The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

My Memory is Getting Bad

June 14th, 2006 . by Cary

It seems to me that there is something special about today, besides it being Flag Day (is yours up? I meant your flag, ya weirdo!). Seems to me a branch of the service was founded today…

Oh, yeah! Happy 231st, Army!

Note: I am a Marine. Cut me, I bleed Gold and Scarlet. My older brother served in the Army, as did his wife (where they met, oddly enough) and I have no ill will towards them. Heck, they’re the only ones I talk to in the family, on a regular basis. I am only posting this because without all the members of the military family doing their jobs, the military of the United States would not be as formidable as they are. This is merely an acknowledgement of another branch of the service; I am not going all mushy and rooting for the Army, so don’t think that.

Carry on, and God Bless.

Please see previous disclaimer(s) for blessings. My legalese department is shut down for maintenance.


June 12th, 2006 . by Cary

More information is coming out about the Haditha incident – less like My Lai, and more like “followed procedures, with collateral damage” – and, as I have said before, let’s wait until all the facts are in and the investigation is complete before putting these members of our military on trial.

The Most Beautiful Woman in the World (TMBWitW), to whom I am blessed to be married, is pregnant. The child will be referred to as The Most Beautiful Child in the World (TMBCitW) until it is born, or until we see the ultrasound with identifying characteristics. The first ultrasound revealed that it is not a liberal, as the backbone was clearly visible and developing.

Sunday morning, during a fit of domestication, I tried to take the alarm box (located in the master closet, behind the door) off the wall. With the side of my head. For whatever reason, this caused TMBWitW to panic and call her Momma, who promptly tried to convince her to either call 911 or get me to an emergency facility. At least, that’s what I think happened, as I don’t remember anything between turning to vacuum behind the door with the crevice tool and opening my eyes to hear my poor wife sobbing because I haven’t been responding to her for the last several minutes. It’s all good, the doctor gave me a clean bill of health, and told us to watch for several warning signs, blah blah blah, nausea, stiff neck, worsening headache, blah blah blah. Why, yes, yes I am very stubborn. Thank you for noticing.

How was your weekend?

God bless you all, and Paul, please feel free to use this disclaimer:

Legal Disclaimer: The aforementioned “blessing,” while given freely, is in no manner warrented, guaranteed, or contracted to actually deliver a blessing, real or imagined, unless the blessee wishes to receive said blessing in the manner in which it was given; i.e., with the love and grace of God, in the Chrisitan belief system, with no expection of reciprocation.

Anonymous, This Means You! part 2

June 8th, 2006 . by Cary

I allow anonymous comments, in case someone without a Blogger account finds a moment to leave a comment. Unfortunately, some anonymous commenters use this opportunity to leave links to spam boards, with misleading titles and spoofed addresses.

I have started to delete these comments and leave the corpse behind, instead of deleting forever. I will never delete a comment that has an actual real person attached to it, if that comment is on thread for the post it is attached to, or the comment stream left before it.

Of course, this assumes that I continue to get more than one or two readers a day. I know that I have picked up a few regulars, for which I am eternally grateful, but I don’t want and will continue to discourage regular spammers.

Carry on, and God bless you all, whether you want to be blessed or not.

Legal disclaimer: This blessing is given out freely, with no obligation on the blessor to guarantee the blessing, or on the blessee to receive the blessing. If you can’t take some free love of God, or if you have no sense of humor, or if you are a Liberal (but we repeat ourselves), then go away. You aren’t any fun to have around.

Remembering D-Day

June 6th, 2006 . by Cary

Today in History, 1944:

Allied Forces stormed ashore at Normandy, creating a turning point in World War II. German forces were forced to retreat, and the U.S. and her allies liberated France and the rest of the European Continent.

Find a WWII vet today, and thank him (or her) for his (or her) service.

Semper Fi, and God bless you all.

Twofer Post

June 1st, 2006 . by Cary

Item the first:

Thomas Autry, former Marine, fought off four would-be attackers, one armed with a shotgun and another armed with a pistol, using only his pocketknife. One attacker, who was stabbed when she jumped on his back, died later. The shotgun was kicked out of the would-be attacker’s hands by Mr. Autry. Mr. Autry was walking home from his late shift at a restaurant in Atlanta, Georgia when he was accosted by three men and the female. The police, in an unexplained fit of common sense, are not charging Mr. Autry with any crime whatsoever. Lesson: Do not mess with the Marines. Ever.

Item the second:

Scientists have determined that the Arctic experienced an average year-round temperature of 74 degrees (F) in pre-historic times. They claim this bolsters their position of global warming due to greenhouse gases.

Yeah, the cars and factories back then must have really been spewing the pollutants, huh? Hey, morons, it’s more likely that it’s part of a cycle – warmer, then cooler. Simple, right?

Please note: My opinion is that God created the world, and it sure wasn’t many millions of years ago. Yes, I am an ID believer. One reason: If we “evolved” from the apes, why are there still apes?

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