looking out the window earlier.

Go see what Basti has to say.

BZ lambastes the so-called Leader of the United States for his boot-licking, gratuitous bowing and scraping beofre an unappreciative audience on Bloviating Zeppelin. Read down further for other essays on articles of equal import.

GuyK is as charming as ever.

Do The Right Thing has moved. Make note, and be sure to visit.

AJacksonian has a good read on the Republican party and the Sotomayer nomination on Dumb Looks Still Free.

SoCalOilMan has a few choice words about HOAs that stick their noses where they don’t belong on Evolution Right.

Gateway Pundit shares a conversation he had with conservative icon Phyllis Schlafly.

Gunny John (how long before the name change?) went geocaching a couple times this week, and he shares his adventures on Gunny’s Cache.

Oddly enough, not everyone is a big fan of the Apology Tour ’09 that Obama is intent on stretching out for way too long. Catch some details with Jenn on Take A Stand Against Liberals – formerly Jenn’s Jungle.

He’s new to my list since the last Round Up, but not new to being a conservative. Visit Jo-Joe Politico today!

Last Refuge of a Scoundrel‘s Larry is on Facebook – and wondering why.

More “good news” about Obama’s Cairo speech on Maggie’s Notebook.

Kathi has Wednesday’s Hero posted on Mail Call! Supporting the Troops.

Mary’s World has a review of a book that could give ophiophobiacs pause.

Findalis has the Book of Obama, Chapter 6 posted in all it’s gory. I mean, Glory. Yeah, that’s what I meant.

Read the latest entries in the roll call that shows why Obama will not be able to completely overthrow this country on Oath Keepers.

Old Soldier wants to tell you about a sick woman in Austin, so head over to Old Soldier‘s blog to read it.

Obama’s Misery Index is being tracked on Pitchpull.

Doug seems to have a start of a killer series on Political Pistachio. If you have attended public schools in the last thirty years, it would do you good to go read the first installment.

Ablur has a few words reflecting on Columbine over on Some Things Just Need To Be Said.

Over on Texas Fred’s the issue is the “joke” that Chavez told about being more right-wing than Obama. Heh. Some joke.

The Black Sphere points out that Obama gave something else away from the rightful owners while our attention was being misled – the Month of June was taken away from heterosexual Marriages and given to the LGBT movement.

There is an Obama-Free news area at the BLOG. Thanks for the break, Cube!

Chief Roland posts about former President GHW Bush’s visit to his namesake carrier on Roland’s Blog.

Third Wave Dave has a pointer to a page on the White House’s own web site about the uproar over Barry’s birth certificate – or lack thereof.

For the nineteenth week in a row, TJ gets to say “I Told You So”.

Hammer has a sneak peek at the cover of an all-new magazine … except it is old news to those of us in the conservative, think-for-ourselves camp.

For a representative (and authoritative) view on Apology Tour ’09, please pop over to see Yid With Lid‘s take on this whole mistake.

Chat ya later…


Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, don’t buy or breed cats or dogs while homeless pets die (spay, neuter & adopt a pet, one by one, until there are none), Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!