The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
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Undecided Voters

October 26th, 2012 . by Cary

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I realize this is a late post, a lot has been happening personally and the blog falls lower on the list as things pile up.

I know there are certain voters out there who are so clueless that they are still claiming to be “undecided”. The election is ten days away, I’d hate to see your house conversation at dinner time. (“where do you wanna go?” “i dunno, where do you wanna go?”) Guess what folks, this is a hell of a lot more important than dinner. This is your country, and all the freedoms you enjoy as a citizen, including the freedom to whine and complain about the leadership. Of course, if you don’t vote, you don’t get a say in who the leaders are, so your complaint about said leadership is null and void.

Let’s say, for the sake of argument, that you are, in fact, undecided. For whatever reason, you just can’t figure out who the lesser of the two evils are. Let me point you to two excellent posts that should help you figure out who the GREATER of the two evils are, and then, by process of elimination … (yes, I am ignoring the third party factors here – voting for the third party in this election is voting for the incumbent. Don’t do it. I’d hate to have to track you down and slap you for being a wuss.)

Post number one: CIA Operatives Were Denied Help During Benghazi Attack – in a nutshell, CIA ops on site were doing everything they could to protect the embassy that was under terrorist attack and their requests for help were ignored or denied.

Post number two: Petraeus Throws Obama Under The Bus. Well, all I can say is it’s about time someone threw Obama(THHO) under the bus he’s so adept at throwing others under. (Do you really think Clinton voluntarily stepped up to take the heat on this?)

Ladies and gentlemen of this country, President Nixon was impeached and hounded the rest of his life for a littel B&E and some wiretapping. No one died in the Watergate Hotel. The scandal that broke on this Republican was so memorabel that every scandal since has been tagged with the “-gate” ending. If Obama(THHO) gets out of this without so much as a slap on the wrist, then this country has fallen further than I could ever have imagined.

Good night, sleep well, stock up while you still can. It’s going to be a long slog until January 20th.

Chat ya later…

cary friday

Thanks for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, and Wear Red on Fridays!

Red Friday!

October 12th, 2012 . by Cary

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Are you wearing red today? Good!

I have a dark red (burgundy?) company shirt on.

In case I don’t see you before hand, have a good weekend!

Chat ya later…

cary friday

Thanks for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, and Wear Red on Fridays!

Oh! Hi there!

September 28th, 2012 . by Cary

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OK, well, it would appear that life is infringing on my posting again. I am having a blast doing cabinets again, this time from a project manager/builder account manager angle instead of getting my hands covered in sawdust and filled with splinters.

I’ve been in the industry for about mumbletymumble years or so, and I’ve even worked for this company before – but there are things that you learn because you didn’t do them that way, or didn’t do them, or weren’t aware they were done even though you saw the end results. Paperwork is one of those things. Holy tree killers, Batman – I thought the cabinet industry went through a lot of wood. I think the planning and prepping for building the cabinets kills more trees than actually making the boxes.

OK, I’m exaggerating. But not by much.

I am diggin’ the open-ended schedule, though – except for the part were I spend most of Friday evening getting caught up with what I did all week. That should change once I get a solid handle on what I’m working on. I get to drop MEG off at school (did i mention that she’s in kindergarten already? she was born what, a couple months ago, right?) and head for my first appointments or the plant or the showroom depending on where I’m needed, and when I wrap up what I need to get done, I head on over to the sister-in-love’s house and pick MEG up and take her home. Unless TMBWitW beats me to it, in which case I just head for the house.

Today when I dropped MEG off at school, there was dad dropping off his kindergartner – or maybe first grader at the most – on his Harley. I admit, I was kinda jealous. I called TMBWitW and told her what I saw. She said it would be fine, if she hadn’t picked up her Daddy’s fearlessness – that kid will do anything. If she was scared, she would hang on tight, but Mommy is afraid that the little daredevil won’t have any fear and will end up falling off the bike.

So we made a deal – when it gets to the point that Mommy gets to retire, Daddy gets to do his work on a Harley and Mommy gets to take MEG to school.

I can hardly wait.

Chat ya later…

cary friday

Thanks for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, and Wear Red on Fridays!

Red Friday

August 17th, 2012 . by Cary

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So, Governor Brewer issued her own Executive Order yesterday, telling state agencies that in spite of the DRAIN Act set in motion by Obama(THHO), that state requirements for valid proof of citizenship were still required for any state-issued public benefits.

