The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

A Very Special Round Up

April 23rd, 2009 . by Cary

First, and foremost – go on over to Political Pistachio and wish good old Doug a very happy birthday.

Alaska Steve is always a good place to start, as his Sense of Place is always relaxing to view.

Ol’ Broad’s Ramblings has a cartoon at the top (Ol’ Broad is at the Dr this morning, prayers for her) that says that sometimes, interrogation procedures have to be aggressive… The Ozark Guru wants to know why Blue State Digital was in Iraq – details, like who the heck Blue State Digital is, on ARRA News Service. Assoluta Tranquilita wonders if conservatives of all stripes will build on the momentum from the TEA Parties.

Richard (At The Water) spotted his lifer bird #90 – go see what it is!

Basti has a nifty video up about the “volunteer service” bill that TEH ONE signed into existence. Bloviating Zeppelin points out hypocrisy in the Dem-run DC area (yeah, like it’s hard to hit a target that big). GuyK wanders about casting his eye on smoke screens, back fires, and fish frys – and only two of those are political themes.

mdconservative talks about the budget and Obama’s upcoming comedy tour on Conservative Intelligence Report. cookiecrumbexpress passes on information that looks like the recent attempt by the DHS to brand people concerned about politics as extremists and terrorists has become a trend with the release of a report from the Maryland National Guard. CyberPastor has an inspirational video posted about a certain Lady Wildcat form Indiana. (and prayers to AnnieB for complete healing)

Is there still a deck of cards that is getting thinner and thinner? Gateway Pundit reports on the capture (unconfirmed by the US) of al-qaeda leader al-Baghdadi by Iraqi forces. Gawfer wants to know what part of US Code Title 8 Chapter 12 subchapter II part VIII § 1325 Napolitano does not understand – he’s guessing it’s that part that says “illegal.”

Wanna watch the liberals pop blood vessels? Wait ’til they try to figure out how to deal with Condi Rice’s OK of waterboarding. Join the discussion on Jenn’s Jungle. Findalis has the latest on the Flight 93 memorial on Maggie’s Notebook. Kathi has the Wednesday Hero spotlighted on Mail Call! Supporting the Troops.

Mary points us to a chance to win some cool stuff on Mary’s World – and here’s my entry attempt:

Bible Study Magazine and Eternal Perspective Ministries are giving away 40 signed copies of Randy Alcorn’s book, Heaven. Not only that, but they’re also giving away five subscriptions to Bible Study Magazine and a copy of their Bible Study Library software! Enter to win on the Bible Study Magazine Randy Alcorn page, then take a look at all the cool tools they have to take your Bible study to the next level!

Findalis is a busy little Monkey – besides posting on Maggie’s, there is also an excellent article on Monkey in the Middle about just how much of a state Palestine really wants. There is a review of the Rally on the Green by Oath Keepers.

Old Soldier has no words for his top story.

Scott Welch has a good post up about God’s Incomprehensible and Unchangeable Love on Our Sovereign Joy. Good stuff over on Pitchpull – don’t stop at the top, keep reading down…

Samantha has the latest batch of promotions in the world of USMC officers. Ablur has a graphic demonstration of just what 100 million dollars looks like – in relation to the rest of the budget – on Some Things Just Need To Be Said. Texas Fred is always interesting to read, and now you have a chance to hear him speak (in case you didn’t attend the TEA Party in his hometown):

The Make-A-Statement Radio Show, hosted by David Hill with your co-host author and commentator Melissa Pehle-Hill. We will talk about politics and issues facing Henderson County, Texas, and the United States. Tonight we will be talking to *Texas* Fred Witzell, the author of the blog, TexasFred’s at

Fred says, “I’m a highly opinionated blogger, if you ask for my opinion I’ll let you know exactly what’s on my mind. I don’t play the PC game, so, be very careful what you ask for.” Our topic for the evening will be the upcoming Texas Governors Race and the Tea Parties.
Make A Statement Radio

The show starts at 10:30PM CDT tonight, 04-23-09, I hope you will tune in, this should be interesting.

During the show tonight I will have this email and my Yahoo Messenger open. If you have a thought you’d like addressed, let me know… Yahoo IM: texasfred_53
If you do, please keep it topic specific, Texas Governors race, Texas Sovereignty, The Tea Parties…


The Black Sphere just wants you to know that, hey, Obama just wants to be loved. the BLOG points out my reason for not going with context-sensitive ad placement services.

