The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

The Backlash of the “Roundups”

May 2nd, 2008 . by Cary

Sheriff Joe Arpaio, the “Toughest Sheriff” located here in Maricopa County, has his problems. Liberal journalists (yes, EJ Montini, I’m talking about YOU) don’t like him because he is forward, straight talking and decidedly not PC.

Oh, and he’s tough on crime. That really ticks off the left.

His latest exploits have included painting the jail buses with murals that include a hotline for suspected illegals. Yeah, another thing the libs hate. People who don’t want illegals to invade this country.

Sheriff Joe has recently targeted some known illegals’ areas in a crime sweep – that is, the Sheriff’s office will blanket an area and stop all traffic and ask for ID. That ID will be run through a quickie background check. Wants and warrants will result in detention, as will the inability to produce legal ID. Self-declared illegals will get a ticket on the fast bus south; those who are snagged for wants and warrants who turn out to be here illegally will also ride south, but after serving time in some of Joe’s tents.

The liberal media has been warning of a “backlash” to all this activity, coupled with the voters’ wish of actually enforcing immigration and employment laws, and it has started to show itself.

First, there was the dropping unemployment rate. Arizona as a whole is enjoying the shrinking line at the jobless office.

Second was the traffic situation. With fewer illegals in the area, traffic has been reduced.

Third was evident yesterday. You know, the day “all” illegals were going to “protest” their “lack” of “rights” in a country they have illegally invaded?

(uh, yeah – about that. if you aren’t here legally, you have no rights under the constitution of The United States. become a citizen, and enjoy all the rights and privileges thereunto pertained.)

well, other cities enjoyed the sight of all those illegals gathering in one place, making them a prime target for a roundup. Here in Arizona, the “leaders” of the pro-illegals (they actually call themselves “Immigrants Without Borders. huh. if there are no borders, then there is no such thing as an immigrant, right? morons.) did not organize a protest rally, given the demonstrations that have erupted both in support of and against the recent sweeps by law enforcement. Well, wah. They don’t seem to have any problem with their demonstrations when they are disrupting the lives of everyone else, but people show they are serious about not wanting illegals invading this country, and the criminal leaders – er, uhm – “organizers” wimp out.

I was looking forward to Joe rounding them all up and running them all through the wants and warrants system…

Instead, the “organizers” of this non-event have opted for a different way to show they are serious about this subject. You guessed it – they are going to perform a protest march from Tucson to Phoenix, ending at the state capital on May 11. (Joe – there’s a hot tip for ya, bud)

This is a very smart move on the part of the “organizers” as it will demonstrate what these illegals had to go through in order to get here. No, wait, they think it will highlight the inhumane treatment of immigrants. Really? The immigrants I see are in good shape, what with coming here through legal means and all. The only ones I see struggling are the ones who snuck in here under the wire. And, just for your information, “Immigrants Without Brains,” marching in the desert as a public protest is kinda stupid, what with no roads and no media coverage, don’t ya think? But please, be sure to file your route with the appropriate law enforcement offices – they’ll take good care of you.

Thank you for stopping by, God bless you all, listen to The O Word on BlogTalkRadio, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

Thursday Update

November 29th, 2007 . by Cary

So much to write about, and so little time…

MEG has been feeling under the weather – slight congestion, so when she sleeps it’s in fits and starts, and she usually wakes up coughing.

I’ve got my flight to Florida scheduled, and a rental car for hauling the files back with me reserved. I arrive in Tampa on January 14th, at 6pm. The plan is to spend the 15th with my aunt and uncle, then drive back to Phoenix. It’s still not too late to let me know where to stop for a “People and Places” entry for my travel notes…

There was a lady and her son, who were camping over the Thanksgiving weekend, who were involved in a single vehicle crash on their way home. The vehicle landed down a slope, away from the road. The Mom was trapped inside, the son managed to get out but then was too scared/injured to go anywhere for help. An illegal invader happened by, and first tried to help the Mom (she passed away from her injuries) and stayed with the boy until help arrived. The media is trying to play up the fact that this Good Samaritan is proof that not all illegals are criminals, ignoring the fact that all illegals are federal criminals the moment they set foot on US soil without permission… Yes, he was compassionate, and yes, he did the right thing by helping others selflessly, but he is still in the country without permission. Sure, streamline his application, but have him step back to his own country while it is being processed. Once he is here LEGALLY, then celebrate his heroics and his acts of selflessness. Until then, while he remains here, he is a criminal who helped a human in need.

