The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

Still Think It’s "Peaceful"?

March 30th, 2006 . by Cary

On the campus of a Whittier, CA high school, some “peaceful demonstrators” pulled this stunt.

As a veteran, I don’t know whether to cry or start rounding up my friends. We’ll take care of this if the government doesn’t. We’re still under oath.

This is in direct violation of the US Flag Code. The only time another country’s flag is flown above your own is when that country has invaded or declared that your country is subject to their rule.

I’m throwing the BS flag at that one, right now.

Lawmakers, peace officers, leaders, you better do something in the legal arena before I get upset enough to take matters into my own hands.

MainStreamMedia, when I start taking up arms against this invading force, will you portray me as a “Freedom Fighter” or as a “Terrorist”?

For another view, read Ogre’s post.


Survey Says…

March 29th, 2006 . by Cary

Go here. Now.

Let the morons on the hill know how you feel.

We Are Being Invaded

March 29th, 2006 . by Cary

Driving home from work yesterday afternoon, with all the “protestors” out driving around in their cars (with Arizona plates on them – if they aren’t citizens, how are they registering their cars?) waving the flag of a foreign country, I couldn’t help but feel that we are, in fact, under attack. We are being invaded, and it’s been going on insidiously for some time now.

In the interest of supporting the oath I took many years ago, I would like to invite all of the illegal immigrants in this country to go home now. Go back to your country of origin now or be considered a hostile force intent on vanquishing this country. As a hostile force intent on vanquishing this country, you are now a free-ranging target. Please don’t act surprised, shocked, or indignant when you feel the buckshot enter your leg. Also, don’t bother suing – you don’t have any rights, since you are not a citizen.

Don’t get me wrong – I support legal, lawful immigration.

If you are in this country illegally, go home and try again through a port of entry. We have quotas for the number of immigrants from each country that are allowed in each year. This is to avoid being overrun by any one ethnic group. The fact that there are millions of illegal immigrants in the country tells me two things – the quotas work (and should be adhered to), and the illegal immigrants are breaking the law.

Flying the flag of your country of origin and claiming a love and allegience to the US is contradictory. You are confused, now go home.

Your employer gave you paid time off to participate in the march? What’s your employer’s name? If you are in the country illegally, your employer is breaking the law also, and he is helping the invasion along by supporting the invaders. That’s treason.


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Amnesty Marches

March 28th, 2006 . by Cary

This is a full-on crock.

In case you have been hiding under a rock, several thousands of illegal immigrants and their “supporters” have been marching on cities across the nation, to show their support for the Kennedy-McCain fiasco. Most of these marches have been given, by the city they were held in, police protection or escort.

Hello? What part of “illegal” do you all not understand? If the immigrant went around a legal entry point, and is living/working/mooching here, then they are breaking the law. Arrest their sorry butts and ship them back to their country of origin, don’t provide police escorts for their demonstrations!

Now, the bill itself – after a certain number of years working in the US, the illegal immigrant only needs to pay a fine, prove English competency, and they will receive their citizenship papers. Can we apply this to other crimes? Steal a car, drive it for a while, pay a fine, and prove you can maintain it according to the owner’s manual, and it’s yours. Squat in a newly built home for a while, pay a fine, recite the address, and the house is yours.

Oh, but that”s different, you say? So, your citizenship in this country is not a precious and valued possesion? Giving it away to anyone who can avoid the law for a set amount of time is acceptable?

Not in the country I fought for. Not in the country I grew up in. Not while I can still breathe, and protest the treatment of the LEGAL immigrants, and the CURRENT, LEGAL citizens.

McCain used to be one of my choices for a longer political life. Not anymore. I will vote against him every chance I get. Kennedy was never a holder of my respect, since I abhor those who abdicate responsibility for their actions (driving off a bridge and leaving his date to drown, while he sat and pondered how this event would affect his political aspirations), so his fate is best left to those with more feeling for him.

My family used to be Democrats. They all used to vote straight ticket. A couple of generations ago, we started looking at the whole candidate, and began to vote mostly Republican. Now, I am looking very strongly at Independant candidates. Whatever happened to politicians who actually cared about THIS country? What happened to watching out for the people who elected you? Now, the politicos are all trying to woo the “Latino” vote – here’s a clue – if they aren’t CITIZENS, they shouldn’t be VOTING!


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Buy A Shredder

March 23rd, 2006 . by Cary

Don’t want to? Check this out. Now, do you want to?

Kind of scary that financial institutions have such a cavalier attitude about their credit cards.

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