The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

Watch The Other Hand

January 29th, 2013 . by Cary

So, while Obama(THHO) has been keeping our attention on the Second Amendment and the violation thereof by the administration, Obama(THHO) and his team of lackeys (all DemocRATS, including my senator from Arizona, John McCain) have been working on a “Comprehensive Immigration Reform”. The Arizona Democrat Republic has a big old Front Page Headline showing the four leading democRAT representatives during the introduction of this measure.

A bipartisan push for comprehensive immigration reform, including a pathway to citizenship that is contingent on border security, shifted into high gear in the Senate on Monday, the day before President Barack Obama was expected to make a major speech on the issue at an appearance in Las Vegas.

Let’s take a look at some of the points, shall we? (bullet points taken from the print version of The Arizona Republic, I’m not sure if the on-line version will continue to show them.)

1. Citizenship Pathway – Create a “tough” but fair path to citizenship for undocumented (their words, not mine) immigrants in the US, contigent on securing the borders. (Translation: “As soon as Janet Napolitano tells us the borders are secure, we are going to flip the bird at all the legal immigrants who have followed the legal path to citizenship.”)

2. System Reform – Reform the immigration system so that it better meets the demands of the economy and strengthens families. (Translation: “We are going to continue screwing over US citizens who need work by facilitating the flow of low-cost illegal immigrants into this country and allowing the ones here to take even more jobs from US families, while at the same time stopping our law enforcement agencies from splitting families up when we send the illegal immigrants home, leaving their anchor baby families here.”)

3. Worker Verification – Create an effective system for employers to verify who is eligible to work and who isn’t. (Translation: “E-Verify has caught up too many people trying to work illegally in this country, so we’re going to create a system that lets all kinds of criminals slip through the cracks.”)

4. Workforce Demands – Establish a better process for workers to enter legally to meet the nation’s workforce needs, while protecting all workers. (Translation: “We are going to continue screwing over US citizens who need work by facilitating the flow of low-cost illegal immigrants into this country and allowing the ones here to take even more jobs from US families, while making sure that employers cannot fire the ones who are already here illegally, all the while ignoring the fact that the United States is sitting on 7% and higher unemployment.”)

There, I think I’ve got it figured out. What do you think? And remember, while this brewing, keep an eye on the other hand AGAIN so that Obama(THHO) and his minions administration can infringe on the Second Amendment some more.

Chat ya later…


Thanks for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, and Wear Red on Fridays!

Red Friday and Liberal Commandments

January 25th, 2013 . by Cary

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I actually meant to post this earlier in the week; it seems the week is getting shorter while the days are getting longer. I love being hard at work, and working hard. AND working at something I love.

At any rate, Gary over at dcclothesline wrote this piece, and if you are having trouble understanding the rules that Liberals love to live by and change on a whim, then here’s some help:


There actually appear to be some rules that liberals choose live by, at least for a while anyway. Here are the ten main ones:

1.) The Bible is not absolute. None of the laws in it are carved in stone. Everything in it is subject to reinterpretation. If the information in the Bible is inapplicable to the current need, that information is to be disregarded. If the whole of the Bible is inapplicable to the current time, it needs to be eliminated.

2.) The Law is not absolute. No laws are to be considered as representative of moral archetypes. All laws are subject to reinterpretation. If a law does not meet the current need, that law is to be disregarded. If the whole of that law is inconvenient to current needs, that law needs to be eliminated.

3.) The Constitution is not absolutely inviolable. Nothing in the Constitution was written to last forever. All of the Constitution is subject to reinterpretation. If any part of the Constitution interferes with the current agenda, it is to be circumvented. If the Constitution as a whole limits the agenda of the current time, the Constitution needs to be eliminated.

4.) Truth is not absolute. Truth differs in different times and societies. Nothing is true forever. If the truths of the past are inconvenient, they are thereby proven to be falsehoods. If all the truths of the past are inconvenient, the lessons of the past can be disregarded.

5.) Morality is not absolute. What is considered to be morality depends upon the group and its circumstances. The morality of the group is to be the morality of all. If someone else’s morality is inconvenient, it needs to be vilified. If that morality is found to be a hindrance to the current agenda, it needs to be completely quashed.

6.) Right action is not an absolute idea. What is considered to be right action depends upon what group this activity occurs in. Anyone who does something the group does not like engages in a wrong action. If an action that someone considers to be right offends the group in control, that action is actually a wrong action. Actions that the group in control considers to be wrong are to be punished most severely.

