The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

Rare Wednesday Post

August 27th, 2008 . by Cary

I feel like I “owe” my readers some kind of a post, but I’m torn. Do you really want to know the deepest things going on in my mind? My thoughts of “how dare I play God with the life of another”? Second guessing the decision we have made?

Sleeping on the floor next to Logan so he knows how much I love him?

No, I won’t bother you guys with all that. It will come to a peak soon enough.

Friday’s show (to jump subjects, and hope that Saturday morning will never really have to come) should be a good one. The show itself will stretch back out to an hour long. It is my understanding that a certain young Gunny on a certain Rock will stay up late to call in. At least, that’s what he said while I was chatting with him this morning. So – 0700 Mountain Standard Time Friday morning (0700 PDT, 0800 MDT, 0900 CDT, 1000 EDT 2300 Tokyo time) and we’ll have a grand old time.

Hope ya’lls week is going to be more joyous than mine.

Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, listen to The O Word on BlogTalkRadio, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

Where You Been?

August 21st, 2008 . by Cary


Friday, after the show, was spent cleaning the house (with TMBWitW, who took the day off) so when the dogsitter came on Saturday she wouldn’t notice that we have five dogs who shed constantly.

We needed the dogsitter because TMBWitW’s aunt was in Kingman visiting the cousins. We left here at about 0600 to get to Kingman in time for breakfast with our very good friend, her fiancé, and her daughters at the Cracker Barrel. I had the slightest hint of a sinus headache. One of the cousin’s son had spent Friday sick, but that was not revealed to anyone until after we had left, at around 2000.


I woke up Sunday morning with no voice, swollen glands, and post-nasal drip. TMBWitW had a sinus thing going on. MEG sounded like a harbor seal and was running a slight temp. They stayed home while I went to church, although I did not sing and spent most of the service trying not to cough. Should’ve taken a laxative.

Monday – no conscious thoughts from any of us. TMBWitW managed to get hold of her doctor. They called in a prescription for her. With the help of Thera-Flu and Tylenol Cold, I managed to get my symptoms under control. MEG got an appointment for Tuesday morning.

Tuesday – TMBWitW went to work, and got sent home. She worked from home for a while, then went back to bed. MEG’s appointment revealed an ear infection. They called in a prescription. I boosted Tylenol’s stock some more.

Wednesday – TMBWitW works from home on Wednesdays anyway, so no biggie. Although, she didn’t get going until 0800 instead of her normal 0600. Not that I noticed – I slept until 0930. So did MEG.

Today – I spent most of last night keeping TMBWitW awake with my constant coughing and hacking. When she got up to go to work, she told me to call the doctor and get something, or she would muffle me herself. Medicine sure does make her cranky.

I sure hope I have a voice in time for the show tomorrow morning. BlogTalkRadio, The O Word, 0700 Mountain Standard Time (that’s 1000 on the east coast, 0700 on the west coast).

Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, Time, Inc. is a bunch of weasels, listen to The O Word on BlogTalkRadio, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

Monday, Monday

July 7th, 2008 . by Cary

So – the snooze button got the mileage again today. That’s what I get for partying until the wee hours.

Yah, right. I was updating the Wisconsin Cartters page (reformatting the text of the book, so you can actually read it) and was in bed by 2230. Ish. For whatever reason, my body is in a state of needing something – can’t quite put the finger on it, but I’m sure it will come to me. Then I’ll be all over it and get fixed right up.

MEG woke up about 0615 (early for her) and her first words were “Good morning, Daddy. I love you so much!”

I wish.

Her first utterance of the day was “Stitch?” and right after her waffle she watched Lilo and Stitch and then went back to bed.

I’ve got some new pictures in the header rotation – with a big old THANK YOU to Richard who so graciously allowed me to borrow his sunsets.

BZ has a link to an article about the new citizenship test. I scored 100%, in a wonderful paroxysm of lucky guesses and basic knowledge. How did you do?