Did you catch the debate last night? I didn’t. I had a young lady to take care of and a chance to talk to my wife once MEG fell asleep. I wasn’t going to miss that for a bunch of clueless politicians trying to score brownie points.

Hope you are having a good week. Please visit the blogs in my blogroll and the blogrolls down below.

Thank you for stopping by, God bless you all, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

Pardon My Absence

July 15th, 2007 . by Cary

I’ve been trying to wrap up this contract with the fewest casualties. Tough to do with the level of customer service exhibited by the product supplier. More on that later.

Today, I need to ask all three of my loyal readers to go to Texas Fred‘s and read this. Dave Mooney, the owner of Blue Star Deli in Farmers Branch, Texas, needs some help. Seems that because Dave has been a member of the staunch opposition to illegal invaders, he is being targeted to be boycotted by ALL the Mexican-derived people in the South Texas area. He needs our help, please take a minute to read the piece at Fred’s.

That’s all for now – gotta go slay a paper dragon.

Thank you for stopping by, and God bless you all.

July 4th, 2007

July 4th, 2007 . by Cary

On this day, I would like to first wish you all a safe and fabulous Fourth of July celebration, remembering all those who have given all in order to secure these continuing liberties.

Deborah, from the North: Thank you. Your note means a lot.

Moving on to current events – the Governor of Arizona, Janet Napolitano, has signed into law a bill that should effectively remove the illegal immigrant from the state of Arizona. At least, the incentive for them to be here will be removed. The bill has built in penalties for knowingly hiring illegal immigrants. No, not monetary – at least, not directly. First offense would result in your business being placed on probation for three years (five, if the hiring was ‘intentional’). Second offense your business license would be revoked. Period.

I’d say that’s pretty tough, wouldn’t you?

Only one problem. The enforcement part.

It really doesn’t matter how “tough” the laws are, if there is no enforcement and, more importantly, punishment, the lawbreakers won’t care. They will continue to break the law.

The only effective law is one that is fairly enforced, and punishment meted out afterward. Currently, the national passport requirements for traveling to Canada, Mexico, or any Carribean vaction spot are not being enforced, because “people weren’t ready” for them I say, tough. There was plenty of warning the rules were going into effect. The lack of punishment can be seen as the root cause for many maladies crippling the country today, mostly at the local level which will spill into the regional levels and beyond. Graffiti is a widespread problem because no one wants to hold their kids responsible for damaging other people’s property. Vandalism follows, with the “broken windows” model following (where there are broken windows or other signs of vandalism, the basic crime rate will rise).

My solution? Well, it’s pretty simple, yet it will be seen as a radical departure from the status quo: Hire enough police officers to have an effective presence in the area. Follow that with actually prosecuting and punishing those caught breaking the law. Overcrowded prisons? Just another incentive to not break the law. Once the perception is changed to actual punishment of the criminals, instead of coddling, the number of crimes and criminals will be reduced. Heck, even if the only thing the additional officers do is patrol the streets and write speeding tickets, overall the roads will become safer when the speeders slow down and the minor traffic infractions are not occurring as often as they are now.

Back to the illegal immigrant law: There is talk of a large exodus of the illegals, since they won’t be able to find work. Boo-freakin’hoo. I look at this as a positive. Number one, the traffic was much lighter, and there were fewer accidents, on the days of the illegal immigrant rallies. Number two, once the cheap labor is gone, the market will do a rapid self correction and people will be able to get a decent wage once again. Number three, the entry level positions that the illegals love to hang on to forever will be freed up for high-school students to once again use as a stepping stone to the workforce.

On a personal note, the neighborhood will be safer to walk in at night. Right now, the large groups sharing the single family homes are causing enough traffic and trash to make anyone feel uncomfortable outside their own home.

Well, I’ve prattled on long enough. Time to update the on-line numbers and then catch some sleep before the festivities of the day begin.

Please be safe. Don’t drink and drive. If you must drink, do so responsibly. Remember that alcohol and gunpowder don’t mix. Well, they do, but with usually disastrous results.

Thank you for stopping by, God bless you all, Wear Red on Fridays, support Warriors for Innocence, and write in Cary Cartter for President in 2008!


Quick Note to the I.C.E.

May 1st, 2007 . by Cary

Just because a majority of the people in a group are from a certain country…

And just because they have decided to make it a point to advertise when and where they are going to be on a certain day of the year…

And just because “public opinion” and “political correctness” run your department…

… doesn’t mean it would be wrong to park a few old Border Patrol buses in strategic spots during non-citizenship marches!

Thank you for stopping by, God bless you all, Wear Red on Fridays, and write in Cary Cartter for President in 2008!


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