The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

Rare Wednesday

October 29th, 2008 . by Cary

It’s not too often that I get to write a post on Wednesday.

When I do, it’s going to be a good one, because I don’t want to fritter away the opportunity to share with ya’ll on a day that TMBWitW is normally working from home. However, this is close week and she (being an accounting type) needs to be at the office all week.

When I do post on a Wednesday, I look for something that I can really sink my teeth into. “machosauceproduction” is someone you should probably get to know. He comes from a large family of democrats and has somehow managed to [gasp!] think for himself.

While surfing this morning, I ran across this video that Cyber Pastor posted; I remember thinking to myself when I first saw this guy that I should dig into him a bit more, find out where he’s at. Well, I did that. The man is funny, and truthful. It pains liberals when people like him point out their own foibles, and that is reflected in some of the comments from the left.

Go on, check him out. You won’t regret it. Unless, of course, you happen to be a left-leaning weenie that can’t handle the truth…

1 More B4 11 04

Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, listen to The O Word on BlogTalkRadio, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!


Patriot Day 2008

September 11th, 2008 . by Cary

Never Forget.

Never Forget.

Never Forget.

Never Forget.

Never Forget.

Never Forget.

Never Forget.

Never Forget.

Never Forget.

Never Forget.

Never Forget.

Never Forget.

Never Forget.

Never Forget.

Never Forget.

Never Forget.

Never Forget.

Never Forget.

Never Forget.

Never Forget.

Never Forget!

Never Forget.

For those of you out there in blogger land who followed the lead of Hoosier Boy (#18) and GuyK, I understand what you are saying.

Thursday Round Up

August 7th, 2008 . by Cary

Good stuff going on today – let’s start out with Gawfer, my squid buddy, who got off blogspot and into a sleek WordPress template on a paid server…

I’m going to group all these together, as they all have a common theme: The Invasion of the United States by Armed Members of the Mexican Army!
Old Soldier, GuyK, , and American and Proud.

GuyK just figured out his camera also does videos…

Richard has a question about the migration patterns of birds around his neck of the … lake.

Blackfive has a great lineup – they always have a great lineup – and I will correct my statement – they are decidedly pro-military and quite biased in that regard. They love the military. They support the military. Some of them are still in the military.

Write on the Right displays the inequality of the sexes.

Akinoluna has a tough entry, and some scary thoughts about her fellow Marines.

The Loon gets the lake excited about the Freedom Walk.

Greybeard has re-gained the weight he lost a year ago, and is headed back to the “eatrightandexercise” diet that was successful for him before. Matter of fact, I need to do that too. I’ve re-gained what I lost while talking to him about it…

Speaking of Greybeard, he pointed me to the newest member of my blogroll, RattlerGator. Good read, and thoughtful insight from what looks to be a great addition.

They went on a shooting expedition over at cookiecrumbexpress. Pictures!

Andrew has a thought about television.

Our Sovereign Joy has a good post about tradition.

Amboy Times has a report on the effects of socialism (*cough*obama*cough*) does to a country.

Jenn has an update on the highly awaited Nancy Pelosi book tour…

Political Pistachio had a good show last night – did ya miss it?

Kathi highlights the book “I Will Not Be Broken” on Mail Call! Don’t forget to check out her Wednesday Hero.

Fraud, Phishing, and Misdeeds has good news – the largest fraud ring in history has been broken!

Brother Johnny finished up his series on Nothing Good To Say over on Amazed In His Presence.

the BLOG talks about the roots of genius…

Steve talks about another world on A Sense of Place.

Kris is having noise issues with the restaurant next door on This Is Stoke Newington.

“I Told You So” coming from a redhead? I’m shocked. Shocked, I tell you. See what she told us at Samantha Speaks.

Ablur wants you to sit back and let go of your stress for a minute…

BZ has a short post up while he’s more concerned with the health of his Dad. Prayers to the family, BZ.

Some tips to those running for president over on Dumb Looks Still Free.

Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, Time, Inc. is a bunch of weasels, listen to The O Word on BlogTalkRadio, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

Round Up Time

July 31st, 2008 . by Cary

Has it been a week already? Wow… time flies.

First up (on the random “top of the blogrolls” generator) is Texas Fred with a reiteration on his beliefs about where the WoT should have been, and why going where we did was a mistake. Good read. Oh, and he’s on his new server, too.

In case I haven’t made this clear before, Blackfive is the site for unbiased pieces on anything military.

cube has a piece up on the BLOG about He Who Must Not Be Middle Named.

Regular Ron shares his outlook on the possible shutdown looming in September on Old Right Daily.

Richard (At The Water) shows why he wants to get into digiscoping.

Samantha got the rough end of a conversation when trying to do the right thing.

Old Soldier has a bit of a rant on the money-burning habits of a particular sheik in the Middle East.

Brother Helms on Amazed In His Presence has a series of interesting entries…

GuyK cuts loose on the latest campaign ad flurry over on Charming, Just Charming.

Don’t visit Steve if you have a high jealousy factor of blue skies, clean air, gorgeous panoramas and abundant wildlife. I only go there to report his entries. And yearn to hike the same trails.

Doug reports on an Early Warning Station that is in place to overlook Israel.

Did you know that if you are White then you are considered to be racist? Simply for being White? Check out American And Proud Of It for details. (full disclosure: I am considered to be a bog-dwelling, racist redneck and infidel – and darned proud of it, too!)

Jenn has the McCain ad posted that rips on Obama by comparing him to other media-made darlings.

John Starley has an excellent piece up regarding the spending habits of Congress on Fire of Liberty.

Good Thought of the Day over on Andrew Tallman’s blog.

Akinoluna reflects on what five years is.

BZ has a question for those who still think in America regarding Mr. HopeyChangieness on Bloviating Zeppelin.

Go on up to the tab labeled “All Blogrolls Here” and run down the list. I’m sure you will find something to comment on!

Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, Time, Inc. is a bunch of weasels, listen to The O Word on BlogTalkRadio, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

Fine Line Between Legal and Right

July 26th, 2008 . by Cary

Well, maybe not that fine. Texas Fred has a post up concerning the big, fat line that was crossed by the El Lago Apartments in McKinney, Texas.

Seems a couple of Texas National Guard folk had to vacate their premises due to being called up to active duty. Their apartments (controlled, by the way, by a trust located in California to run a trust to run a company that owns the company that owns the apartments…) do not “participate” in the Texas Apartment Association and therefore do not have a TAA specific clause concerning military personnel and the possibility of being moved on orders prior to the end of a lease.

The specifics are in the article here. From a legal standpoint, the apartments are within their rights to penalize tenants who terminate their lease early, but this is no way to treat the men and women of the American Armed Forces.

I’m gonna have to throw a big BS flag on this play, no matter how strong the apartments’ legal ground.

On a side note: Our thoughts and prayers are with Chris and Chessa Horvath as they leave on their second deployment to Iraq.

Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, Time, Inc. is a bunch of weasels, listen to The O Word on BlogTalkRadio, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

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