Thank you for stopping by, God bless you all, Time, Inc. is a bunch of weasels, listen to The O Word on BlogTalkRadio, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

Yes, I Went to the Doctor

June 12th, 2008 . by Cary

But first, let me catch you up, since I know you all are dying to know what I’ve been up to since I last posted.

Actually, I need to start back a bit, like Monday night. I was supposed to put the small box dolly in the trunk of the car for TMBWitW. In between Rodolfo and other projects on line and off, making sure TMBWitW’s ice pack didn’t freeze her or stay on her too long as she slept, and Logan not quite sure whether he wanted in, out, or to just move from room to room, I managed to forget. I lost big time husband points there. (TMBWitW uses an ice pack on her back since the accident; it keep some of the inflammation to a minimum).

So – this deficiency was not discovered until Tuesday morning, when she got to work and expected to grab the dolly out of the trunk to take up to her desk, so she could load files at the end of the day for working at home on Wednesday.

Phone call – my phone rings:
“This is Cary.”

TMBWitW: “Hi honey. Guess what wasn’t in the trunk today?”

“That leaves it pretty wide open, but I imagine you were looking for the dolly that’s in the garage.”

“Uh-huh. So, guess what you get to do?”

I got to drive downtown and pick up her and the box of files, leaving the SUV in the parking garage. No problem, since I don’t do a lot of driving anyway.

Wednesday passed, with her working from home; I did manage to check my e-mail after she went to bed.

Today I went to the doctor. Helpful hint – if you don’t like long waits in the doctor’s office, see about getting one of the earliest appointments possible. There hasn’t been any delays yet, and you’ll be in and out in a timely manner. My appointment was at 0800. I saw the doctor at 0805, we had a nice chat, yadda yadda yadda, I was out the door by 0830.

I know what you’re thinking – “Cary, don’t yadda yadda yadda the visit – we want DETAILS!”

OK. We discussed the migraines that hit me two Mondays ago, and the one from Sunday. We reviewed my meals prior to the attacks, and sleep patterns; he asked about work-related stress, I asked him “What stress? I haven’t had a wood order in months!” and we both chuckled, then he asked “Isn’t that kind of stressful, not having orders?” Well, yes, but I have a 17 month old to keep me happy and well adjusted. He couldn’t tell if there was a pattern, or any specific triggers, I couldn’t help him with that either, since I know what to look out for and I have been eating less, but not not eating, which could be a trigger; I’ve been getting my usual four and a half to six hours of sleep every night (not straight through – dogs, especially Logan, make that hard to happen), and I’ve been engaging in moderate levels of exercise. In the end, he gave me some samples for migraine meds (one, Frova (frovatriptan succinate), I’ve had before, and it works OK if you take it early enough in the process; the other is new to me, Axert (almotriptan malate), and I’ll be carrying two tabs in my pocket just in case).

To seal the deal (and this is the best part) he prayed for my healing. Yes, my doctor is a Christian. He had prayed for TMBWitW to have a healthy pregnancy before she was pregnant, and she conceived shortly after; with a track record like that you don’t turn down this man’s offer for a healing prayer. So – after all is said and done, with the grace of God I will not have any more migraines, there is medicine in my pocket if one does break through; my faith will be the barrier to any more incidents. After a month, if there are no more frequent attacks, then fine; otherwise more stringent tracking and recording will be needed. If, in fact, there is a physical reason for the migraines, it will be outed over the next few months. No neurologist yet, but if it’s necessary, then one will be consulted.

TMBWitW thinks I should have gone to one now. She also mumbled something about “stubborn”, “old”, and “Marine” but that could have been my imagination.

Thank you to everyone who has been worrying about me since I mentioned the first migraine, and thank you for the prayers and support leading up to the appointment. I am a firm believer in the power of prayer, and with your prayers backing me up I have faith that I’ve seen the last of the migraines.

I know what you’re thinking now – “Cary, how do you find time to squeeze all this in?”

