The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...


June 22nd, 2008 . by Cary

Maybe this will help get past all the issues:

Thank you for stopping by, God bless you all, listen to The O Word on BlogTalkRadio, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

Why I’m Voting Democrat

June 18th, 2008 . by Cary

Remember a while back I introduced James Baxter to you?

This was the introduction, in the post titled In League With The Stones.

Anyway – James sends me the occasional piece of information, article, whatever, that he feels will brighten the day of his recipients. This one is a fine example. It was written by Ben Shapiro.

Why I’m Voting Democrat
Ben Shapiro
Wednesday, June 18, 2008

A new video on YouTube is taking the Internet by storm. Entitled “I’m Voting Republican,” the satirical clip depicts actors playing conservative Americans of all shapes and sizes explaining why they would vote for the GOP.

“Arnold Jones” says he’s voting Republican because “all other countries are inferior to us” — and his wife, “Trudy Jones,” adds, “and we should start as many wars as we need to keep it that way.” A soldier in Iraq states that he’s voting Republican “so I can stay in Iraq” — and a young boy, labeled “future draftee,” points a fake gun at the camera and smiles while saying “so I can go to Iran!”

A black couple says they’re voting Republican because they “like a conservative majority on the Supreme Court,” with the wife noting, “we really like knowing that even if we’re separate, we’ll still be called equal.”

This insulting nonsense is precisely what liberals think of conservatives: We’re all warmongers, racists, environmental rapists and secret emissaries of big corporations. We’re going to reinstitute the draft, start a war with Canada and then relocate African-Americans to Quebec.

This sort of tripe should be dismissed out of hand. In the spirit of evenhandedness and fair play, however, I feel it my duty to explain why I’m going to vote Democrat.

I’m voting Democrat because I believe that the best strategy in war is defeat. It broadens the mind to learn Japanese, German and Arabic. Talk about multiculturalism!

I’m voting Democrat because I’m mad that George W. Bush hasn’t caught Bin Laden. That’s because Bin Laden is the only Islamic terrorist in the world.

I’m voting Democrat because I believe that if I don’t have enough money, the solution is for the government to take more of my money. Who needs money when gas is $5 per gallon?

I’m voting Democrat because I believe that the ideal family is two homosexual bonobos, a goat and a parrot raising a human baby. Love and compassion is all it takes to make a successful family!

I’m voting Democrat because it’s my body, and if I want to kill my baby, I’ll do it, even if its head is in the birth canal. If I want to cut out my intestines and feed them to the crocodiles, I’ll do that too. That’s the freedom our forefathers enshrined in the Constitution.

I’m voting Democrat because our enemies on the battlefield deserve comfy hotel rooms, Pay-Per-View, prostitutes and all the benefits of American citizenship.

I’m voting Democrat because I believe we need other countries’ permission for me to turn down my thermostat.

I’m voting Democrat because I care about the real victims of crime — criminals.

I’m voting Democrat because the real cure for racism includes preferential policies based on race — particularly in presidential voting. If you believe that a black candidate ought to be qualified, as well as black, you’re worse than Bull Conner.

I’m voting Democrat because everyone deserves crappy healthcare. Sure, you’ll have to wait years for that life-saving cancer surgery. But it’s first come, first served at the cemetery!

I’m voting Democrat because I believe in minority rights (except in Muslim countries), free speech (with regard to pornography but not conservative talk radio), environmentalism (unless we’re talking about Al Gore’s house) and diplomacy (but never backed by the threat of military force).

I’m voting Democrat because I like the words “hope” and “change.” Also “kazoo.” That’s a funny word.

I’m voting Democrat because I believe that America’s founders were rich, white, greedy xenophobes, and that America’s founding principles are hogwash requiring periodic editing from an unelected group of liberal judges.

Most of all, I’m voting Democrat because I like the ideas they have over in France, but I don’t feel like moving there. I’ll threaten to move, but I really won’t. After all, I have a good job, healthcare, lower taxes, free speech and a social framework that promotes family structure. And all of it is defended by the most effective fighting force on the planet.
If only the institution of far-left values resulted in a great country. Oh, well. That won’t stop me from voting Democrat, though. After all, I’m voting Democrat because thought isn’t one of my strong suits.