7.) To be in charge is to be correct. What is correct depends upon the mood of the ones in charge. That mood is subject to change, depending on the circumstances of the moment. Anyone who says that the ones in charge are not acting correctly is himself in the wrong. Those who come against the group in word or deed are to be viciously persecuted for it.

8.) There is no absolute sin. The concept of sin is relative. What was considered to be a vice is tomorrow’s virtue. If you do something you do not personally believe is wrong, then you are not sinning. If everyone does it, it never was a sin in the first place.

9.) Oppression is not an absolute construct. It is important to be in charge. If you are in charge, there can be no oppression. If you are not in charge, there will undoubtedly be some who oppress you. If you lose control of all means to power, you are absolutely by definition one of the oppressed.

10.) There is no absolute definition of what is life. There is no definite consensus of or opinion on what constitutes life. Life is an intellectual, legal construct, not a physical reality. If something is inconvenient in your own life, you can disregard its existence, and thus consider it not to be among the living. If something becomes totally inconvenient to your lifestyle, you can eliminate it without any moral compunction.

Do you sense some sort of theme here?

Keep your eyes and ears open at all times, America. You do not want to miss it, when it comes.

Gary W. Harper

Follow the D.C. Clothesline on Facebook

And, of course, if something you are in charge of goes totally south, then scream “WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE?” at the congress members who have the audacity to ask you about it.

Chat ya later…

cary friday

Thanks for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, and Wear Red on Fridays!

Well, nutz.

January 22nd, 2013 . by Cary

I woke up this morning and Obama(THHO) is still acting like a king.

Two coronations – Sunday, the “official” one, attended only by those who could afford to donate millions of dollars – not to the treasury, to help reduce the debt, oh no – but to Obama’s(THHO) private war chest, so he could maintain his grip on the treasury.

And then the “public” coronation on Monday, Martin Luther King Jr. day, so TEH WON could parade down the streets to the hundreds of hundreds of his adoring public.

One question – who told She Who Is Angry that hair style complimented her features? Made her look more like a wookie, if you ask me. No offense to any wookies who might be reading this.

Chat ya later…


Thanks for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, and Wear Red on Fridays!

A Second Error

January 21st, 2013 . by Cary

Today marks Martin Luther King Jr. Day. It is also the “official” inauguration for TEH WON, Obama(THHO). MLK day – good idea. He espoused equality based on ability. Second Term of Obama(THHO) – bad idea. He espouses racial entitlements.

Thus marks the start of a second error – marked not by open revolution, but by duplicity, a gay national poet, and the abuse of MLK Jr.’s personal Bible.

I sure miss the United States of America.

Chat ya later…


Thanks for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, and Wear Red on Fridays!

I Favor Gun Control

January 16th, 2013 . by Cary

You read that right. I figured I’d beat Obama(THHO) to the punch and come right out and say it.

Early reports indicate that Obama(THHO) is going to use his Executive Powers to make it all good. Obama(THHO) Is going to tell everyone to Enforce Existing Laws!” Obama(THHO) is going to demand that high capacity magazines and “assault style” weapons be declared illegal.

I’ll let you in on a secret or two – true gun control only happens when you can hit your target. True gun control is keeping YOUR OWN gun out of the hands of those who would use it for criminal purposes (are you listening, Eric “Fast and Furious” Holder?). Gun control is when the rules are followed by everyone.

And therein lies the issue. Not everyone follows the rules, even the ones they declare should be made. Dianne Feinstien D (umb, CA) treats an AR-15 style weapon like a firehose in a room full of people – loaded or not, you DO NOT POINT A GUN AT ANYTHING YOU ARE NOT WILLING TO DESTROY. Especially with your finger on the trigger, you old bat. This, from Dianne “You can’t have weapons, only my bodyguards and I can have weapons” Feinstein.

Criminals don’t follow the rules. That’s why they are called criminals – because they break or don’t follow the rules. More rules about gun ownership is not going to suddenly make them law-abiding citizens. Taking away the ability of law-abiding citizens to protect themselves only emboldens and even allies the criminals with the politicians. Or the other way around – sometimes it’s hard to tell who is on which side.

Keep this in mind – if Obama(THHO) is allowed to sidestep the Second Amendment with an executive order, then what makes you think he will stop there? What happens when Obama(THHO) sidesteps the First Amendment? we won’t be able to stop him, because we will no longer be an armed society.

Stay ready, keep your powder dry, Molon Labe, Deo Vindice!

Chat ya later…


Thanks for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, and Wear Red on Fridays!


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