The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

Rainy Tuesday

February 17th, 2009 . by Cary

Confession time.

As a young, immortal, and indestructible Marine, I did not take the best possible care of this container known as my body. Heck, I truly did not expect to live this long. I was on a self-destructive bent that I could not see, and in my myopic view of my lifespan, feeling the effects of my actions some twenty plus years later was not in the game plan.

California had some Global Warming yesterday – enough to shut down I-5 north of LA, which doesn’t happen too often – and the storm front, much diminished, is moving into my AO today. Actually, it started moving in last night, around 2300 hours, and that’s where my confession comes into play.

Yes, I know, medically speaking, no one can “predict” “rain” or “weather” through “feelings” in their “joints” and “bones”. The problem with the study is that the ones conducting the study are young and not feeling the effect of their actions. Yet.

About 2300 last night, I could not get comfortable. I knew that a weather change was coming because I woke up and could not get back asleep. I tossed and turned and tossed again, looking for the position that would allow my neck to relax and my back to not creak and my legs to not cramp and my arms to not numb. Could not find that position for all the tossing and turning in the world.

Add a sinus infection on top of that, and you can well imagine how chipper I feel today.

Yesterday I felt pretty good – to the point that I rearranged the “office” to the specifications of TMBWitW, taking into consideration the possibility of finally, actually, beginning to start the planning of the planning phase of my model railroad. I have several elements to be worked into the final plan, among which are a curved trestle and a three stall roundhouse/seven slot turntable section salvaged from previous layouts. The room that is now the office-slash-storage area was originally planned for the railroad, but life, five cats, and a new daughter have a habit of changing your plans for you. (by the way, one of the cats is down by one life after knocking a brass locomotive to the floor. the train room will be way off limits for the cats…) The final plan will not take up the entire room, as once envisioned, but will be a yard and spur, with lots of operation possibilities.

Well, that’s about all I can handle right now. The arthritis that I am not getting and the dyslexia that likes to rear it’s ugly head are combining forces to make typing darn near impractical right now. Hope you all had a good weekend.

Chat ya later…


Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

Red Friday

February 13th, 2009 . by Cary

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Are you wearing red?

I have a fresh jar of Jelly Belly jelly beans from Costco (courtesy of TMBWitW), my lovely wife is on vacation today and Monday, it’s supposed to be a bit chillier than normal this weekend, and I’ve decided that I am not going to continue with BlogTalkRadio. Pretty good outlook, overall.

I pray that you all have a great weekend. Take a few minutes (if you haven’t already) and send your condolences to Bloviating Zeppelin – his father, a member of the Greatest Generation, passed away Wednesday morning. He and his compatriots left this world better than they found it. I only hope that we, too, can do the same.

Chat ya later…

cary friday

Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

Rainy Monday

February 9th, 2009 . by Cary

Yup, raining here in the Valley of the Sun. I understand Flagstaff is expecting up to a foot of Global Warming (see #4) today, on top of the seven inches of Global Warming (see #4) they got on Sunday. Speaking of Sundays…

Did I tell you the one about NFC Sunday and the guy who should have lost his mancard privileges?

I had a cab on a 24 hour lease for the Sunday that the Cardinals played the Eagles for the NFC title. The “conventional wisdom” at the cage was that sitting at a cabstand at Westgate (where the University of Phoenix Stadium is located) (i know, naming a “professional” stadium for a college…) would be the big money. Knowing that the “conventionally wise” drivers would be doing just that, I stayed away from Westgate, on the theory (proven time and again, by the way) that while all the cabs are jockeying for places at Westgate, no one was available to pick up all the rides wanting to get anywhere else. So, I was busy from the time I got out of church until I turned the cab in on Monday morning. At any rate –

I had taken a short break about 1500, since I was near the home 20, and grabbed a bite to eat. I then got back on the stick, and cruised over towards Westgate, about three miles from my house to begin with. I was at the corner of Glendale Avenue and 91st Avenue when a 20something guy flagged me down. Geekboy jumped in, and said that he needed to pick up his girlfriend. He was on the phone with girlfriend, and kept chatting and cajoling her to hurry. Where was she? On Maryland Avenue, supposedly meeting him at 91st Ave. Maryland is one of the streets that got extended into the former cotton fields to provide more access and egress for Westgate and the resultant development around it. I couldn’t go south on 91st, since it was the fourth quarter and traffic control had already started setting it up for mass exit. I turned around, went to 83rd, and dropped south to Maryland there. An officer was working traffic control there, also, keeping non-residents from cutting through the neighborhood. I told him my fare wanted to pick up his girlfriend at 91st and Maryland. The nice officer let us through. (i’m pretty sure he thought i meant that geekboy’s girlfriend lived in the neighborhood in the vicinity of 91 and maryland, but that was not my concern) Once I got over to the other side, we saw that traffic control was not allowing traffic straight through – you had to turn north, so I pulled over to the curb. All this time, geekboy (and i’m being kind – he musta been born in the ugly tree, and hit several branches when he fell out) is on the phone, telling “Susie” to hurry and meet us – he had a cab, and we were sitting at 91 and Maryland…I know it’s a long way, but run, babe, because we hafta move soon…