Brewer Bars Public Benefits for Illegal Aliens

Today, shockingly, that executive order was declared unconstitutional! How can a document that does not apply to non-citizens be used as a reason to give non-citizens benefits?

Laywers for Illegals Claim Brewer Edict Contradicts Law

Funny – I don’t recall these laywers screaming about Obama’s (THHO) executive order contradicting national law …

Chat ya later…

cary friday

Thanks for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, and Wear Red on Fridays!

Poke The Bear Red Friday

July 20th, 2012 . by Cary

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This shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone who reads here: I am a Christian. Maybe I don’t declare that often enough. As a Christian, I base my beliefs and my views on the Bible. This is the Rock on which I have founded my life. The Bible has proven to be a steady and unchanging point of reference for as long as it has been around. The interpreters and interpretations have been influenced by man, but the Bible itself does not waver. For this reason, it is not a popular point of reference in it’s entirety for a certain 3% portion of the United States population.

Recently, Dan Cathy, owner of Chick-fil-A and an avowed Christian (his company displays Christian actions in all they do) stated in an article in the Baptist Press:

Some have opposed the company’s support of the traditional family. “Well, guilty as charged,” said Cathy when asked about the company’s position.

“We are very much supportive of the family — the biblical definition of the family unit. We are a family-owned business, a family-led business, and we are married to our first wives. We give God thanks for that.

“We operate as a family business … our restaurants are typically led by families; some are single. We want to do anything we possibly can to strengthen families. We are very much committed to that,” Cathy emphasized.

“We intend to stay the course,” he said. “We know that it might not be popular with everyone, but thank the Lord, we live in a country where we can share our values and operate on biblical principles.”

Some of you may not be aware of this, but there is a group of people out there (about 3% of the population) who have a social agenda to make you think that homosexuality is normal and should be accepted as such. This homosexual social agenda has caused some companies to abandon their sound business practices and focus on that 3% of the population. JC PEnney, for example, hired Ellen DeGenerate as their spokesmanwomanperson in February of this year. Their stock was over $40/share. In May, they decided to feature a “Two Mommies” family on their Mother’s Day ad. In June, to show they care equally, they featured a “Two Daddies” family on their Father’s Day ad. Today, their stock is sitting south of $20/share. Christian groups have boycotted the stores. I am sure there are other factors involved, such as changing their sale structure and reducing the people on staff, but overall, they have publicly declared their corporate support for the homosexual social agenda.

Chick-fil-A has not fallen in step. They are continuing to run their business with an eye on their Christian values. They, as people, are acting as Christians and God is blessing their actions. The homosexuals hate this.

Actually, anyone with a liberal bent hates this – from my Facebook page (Shellie is a friend from high school, Jennifer is my niece):

I support Chick-fil-A – because what a business does should be apparent by it’s actions, not by some group demanding to be considered “normal”.

Here is the text of the comment I left on their Facebook page:

If you don’t want to know the answer to a question, don’t ask it. If a business declares that they are family and Christian based, don’t poke the bear.

Why is it a requirement for a business to have a stand on the issue of gay marriage? Just do what normal people do and observe their corporate policy. It is plain to see that businesses such as Oreo and JC Penney have decided to focus their marketing on 3% of the population of the nation.

JC Penney has lost quite a bit of value due to shrinking sales – Mr. Cathy, you keep right on doing what you’ve been doing. There are a lot more people who agree with you than don’t, so your sales will continue to grow. Besides, now I KNOW it’s safe to bring my young daughter to one of your stores – there won’t be any flagrant gays parading around inside demanding they be treated as normal.
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Rita Fourman Barger, Johnny Theodore Helms and 6 others like this.
Merry Cathey very well said
10 hours ago · Like

Shellie Dryden · Friends with Debi Pugh and 16 others (note that she is ID’d this way, she unfriended me)
Sorry Carey; I have friends that are gay. They are very good people, with big hearts that are very caring, and they’re not out to make everyone else gay. I care for them, and they don’t deserve to be treated like shit. They’re not killers, child molesters, bank robbers, and drug pushers. They’re just trying to survive in this world like every one else. They are human beings with hearts and feelings.
10 hours ago · Like

Eric Hughes Perfectly stated Cary! 100% agree.
9 hours ago via mobile · Unlike

Cary Cartter Shellie – I’m not saying they are bad people – but why do they have to push to be considered normal, when until the 70s being homosexual was considered deviant? And if that makes you break off being friends, then so be it.
9 hours ago · Like

