The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

Thursday in America

May 8th, 2008 . by Cary

I normally (well, most of the time) (OK, when I have time…) have a link fest and list my blog reads here along with their latest posts; since tomorrow’s show is going to feature my regular reads, I figured I would just chat a bit today. (Be sure to call in and let me know YOUR regular reads at (347) 838-9573. Or, drop in the chatroom to – uhm, chat – or just sit back and lurk as a listener. that’s fine. don’t participate. i’ll just drone on and on and on by myself. no, really, it’s fine.)

Sorry, forgot to mention the show is at 0700 Mountain Standard Time. No, we don’t do Daylight Savings. Yes, I’m on the same time as Pacific right now. No, I don’t know when it changes back. I don’t care. Remember? we don’t do it, so why keep track of it? Just go and sign up as a member of blogtalkradio, add me as a favorite, and you will get customized notice of when the show is, with YOUR time on it. Now, back to the regular column, which I so rudely interrupted:

Today TMBWitW was going to take the day off. Yesterday MEG started to run a slight fever and recycle everything that went in. Sure wish I had know about the recycling decision BEFORE I gave her the fruit snacks, but there you have it. In light of the recycling effort and TMBWitW’s quick trip to the urgent care center last night while I was at church, she decided to take today as a sick day instead.

(They are both napping right now, which is the only reason I am posting. Shhh. Don’t wake them up.)

Since it’s Thursday, I need to go out and bring the cans back in from the curb. I also need to sweep up the latest conglomeration of pet hair that is gathering in the corners. Oh, and if you all happen to see my black cat, Captain Midnight (he’s got tags and a chip) out and about, please tell him to stay out of the street and go home. No, he doesn’t normally go out. He’s an inside cat, like all the rest. While I was helping Logan get out this morning, Captain slipped out the door and was up and over the wall before I could get Logan situated and chase after Captain. What a stupid cat. I love him dearly, but if he runs off, I will never know what happened to him.

Remember to tune in tomorrow. I’ll talk to you then.

Thank you for stopping by, God bless you all, listen to The O Word on BlogTalkRadio, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

Monday? *blink* *blink* Really?

February 11th, 2008 . by Cary

I have misplaced most of the weekend. Actually, I know where I was, I just don’t know what happened to the time. I’ve been fighting this cold, and Tylenol makes a really good medicine that knocks me out and lets my body heal on it’s own. So, I was sleeping most of the weekend. I go see the Doctor today. I sure hope he has something good for me.

While I shave, I have time to think about things. Mostly, I am concentrating on not slicing my own throat, but there are stretches where I am not near my throat, and I can think – and this weekend, due to all the sleeping being done in the name of physical health, I was thinking about Newton’s Law. You know, the one that says “A body at rest remains at rest unless acted upon by an unbalanced force?” Well, I came up with Cary’s Theorem: A body, resting, attracts other bodies that want to rest, usually canine in form.

We have five dogs, and four of them are able to get on the bed under their own power. Logan has polyneuropathy, and is unable to jump up on the bed, but the rest sure like to join me when I’m trying to nap. And, when the smallest dog is 35 pounds, and the largest is 105, that doesn’t leave a lot of room for me. At night, we have to strictly enforce the two dog rule – only two dogs allowed, and then only at the foot of the bed. Otherwise, there’s no room for humans.

How was your weekend?

Thank you for stopping by, God bless you all, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

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