The officer working traffic control on the west side of the neighborhood sauntered over. I told him we were waiting for geekboy’s girlfriend, and she should be right there soon. He told me he would work with me – I couldn’t sit on the curb like I was, but if I pulled up to the light I didn’t have to go through the light unless someone came up behind me. I thanked him, and pulled up to the stop line. Soon after, a vehicle pulled in behind me (of course!). I had to move, so I went north a little bit to the next break in the traffic cones, glanced around, and u-turned back to Maryland – we were going to get in!

I made the turn in at Maryland, and was cruising along in the single lane of cone-marked access allowed, when geekboy said “There she is! Hey, Susie!” She was walking along the other side of the street, oblivious to the BRIGHT GREEN CAB that geekboy was hanging out of while talking to geekboy on the phone. I found a spot where the cones were a little spread apart, and pulled another u-turn. I am so glad the police were paying attention to the cones, and not me…

I pulled up next to oblivious girl – I mean, Susie – and geekboy jumps out, gets her attention, and they start talking about how she wants to stay and party at Westgate and he wants to go to their place. I have to interject here, though – she was not in his class. Actually, he was nowhere near HER class, based on looks – she was a drop-dead, stonecoldfox, good looking kid. You know – makes the cheer squad on looks alone type. I figure either he was a really good kisser (wink wink nudge nudge) or his credit line made Bill Gates look poor. I digress.

She wanted to stay and party, he wanted to go to their place. Why? It turns out that the Eagles were enjoying theire one and only lead in the game, and he was upset that the Cardinals had blown their massive lead. He kept telling me to go to 43rd Avenue and Union Hills (a pretty nice fare from Westgate, on top of the running in circles we had already done) and she kept telling him that she wanted to stay and party. All this time I was still sitting at the curb, and their argument was running about 45 cents per minute. Finally, he got huffy, told her to get in, and as she was getting in the back he got in the front seat. I took off, turning north on 91st and hitting a red light at Glendale, where the argument peaked. She said “Fine. Just let me out here, and you can go where ever.” “Oh, come on, Susie – don’t be like that!” The light turned green, and I started across the intersection.

She decided to assert her independence at that particular point in time, and opened her door – as we were accelerating across Glendale. I hollered at her to close the door and wait until I pulled over – I aimed for the bus pull out on the other side. No sooner had I pulled in there that she was out and gone. He was sitting there, looking all hurt, and kind of crying a little bit. I thought to myself “wow. what a weird chain of events.” Then, out loud – “Uh, where to, then?”

Being all butthurt, he choked out “83rd and Cactus. I wanna go to my parents house.”

When I got to the house he directed me to, the meter read $32 and change. He gave me two twenties, jumped out, and ran to the front door. I left, thinking I should have told him that the meter was $32 and his man card.

Still, not bad for a half hour’s work and I still had the rest of the night to make lots of runs – which I did.

Chat ya later…


Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, listen to The O Word on BlogTalkRadio, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

Friday! Red!

February 6th, 2009 . by Cary

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After my hiatus, I have been trying to figure out the best time to do my show on BlogTalkRadio. I have decided to present my thoughts to you, my lowyal two or three readers, and hope some listeners also chime in.

My show used to be on at 0700 MST on Friday mornings. TMBWitW usually has holidays on Fridays, making the show an interruption of our time together. Can’t have that. MEG usually wakes up around 0800 or a little later, doesn’t have a set nap time, and won’t sit still without a straight jacket. Also, constant supervision is mandatory with a two-year-old. TMBWitW gets home around 1700 or so. Bedtime is 2000 for MEG and 2100 for us old folk. TMBWitW goes to bed at 2100 also (how was that for a save?).

The first Monday evening every other month is the HOA board meeting – I am on the board. Wednesday evening is church. Friday is either operating for the Black Canyon Railroad, a board meeting for BCRR (I’m on that board, too), or the church service that gets relegated to third place if I’m not doing anything else. Sunday morning is the main service at church followed by Afterglow, where the fellowship continues over lunch provided by the church. I imagine that if I needed to, I could go to a late show (after 2100 MST) on Tuesday or Thursday or even a Sunday evening show.

What are ya’ll’s thoughts? Leave a comment below, whether it matters to you or not, because I would really like to see if I could target a larger audience.