I don’t know. I just do. I also try to keep up with the growing piles of fur in every corner (five dogs and five cats generate a lot of loose fur), keep a seventeen month old entertained, stay on top of the laundry (most days), post here, have a talk show on Friday mornings, play TradeWars to keep my mind sharp (oo – that reminds me. i found another trader last night, he was almost as good-aligned as i was – took him out, stole his planet from him, and in the process became one bad dude – i am now an evil trader, and i had to park my imperial starship – only goody-two-shoes traders can fly those. on the upside, i can now trade at a port, and turn around and steal everything back. i’m so evil.)

How is your Thursday going?

Thank you for stopping by, God bless you all, listen to The O Word on BlogTalkRadio, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

Monday Update

June 9th, 2008 . by Cary

So, how was your weekend?

My Saturday post (just below this one) was written Friday afternoon, and set up for publication by way of the delayed posting ability in WordPress. Pretty cool feature. Almost worth paying hosting fees right there…

Speaking of hosting fees, don’t send any to StartLogic. They don’t seem to think that their users can and would be an accurate early warning system for impending failures. I can’t be nearly as eloquent as Texas Fred on this subject, so I will direct you to a post of his that really covers it.

I am really, really regretting going with them – even though it was on the word of a trusted adviser – since not just this site is on StartLogic, but also the site for the non-profit Black Canyon Railroad Corporation, of which I am a member and the webmaster. Down time can only hurt exposure, not help it.

Saturday the seventh was my Mother’s 80th birthday. Happy Birthday, Mom.

Yesterday (Sunday the eighth), I had another migraine. This one hit hard and fast – right when I sat down after praise and worship, communion, and the offering (being in leadership, I was involved in all three). I tried to hide it, and just Marine my way through the service – but TMBWitW figured out real quick that I wasn’t praying silently but nearly writhing in pain with my eyes closed. She insisted we go home immediately. I took a migraine pill and went into hibernation mode – door closed, pillow over the head blocking sound and light – and slept for about six and a half hours. Woke up a bit groggy, but able to function.

For some reason, TMBWitW thinks that two migraines inside a week is cause for alarm, and that I should see the doctor about it. With a persuasive argument like that, I couldn’t help but be on the phone with the doctor’s office as soon as they were supposed to open. (0900) At 0915, they still hadn’t taken the answering machine off of weekend mode, so I left a message on the appointment line. Oh well. We’ll see where this goes.

OK – if you are eating anything while surfing this entry, you may want to either check out some blogroll activity, or go over to for a minute.

If you are still reading, then I am going to assume that you have a stomach that can handle what I’m about to write.

As my four or five regular readers know, I have five dogs. Lately, the weather has been warming up to the point where being outside after, say, 0730 is just uncomfortable. Not unbearably hot, but enough to make yard work unappealing. I haven’t been getting up and going outside early enough to get any yard work done before 0730 for about a month.

So – doing the math, my normal 1/2 – 3/4 bucket’s worth of yard apples has been building up a bit. Today I picked up four buckets, some of it still fresh, and I have more to go – but the rest will have to wait until tomorrow morning. I’m not going to deal with that stuff in the heat and direct sunlight if I can help it. The pick-up pattern is to stay just inside the shadow of the house as the sun rises, so you gotta move fast if you want to be efficient and stay out of the sun.

I’ve been hoping that the constantly rising price of gasoline would finally silence the liberals who say that we are in the middle east to steal the oil over there – but it doesn’t seem to be so. They are still claiming we are trading blood for oil – are they not seeing the prices going up, or are they still the clueless individuals they always were?

Never mind, rhetorical question.

Well, MEG is awake. The first thing she wanted to do was watch the “wawas”. Now she is watching Lilo and Stitch, and eating her morning waffle. I’m going to wrap this up now and start going about my business.

Ya’ll have a good Monday (if that is possible) and I will keep you posted on the migraine thing, OK?


I have an appointment for 0800 Thursday morning. Yes, Loon, I will be a good Marine and actually go to the appointment. 🙂

Thank you for stopping by, God bless you all, listen to The O Word on BlogTalkRadio, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

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