Merry Cathey I totally agree with Cary. I have a son who decided he is gay. OK. I accept him for what he believes he is but it breaks my heart because he acts the way he does. Do I go around telling everyone I am not gay? No. He used to be a good, loving, caring person. Now he is belligerent and pushy and expects special treatment just because he has decided he is gay. He has become someone I know longer know or understand. I told him he is morally wrong and living in sin. I also asked what happened to his church upbringing. It has torn our family apart.
8 hours ago · Unlike

Jennifer Cartter Do you judge an entire group of people based on the actions of a few? I certainly don’t. I choose to judge individuals based on what they do and who they are. Should we assume that all Christians are horrible people, forcing their beliefs on the rest of the population because a few (granted, a noticeably loud group) do so?

I have friends who are Christian, and they are not like the extremists you see on the news. The best daycare provider I ever found for my son was a Muslim woman. I have friends and family from different racial backgrounds.

Likewise, I have friends who are gay, and they are the quietest, most polite people who are NOT trying to make anyone live their lifestyle, simply going about their business and living their lives.

Personally, I teach my kids to see a person for who they are inside, not for their gender, their age, their skin color, their religion or their sexual orientation. What are you teaching your kid?
3 hours ago · Like

Cary Cartter ‎Jennifer – I AM NOT SAYING GAYS ARE BAD PEOPLE. I am saying that when they push their agenda and DEMAND to know where a business stands in view of their agenda, they should not be offended when there are businesses who do not support their agenda.

Chick-fil-A has been a Christian owned business from the start. The Cathys have stated their Christian beliefs, and have acted in a Christian believing manner, that is, they are not open on Sunday, they themselves model Christian marriages, and they espouse Christian beliefs. Knowing all this, CNN STILL decided to POKE THE BEAR and ask Mr. Cathy a direct and pointed question about gay marriage. Why? So they could manufacture OUTRAGE that a company does not fall into lockstep with the homosexual social agenda.


JC Penney and Oreo have come out in PUBLIC support of gay marriage and gay rights – that is, in support of the homosexual social agenda. In return, Christians have decided to not support these businesses any more. JC Penney, since they have taken on such a public position, has lost over $20/share in value for catering to the demands to 3% of the population.

If homosexuals want to feel they are being demonized because a business will not kow-tow to their every whim, then fine, they don’t need to support that business. But in the same vein, don’t turn around and vilify ME because I am of the opinion that Mr. Cathy is right to RUN HIS BUSINESS AS HE SEES FIT and it is my prerogative to give that company my business while at the same time since I disagree with JC Penney it is also my prerogative to NOT do business with a company that is running their business as they see fit.

It come down to personal accountability and responsibility. You don’t have a problem with gays? Good!! For the most part, I don’t either – as long as they do not push their “rights” and their “we are normal” in my face. Their freedom of speech ends at the end of my nose. As soon as they infringe on MY RIGHTS then we have a problem.

As for your daycare provider, she is either apostate or lying. Read the koran and think with the logic skills you have, don’t let your emotions tell you how to “FEEEEEEEL”.
47 minutes ago · Like

Eric Hughes Oorah!
40 minutes ago via mobile · Unlike

Cary Cartter And, Jennifer – my daughter is being taught the Bible based truth. With a rock of foundation like that, there is no failing.

Joshua 24:15 But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your forefathers served beyond the River, of the gods of the Amorites. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.
35 minutes ago · Like

Jennifer Cartter Cary, I have to say I think the only thing we will EVER agree on is that we are family. When it comes to anything else, we are at opposite sides of the board. I love you by default because you are my uncle, but I feel for you that you cannot accept the good in people who are of differing religious beliefs and lifestyle than yourself.
19 minutes ago · Like

Cary Cartter If you only love me by default, don’t waste your time. I find it amusing that you will support deviants’ rights, “religious” beliefs, and the option to feel instead of think, but you are intolerant of my thoughts and beliefs.

I have never said that I cannot accept the good in people. As a realist, I also have to be AWARE of the potential for bad in people. In today’s world, extremists can pop up anywhere – including a movie theatre in a “gun-free zone” – and do great damage and harm to society. Being aware of the wrong people can do lets me protect my family so we can, in fact, enjoy the Good that is all around us.
14 minutes ago · Like

What say you?

Chat ya later…

cary friday

Thanks for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, and Wear Red on Fridays!

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