Chat ya later…

cary friday

Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, listen to The O Word on BlogTalkRadio, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

Edit to add:
Even if you only read the blog, and don’t (or haven’t) listened to the show, I’d like to know that, too. Thanks!

Thursday Round Up

February 5th, 2009 . by Cary

Yes, it’s the return of the (sortof) weekly round up. Let’s take a look at what’s going on around my daily reads:

Steve over at A Sense of Place shares his tranquility away from the hustle and bustle of city living, this time in the form of cavorting sea lions.

Akinoluna talks about hair regulations in the USMC, and a particualr hairstyle that apparently has crossed a boundary.

Brother Johnny Helms finishes up his series on “No Foreclosures for the Child of God” on Amazed In His Presence.

Mathematical Gymnastics from Nancy Pelosi, courtesy of Amboy Times, Political Pistachio and Texas Fred.

Mr. Bush (no, the one in California) has a few choice words for the first lovefest press conference of the Obama administration on American and Proud.

The question of his citizenship rears it’s head again, this time involving former VP Cheney, the entire House and Senate collectively, and Pelosi individually. Read all about it on An Obama Nation.

Go to An Ol’ Broad’s Ramblings for your daily dose of common sense and news.

Notes on Michael Steele on ARRA News Service – while you are there, drop the Ozark Guru a note and make sure he hasn’t gotten too much sun with all the Global Warming in his neck of the woods…

Check out the huge grey squirrel on At The Water.

You want an unadulterated take on the headlines? Check out Basti Says for the latest and greatest. Mostly, pointing out that the Emperor Has No Clothes is keeping Basti busy these days.

Blackfive. ‘Nuff said.

BZ weighs in with a terrific article on Bloviating Zeppelin. Go, join the discussion, and marvel at the idiocy spouted by a former world leader.

Andy Heatwole has a beautiful shot of Pennybacker Bridge posted over at Blue Hour Photo.

Photo caption contest over on Bottom Line Up Front.

GuyK is freezing his extremities down in Sunny Florida, courtesy of Algores Global Warming. Check out his thoughts on the weather on Charming Just Charming.

Go anser the poll question on Conservative Intelligence Report.

cookiecrumbexpress has a couple of good ones up today – Obama’s road to being hated by the left, and a new line of automobiles that helps TEH ONE accomplish a couple of goals…

A note from Dean and an open letter to the President can be found on Do The Right Thing.

A Jacksonian give a Cliff’s Note version of the Laws of Nations on Dumb Looks Still Free. Worth the read – and, if you are interested, he even gives links to other, longer commentary on the subject.

Find out why this bear market is leading to a bull’s worth of scammers on Fraud, Phishing, and Financial Misdeeds.

Hope, Change, and no Utah Oil Leases! Oh, he didn’t say that? Actions speak louder than words. Posted on Gateway Pundit.

Gawfer has a Thought for the Week.

The Gunny went Geocaching while the cherry blossoms were blooming. I am so jealous.

Jenn is on a roll.

Taking full advantage of Obama’s promise not to weaponize space, Islam has. Details on Maggie’s Notebook.

Gunny Nick Popaditch, the cigar-smokin’, tank commandin’, fine example of “Semper Fi” is this week’s Wednesday Hero, found on Mail Call! Supporting the Troops and Old Soldier.

Mary’s World has reviews for this week’s literary picks.

Learn what the DEM, MSM, and former President Carter don’t want you to know – seven basic facts about hamas, courtesy of Monkey in the Middle.

Get a chuckle from The Loon.

Are you a numbers person? Sheck out the video on Our Sovereign Joy. That should make you think for a while.

Personal Economic Stimulus – are you being fair to your neighbors? Find out what Greybeard has done to stimulate his local economy on Pitchpull.

Superbowl review on RattlorGator Blog.

In answer to a question not spoken – yes, tough ladies cry too.

A Blur Spot has a nice quote from Mr. Nugent on Some Things Just Need To Be Said.

12,682 and counting.

A Thought of the day courtesy of Andrew Tallman.

Who in their right mind conducts themselves dishonorably while holding a replica of the honorable Bat’leth? Find out on the BLOG.

Ron is back on The Old Right Daily.

Taco Bell has a good post on Posers over on The Sandgram.

JFK stuff on Third Wave Dave.

TJ has a nice review of TEH ONE’s second week of reign power being in office on TJ’s Anti-Contrarian Blog.

Last, but not least, Rasmussen released a survey that pretty much says what those with any power of observation already know. Check the results at Yid With Lid.

Thanks for bearing with me. I know, it’s a lot – but if you have suggestions for which ones to cut out (and help for my withdrawals) I am more than willing to listen.

Chat ya later…


Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, listen to The O Word on BlogTalkRadio, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

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