(Has anyone heard from The Bull lately?)

Chief Roland shares the news that Obama wants to charge Bush officials for the aggressive interrogations that a bipartisan committee OK’d on The Roland Blog. Hammer has some questions to tickle your brain housing group on this fine Thursday.

Last but not least, Yid With Lid has a few words about the investigation into the enhanced interrogation techniques…

Chat ya later…


Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, don’t buy or breed cats or dogs while homeless pets die (spay, neuter & adopt a pet, one by one, until there are none), Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

Thursday Round-Up

April 16th, 2009 . by Cary

Before I get into a review of the blogs that I follow, let me say two things. First, yes, I am a charter member of the Domestic Terrorist Bloggers Network, but I am not a “terrorist” except in my own government’s eyes. And second, yesterday was “tax day” but it was also “tea party” day. There were eighteen listed events in the state of Arizona, with the largest being the gathering here at the capitol building in Phoenix. The paper says there were about 5,000 protesters in attendance; actual estimates put the number much, much higher, by at least a factor of three, but then the crowd wasn’t full of illegal immigrants demanding rights or lefties demanding money, so the estimators got thrown off. Obama and his Dem minions were not the only ones being protested; here in Arizona the governor, Jan Brewer (R), is planning on increasing taxes to cover the one BILLION dollar budget shortfall.

When TMBWitW and I run into a budget shortfall, we cut back on spending. Being simple minded, non-economic types, and certainly without years of experience in running a country (into the ground), we didn’t realize you could actually spend MORE than you BROUGHT IN and still call it good. We always thought that would eventually land you in the poor house, but hey – we don’t have Ivy-league educations, either. Oh, and we pay our taxes. Unlike certain cabinet appointees.

Were you aware that if you worked for the IRS and you tried to Geithner your return, you would be fired without ability to appeal? Don’t believe me? Check out the story in the April 15, 2009 Chicago Tribune: IRS workers see double standard on tax errors. Nothing to see there, folks – just the same double standard as always…

OK – Let’s get off the blood-pressure raising stuff and on to the reason you stopped in on this fine Thursday morning:

Tea Party Section! American and ProudAn Ol’ Broad’s RamblingsARRA News ServiceBloviating ZeppelinDo The Right ThingGateway PunditLast Refuge of a ScoundrelMonkey in the MiddleOath KeepersPolitical PistachioSamantha SpeaksTexas FredThe Black SphereThird Wave DaveAn Obama NationEject! Eject! Eject!Seaspook

Spring looks to have sprung, and might stay that way, on Unalaska. Steve has the story on A Sense of Place. Amboy Times has added another item to The List of Things That Offend Muslims. No, I’m not on there. Yet. Jump over to Assoluta Tranquilita to sign the petition to get the State of Texas to prosecute the killers of DASY to the maximum extent of the law. Then take a much-needed relaxing break At The Water. Basti has another gathering of tidbits. GuyK has his usual charming slant on today’s happenings over at Charming, Just Charming. cookiecrumbexpress has some motivating items. As usual, Dumb Looks Still Free is well worth the time it takes to read through his essay. Jenn has news and tidbits over at Take A Stand Against Liberals.

Roger W. Gardner posts his thoughts on the current maelstrom on Maggie’s Notebook. Kathi has Wednesday’s Hero up on Mail Call! Supporting The Troops. Mary tells us about Randy Alcorn’s one favorite book on Mary’s World.

Texas Gets It Right.

Memories from Viet Nam, courtesy of Greybeard, on Pitchpull. The Supremacy of Everyman on RattlerGator. Texas Fred likes the idea of 49 states in the United States, and Then there is the Republic of Texas… Meanwhile, Arizona’s former governor is calling my and my friends “terrorists” – visit the BLOG for more. Chief Roland has some advice for pirates. Kris has a few thoughts on the disposition of those trying to import terrorism on This Is Stoke Newington. TJ thinks that Texas as a separate geopolitical entity would be a good idea too. Personally, I think Texas should annex Oklahoma and Arizona.