Well, that about says it. Especially that last line. Those who are blindly following the Democrat Party are not thinking. Heck, even those who are blindly following ANY party are not thinking.

Sure could use a true conservative candidate now, instead of being forced to choose between two liberals.

Thank you for stopping by, God bless you all, listen to The O Word on BlogTalkRadio, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

Thursday MishMash

June 5th, 2008 . by Cary

I don’t know where to start.

Yesterday afternoon (as TMBWitW was working from home, right before a Very Important Conference Call/Online Meeting) the connection was lost to the Internet. Where’s Al Gore when you need him? Several hours and many, many reboots and conversations with Cox later, and we are back online.

What a time frame to not have access – Shrillary basically hands the DemocRAT nomination to the Obamanation and then begs for the Veep slot. (I don’t know about BHO, but I would be remembering Vincent Foster when considering any dealings with Her Royal Pantsuit)

Ann Coulter has a lovely little piece on the whole affair, with some commentary about hypocrisy, in her weekly article.

I’ve added a link to my blogroll – her name is Samantha West, and she stores her thoughts here. She is very pro-military. I like her already.

I have three cats that need to find a new home – they are picking on the older two, and TMBWitW is not going to put up with that for much longer. Adopting them out is going to be much more humane than putting them on the street.

Speaking of pets – Logan is not doing real well. I introduced you to him here and for comparison purposes, here’s a recent photo:

Logan under the tree

Well, his polyneuropathy is starting to affect his bladder control. He has left a couple of puddles this week, and last week there was a bit of a BM issue by the back door. (when I went to help him stand up, it happened. I think he already needed to go, and my lifting him kind of added to the pressure.) We were told he would live between three and five years, and he just turned three. We might be losing him sooner than later. I am not looking forward to this stage of his life with us.

Thank you for stopping by, God bless you all, listen to The O Word on BlogTalkRadio, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!


November 26th, 2007 . by Cary

After I had posted my somewhat weekly reminder to Wear Red on Friday and Support Our Troops, I got an e-mail from a reader. She would rather not share her e-mail address, which I respect, so here goes:

On Nov 25, 2007 9:58 PM, wrote:

When I got that “blue” email today (copycat of the original “red”) I looked it up on the internet. Following is my reply to the sender of the email:

Now in November 2007 we are seeing a mass email promotion for wearing blue to “Support our Troops” WHAT GIVES??????

Could this be a “smoke screen” to promote something else?? Please read this quote taken from this web site:

Quote: (Posted Feb. 5, 2006)

“We must impeach, convict, and punish the bushkid and his cohorts, posthumously if necessary, because it is the only way to redeem Our National Soul.

By promoting and observing “Blue Fridays” we can remind our “leaders,” ourselves, and the world that another week has gone by with no forceful action taken against what is now an undeniably criminal, never-illegitimate, authoritarian regime.

Let’s get to work.”

Sheeler for Senate “Impeach Bush”

I found this curious. There may be no connection at all, but still, it is curious or as you say, “obvious”. I’m with you – Red trumps Blue!


I checked out the link – it leads to an anti-republican site. I would have said democrat site, but even they don’t really hate the administration that much, do they? (also note they say the ‘regime’ is ‘never-illegitimate’. does no one proofread what they write anymore? anyone? anyone? beuller?) And if they do, how can they claim they are the voice of America? They are only the voice of the 33% of registered voters who bothered to show up last time around.

I am going to put this one to bed – the “Blue on Friday” movement is an obvious ploy to get everyone to wear blue for one reason, but another is underlying the movement. I will NOT take this opportunity to point out how this is a very apt analogy to how the democrats have been trying to run the country, nor will use this opportunity as a cheap shot at how any democrat presidential candidate may try to operate in the future. [cough]hillary[cough]

Thank you for stopping by, God bless you all, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

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