The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

Actual Radio Exchange

July 21st, 2005 . by Cary

D: “S., there’s a unit of wood under the side roof, do you want to get it or do you want me to bring it in?”

S: “Uhh, yeah, D.”

D: “The answer requires more than just ‘yeah,’ S.”

This kind of stuff makes me laugh quietly as I continue to work…

Anonymous Commenters

July 21st, 2005 . by Cary

I replied to the previous post’s commenter with a rather sarcastic note in my typing. I’m not always sarcastic, but I am very intolerant of incompetent people. I mean, you are hired to do a job, you are trained to do a task, and yet you can’t seem to get it right.

Now, I’m not perfect, but my common sense tells me that if I am not sure how to do something, especially if the outcome may impact my future employment (through reviews or what not), I am going to ask for clarification on a point. And the neat thing is, I am going to do my best to retain that knowledge.

In other words, I make mistakes, but usually only once, and I learn from that mistake and alter my actions in the future.

Why is it that when I apply that same (low, in my opinion) standard to others, I am suddenly being bitter?

And, if you are going to comment, leave your name. I know it gives you the option of remaining anonymous, but I prefer to know who I am talking to. Or remarking to. Or replying to.

So, Anonymous #1, that’s why these first few posts have been kind of snarky. Because you have been shown how to do your job, so do it. Quickly, efficiently, and to the best of your ability. Take some pride in your work. Be able to show off and say “That is something I have accomplished on my own.”

Princess Update

July 21st, 2005 . by Cary

Remember Princess, who needed a castle?

She caused some damage on her sisters this past weekend. She has spent most of the time since Friday in her kennel, allowed out only on a leash and only when all others are not in the immediate vicinity. Kinda like lockdown.

Tuesday evening, through a pet adoption clearing house (I will post that info when I get it) we went to meet Mr. K and his boxer. The boxer wanted nothing to do with Princess, effectively ignoring her. Princess wanted prime rib of boxer. In the process, Princess pulled so hard and scrabbled so much on the sidewalk that she wore her nails down to the quick and tore pads on three of her feet. Stubborn. Like me.

Wednesday evening, we went to meet J and A and their two sons. Love at first sight. Princess will be the only dog in the house, sharing the animal duties with two cats. She gets along OK with cats, it’s the other dogs that she doesn’t really tolerate.

The Most Beautiful Woman in the World is very sad, with Princess moving out. She also wonders why it doesn’t outwardly affect me. It affects me, and I am internalizing it, but I am thinking that this beats the tar out of the alternative – having to put Princess down. She has a home, people who will love her, and a place to “rule.” That doesn’t change how TMBWitW feels, and I understand that. The bottom line is, it wasn’t fair to Princess or the other dogs with the situation where it was. Treating her like a convict was lowering her quality of life, and the other dogs were in constant fear (induced by us, probably, because we didn’t want a repeat) of being in a fight with their sister.

Being the parents of Furkids isn’t easy.

Logan Update

July 21st, 2005 . by Cary

Logan, the cutie little guy, is not permanently crippled for life. Whew! Turns out he fell victim to a little known disease, sisterus rambunctious. We think Princess pushed him off the sofa and he landed wrong, bruising his spine, and causing swelling which shut off motor control. A little medicine, a little rest, and now, a week after the diagnosis, he’s relearning to walk, but not running yet. Baby steps, baby steps…

He gets tired after a bit and sits down. It’s very cute.

Well, duh – part 2

July 19th, 2005 . by Cary

Hey – pick up window dude! If you are going to hand me a drink that has half the contents dripping down the outside, at least give me some napkins to wipe it off, don’t make me ask. Better yet, pay attention to what you are doing and wipe it off before you hand it to me!

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