Hammer shares some hard-earned experience. Hey, learn from others’ mistakes – you won’t live long enough to make all your own! What happens when a sub-network tells the truth? Yid With Lid has the answer. For something totally different, how about a Bishop who is taking Notre Dame to task? See the letter on Bottom Line Up Front.

How about some April Fool’s Day irony? Follow the fun on Improv Everywhere.

Always good for reminding us who the real terrorists are – The Religion of Peace. Would you spend your day with someone who does nothing but spew negativity? Andrew Tallman wants to know.

Chat ya later…


Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, don’t buy or breed cats or dogs while homeless pets die (spay, neuter & adopt a pet, one by one, until there are none), Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

1375 and a wake-up! No, wait – most of the country has already woke up, now we’re trying to get the rest of ya’ll to quit hittin’ the snooze alarm…

Yup, Its a Round Up!

March 19th, 2009 . by Cary

MEG is sleeping – she didn’t sleep a whole lot last night – so I’m going to take advantage and try to squeeze in a round-up.

First off, please note there are a few additions to the Daily Read list – Hidden Treasures with Mary of Mary’s World; Last Refuge of a Scoundrel with Larry, a retired Navy type; Oath Keepers, because the oath I took when I served this country did not have an expiration date; and When Your Only Tool is a Hammer with Hammer, who refuses to be labeled.

And now, the run-down:
Over at Amboy Times there is news about ProPiganda’s new book. Chris (filling in for Ol’ Broad) reports on the stowaway on the shuttle over on An Ol’ Broad’s Ramblings. Look to ARRA News with Bill Smith for the latest money and market terms. Richard is experiencing the spring thaw – a few days ago, it thawed right into his basement. Basti says the latest influx of civilian workers into Afghanistan is a bad idea. Bloviating Zeppelin is shocked – shocked, I tell you – and wants to let you know that the Obama Administration has been obfuscating about who knew what (and when!) about certain bonuses at a certain government-run banking company. And these people want to run our health care? GuyK has been building fences and entertaining relatives and accidentally got a glance at the news this morning. The cookiecrumbexpress is glad that the Obamanation figured out that making vets use their private insurance was a bad idea. Cyber Pastor thinks that Shep Smith got one right about AIG. If you have questions about the “TEA Parties” going on around the country, you can get the scoop at Dumb Looks Still Free. Seems like even the Jocks “get it”: Gateway Pundit mentions that Coach K would prefer that Obama pay more attention to the economy, and not so much on the Final Four. Gawfer has a piece up about the brilliant idea to bill vet’s insurance for combat-related injuries. Jenn has her priorties straight – support her in the Walk for Animals, and read all about the administration that thinks it knows better. If everyone is calling the same person an idiot, does anyone think that maybe, just maybe, that person is and idiot? Check out Maggie’s Notebook for more Obamanations. Findalis updates us on Obama’s plan to abandon Israel on Monkey In The Middle. Old Soldier has noticed that it’s getting tougher to find any ammo lately. Scott has a darn good preaching over at Our Sovereign Joy. Greybeard managed to make lemonade out of his 401(K) lemons. Doug over on Political Pistachio wonders what would happen if the teleprompter king got slipped a visual mickey. Rattler Gator has a question about the one-sidedness of the MSM. Everyone’s favorite blogging redhead posits about the needs of the military and the awareness of the administration on Samantha Speaks.

Let’s not forget Texas Fred and his calls to awareness. Seems that has become a password, eh? Lest we all start thinking that Zo over at MachoSuaceProductions is the only black conservative, take a look at The Black Sphere. It was only a matter of time! Obama’s Teleprompter got it’s own blog! (news courtesy of the BLOG) Speaking of Obama, the issue of his birth certificate (as opposed to a certificate of live birth) won’t die, and Andrea Shea King has an interview regarding the whole mess. Details on Third Wave Dave. The Texas Jew Boy (Yid With Lid) asks if the American People are waking up to what they have brought upon themselves yet.

Prying1 sends me this little tidbit via e-mail:

In a time where so much is being made about our first black president, Ann Coulter made the following observation in her column of 2/25/2009:

” But as long as the nation is obsessed with historic milestones, is no one going to remark on what a great country it is where a mentally retarded woman can become speaker of the house?”

