The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

Round Up Time

July 31st, 2008 . by Cary

Has it been a week already? Wow… time flies.

First up (on the random “top of the blogrolls” generator) is Texas Fred with a reiteration on his beliefs about where the WoT should have been, and why going where we did was a mistake. Good read. Oh, and he’s on his new server, too.

In case I haven’t made this clear before, Blackfive is the site for unbiased pieces on anything military.

cube has a piece up on the BLOG about He Who Must Not Be Middle Named.

Regular Ron shares his outlook on the possible shutdown looming in September on Old Right Daily.

Richard (At The Water) shows why he wants to get into digiscoping.

Samantha got the rough end of a conversation when trying to do the right thing.

Old Soldier has a bit of a rant on the money-burning habits of a particular sheik in the Middle East.

Brother Helms on Amazed In His Presence has a series of interesting entries…

GuyK cuts loose on the latest campaign ad flurry over on Charming, Just Charming.

Don’t visit Steve if you have a high jealousy factor of blue skies, clean air, gorgeous panoramas and abundant wildlife. I only go there to report his entries. And yearn to hike the same trails.

Doug reports on an Early Warning Station that is in place to overlook Israel.

Did you know that if you are White then you are considered to be racist? Simply for being White? Check out American And Proud Of It for details. (full disclosure: I am considered to be a bog-dwelling, racist redneck and infidel – and darned proud of it, too!)

Jenn has the McCain ad posted that rips on Obama by comparing him to other media-made darlings.

John Starley has an excellent piece up regarding the spending habits of Congress on Fire of Liberty.

Good Thought of the Day over on Andrew Tallman’s blog.

Akinoluna reflects on what five years is.

BZ has a question for those who still think in America regarding Mr. HopeyChangieness on Bloviating Zeppelin.

Go on up to the tab labeled “All Blogrolls Here” and run down the list. I’m sure you will find something to comment on!

Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, Time, Inc. is a bunch of weasels, listen to The O Word on BlogTalkRadio, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

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