Are you a handy-type? Do your friends ask you about how to fix something? Do you have a bucket organizer for your tools? If this sentence makes sense to you, and you want a bucket organizer, then drop me a line and I will arrange for you to get one. The bonus is that I get one for referring you to the Handy Man Club of America Yes, I am a life member. You can be, too.

Now, if you will excuse me, I’m going to go race on my PS2 (Dirt to Daytona) until MEG wakes up, then we’re going to the library and then downtown to have lunch with TMBWitW.

Chat ya later…


Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, don’t buy or breed cats or dogs while homeless pets die (spay, neuter & adopt a pet, one by one, until there are none), Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

1402 and a wake up!

Thursday Round Up

February 5th, 2009 . by Cary

Yes, it’s the return of the (sortof) weekly round up. Let’s take a look at what’s going on around my daily reads:

Steve over at A Sense of Place shares his tranquility away from the hustle and bustle of city living, this time in the form of cavorting sea lions.

Akinoluna talks about hair regulations in the USMC, and a particualr hairstyle that apparently has crossed a boundary.

Brother Johnny Helms finishes up his series on “No Foreclosures for the Child of God” on Amazed In His Presence.

Mathematical Gymnastics from Nancy Pelosi, courtesy of Amboy Times, Political Pistachio and Texas Fred.

Mr. Bush (no, the one in California) has a few choice words for the first lovefest press conference of the Obama administration on American and Proud.

The question of his citizenship rears it’s head again, this time involving former VP Cheney, the entire House and Senate collectively, and Pelosi individually. Read all about it on An Obama Nation.

Go to An Ol’ Broad’s Ramblings for your daily dose of common sense and news.

Notes on Michael Steele on ARRA News Service – while you are there, drop the Ozark Guru a note and make sure he hasn’t gotten too much sun with all the Global Warming in his neck of the woods…

Check out the huge grey squirrel on At The Water.

You want an unadulterated take on the headlines? Check out Basti Says for the latest and greatest. Mostly, pointing out that the Emperor Has No Clothes is keeping Basti busy these days.

Blackfive. ‘Nuff said.

BZ weighs in with a terrific article on Bloviating Zeppelin. Go, join the discussion, and marvel at the idiocy spouted by a former world leader.

Andy Heatwole has a beautiful shot of Pennybacker Bridge posted over at Blue Hour Photo.

Photo caption contest over on Bottom Line Up Front.

GuyK is freezing his extremities down in Sunny Florida, courtesy of Algores Global Warming. Check out his thoughts on the weather on Charming Just Charming.

Go anser the poll question on Conservative Intelligence Report.

cookiecrumbexpress has a couple of good ones up today – Obama’s road to being hated by the left, and a new line of automobiles that helps TEH ONE accomplish a couple of goals…

A note from Dean and an open letter to the President can be found on Do The Right Thing.

A Jacksonian give a Cliff’s Note version of the Laws of Nations on Dumb Looks Still Free. Worth the read – and, if you are interested, he even gives links to other, longer commentary on the subject.

Find out why this bear market is leading to a bull’s worth of scammers on Fraud, Phishing, and Financial Misdeeds.

Hope, Change, and no Utah Oil Leases! Oh, he didn’t say that? Actions speak louder than words. Posted on Gateway Pundit.

Gawfer has a Thought for the Week.

The Gunny went Geocaching while the cherry blossoms were blooming. I am so jealous.

Jenn is on a roll.

Taking full advantage of Obama’s promise not to weaponize space, Islam has. Details on Maggie’s Notebook.

Gunny Nick Popaditch, the cigar-smokin’, tank commandin’, fine example of “Semper Fi” is this week’s Wednesday Hero, found on Mail Call! Supporting the Troops and Old Soldier.

Mary’s World has reviews for this week’s literary picks.

Learn what the DEM, MSM, and former President Carter don’t want you to know – seven basic facts about hamas, courtesy of Monkey in the Middle.

Get a chuckle from The Loon.

Are you a numbers person? Sheck out the video on Our Sovereign Joy. That should make you think for a while.

Personal Economic Stimulus – are you being fair to your neighbors? Find out what Greybeard has done to stimulate his local economy on Pitchpull.

Superbowl review on RattlorGator Blog.

In answer to a question not spoken – yes, tough ladies cry too.

A Blur Spot has a nice quote from Mr. Nugent on Some Things Just Need To Be Said.

12,682 and counting.

A Thought of the day courtesy of Andrew Tallman.

Who in their right mind conducts themselves dishonorably while holding a replica of the honorable Bat’leth? Find out on the BLOG.

Ron is back on The Old Right Daily.

Taco Bell has a good post on Posers over on The Sandgram.

JFK stuff on Third Wave Dave.

TJ has a nice review of TEH ONE’s second week of reign power being in office on TJ’s Anti-Contrarian Blog.

Last, but not least, Rasmussen released a survey that pretty much says what those with any power of observation already know. Check the results at Yid With Lid.

Thanks for bearing with me. I know, it’s a lot – but if you have suggestions for which ones to cut out (and help for my withdrawals) I am more than willing to listen.

Chat ya later…


Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, listen to The O Word on BlogTalkRadio, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

Wednesday Round Up

December 3rd, 2008 . by Cary

I know – I’m a day early. TMBWitW has had a slight schedule change for this week, she’ll be working from home tomorrow instead of today, so I thought I would do my round up today. If this throws you off, please come back tomorrow and laugh at my mis-print in the title.

First Things First:
As you recall, I have been following the blog of the Yllescas Family. On Monday, Captain Rob Yllescas succumbed to injuries received from an IED in Afghanistan in late October. Please let his wife, Dena, and their families know how much the service of Rob means to you, your family, and the country. Services will be in Nebraska, time and date will be published on the blog.

Help a young Marine clinging to life – see the details at Texas Fred, help pass the word around – you neve4r know if you have a reader in the D/FW area, or if you can maybe help out somehow.

Elect Conservatives:
The only way to avoid the Democrat’s ideal of socialism everywhere (“it works, it just hasn’t had the right people in charge yet…”) is to elect conservatives from the bottom up. cookiecrumbexpress has the start.

Delusions of the Media (or, “India can’t Happen Here”):
When is a gun-wielding, explosive throwing, damage-inflicting person who is targeting people of particular citizenry not a terrorist? Check out Cube’s entry on the BLOG to find out. BlackFive has a piece about the elitist media fooling themselves. Gateway Pundit writes about the aftermath of the Mumbai attacks. Dumb Looks Still Free has a “Stuck On Stupid” list for your perusal. Making a “no-bite” agreement with a snake will get you bit – details on Third Wave Dave.

Love Story:
Tissue alert – Ray writes about his Love, Von, on Do The Right Thing.

Wednesday Hero:
Honored by Old Soldier, Mail Call! Supporting the Troops

Travel Story:
The casino on the way home lured in An Ol’ Broad! A different kind of story, but it explains so well what those who are returning from less-than-friendly areas go through on the Sandgram.

Locker Room Mixups at Amazed In His Presence, obvious answers to those nagging questions at The American Apologist, confusino as to what a “gift” really is on Evolution Right

Guns Don’t Kill People:
American and Proud has a story all too common – a returned hero is killed at home. Rob talks about the causes – and the prevention. The Bull speaks out about crime in St. Louis. Texas Fred has a story where guns would have come in handy…

Our Heroes:
RGRoland has a picture of some heroes.

Being Themselves:
Charming Just Charming, Richard, Alaska Steve, Mary’s World, Akinoluna

The Department of the Silver Lining:
Has the Shine Dulled? Jenn of the Jungle and Bloviating Zeppelin have part of the discussion. Political Pistachio has another angle – just how much of the Constitution is the president-elect willing to ignore? mdconservative® asks how Obama got hold of Republican wording during his meeting with the governors on Conservative Intelligence Report. More discussion on ARRA News Service.

The Importance of Being Earnest:
Thought of the Day from Andrew Tallman. Jury Duty for the wife of an active-duty Marine on Write on the Right – who, by the way, is on Okinawa…

You Think Our Politics is Bad…:
…at least most of the time, your vote is counted! Check out LimaLimaMikeFoxtrot for an ugly alternative.

“Have An Accident?” “No Thanks, Just Did.”:
How NOT to rescue the pilot on Pitchpull.

Things That Offend muslims:
Amboy Times adds to the list – statues?!?

Settled In:
Samantha West has gotten settled in and hooked up once again.

Depravity of Humans:
Our Sovereign Joy asks how low can we go?


Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, listen to The O Word on BlogTalkRadio, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

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