The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

Do You Smoke Cigarettes?

July 27th, 2006 . by Cary

Before I left to lay down, I saw this on Sgt. Allen’s blog:

This article tells me if you are buying your cigarettes from a “discount” store, or from someone not actually licensed to sell them, you may be supporting the His-Bollocks organization.

You. May. Be. Supporting. The. Terrorists.


Smoking is harmful to your health.

God loves you and wants you to be healthy. I quit with God’s help, so can you.

I Love the Rain

July 27th, 2006 . by Cary

Naturally, you have to live in the desert and not have had any for a long time to appreciate that statement.

It’s kind of sprinkling here in the Valley of the Sun today.

I’m at home, waiting for the migraine medicine to kick in so I can take a nice long, quiet, dark nap.

You see, one of the side affects of having rain in the Valley is the dropping barometric pressure. For whatever reason (I am sure there is a medical study/connection thingy to prove this) when the pressure changes, migraines are triggered in some people. Like me.

Now, normally I don’t let a little thing like a headache get in my way. Take some Tylen*l or Exedr!n Migraine and work through it. But, when the migraine advances past the simple jackhammer on the back side of the skull into the territory of nausea and dizziness, I pretty much throw in the towel and take the good stuff. I know that adrenaline overrides my migraines in a hurry, which explains why I never really had trouble with them while in the service; but there’s really no call for adrenaline rushes in my current line of work. Except for driving to and from work, but I think I’ve covered that in previous posts.

The weather here is being weird along with the rain – last Friday and Saturday we set record highs (118 and 116 respectively) for the dates; today it’s a balmy and humid 82. I’ve gone so far as to turn off the A/C and open the doors to let the breeze through and let the dogs run in and out without having to be a doggy doorman while I am here.

Man, it’s taking a while for this stuff to kick in. I’m really amazed, considering I took some of the T before heading off to work, some of the E at work (effectively ignoring the dosage instructions, don’t tell TMBWitW, our Doctor, or Sue, OK?) and the good stuff once I decided I’d had enough and came home.

Well, I will stop waiting and go lay down. No sense wasting a perfectly good opportunity to catch some sleep.

May God richly bless your lives, and may you always seek His will in your life.

Couple of Things

July 26th, 2006 . by Cary

First, a tip of the hat to rick and kathy for this well worded verse.

Second, a quick salute to my best friend from high school, Bob, who sent me this alert via e-mail yesterday:


The number of doctors in the U.S. is 700,000.
Accidental deaths caused by physicians per year are 120,000.
Accidental deaths per physician is 0.1714.
Statistics: courtesy of the U.S.Dept of Health & Human Services


The number of gun owners in the U.S. is 80,000,000 (yes! that’s 80 million).
The number of accidental gun deaths per year, all age groups, is 1500.
The number of accidental deaths per gun owner is 0.0019.
Statistics: courtesy of the FBI

Statistics show that doctors are approximately 9,000 times more dangerous than gun owners.

Remember, guns don’t kill people, doctors do.

Fact: Not everyone owns a gun, but everyone has at least one doctor.

Please alert your friends to this alarming threat. We must ban doctors before this gets completely out of hand!

Out of concern for the public at large, I have withheld statistics on lawyers for fear the shock would cause people to panic and seek medical attention.

Slow Thought Process Day

July 25th, 2006 . by Cary


July 25, 1987:

Cary Cartter marries his first wife, which is rectified on April 4, 2000 when the divorce is final. The only high point(s) are the two beautiful girls he helps raise for twelve years, he manages to get sober and quit smoking with the grace of God, and he starts seeing life as it is.

In other news, Cary is now very happily married and expecting his first child in December.

God is good, and takes care of His own. Looks after them, so to speak. Allows them to make mistakes, but loves them anyway. The best model for parenting there could be. No matter how badly I screw up, He will always love me and accept me back.

Please contrast this belief system to the cult of islam, in which you will either conform or be killed. No do-overs, no second chances. Just be islamic or die.

Yes, the “i” in islam is lower case for a reason. This reason. (snappy salute to Gunz, who will be linked as soon as his new blog is up and running)

When are all the “moderate” muslims going to stand up and be counted? When is the violence perpetrated in the name of islam going to be renounced?

Compare that to what happens when a Christian steps out of line – immediate rebuttal, rebuking of the actions that are not in line with Christ’s teachings. Heck, even the little church in Kansas that “protests” the troop’s funerals is being told to cease and desist – and not just by the other churches, but by courts of law. I can’t wait to hear they are coming to Phoenix – I’ll protest their protest.

Sorry for the rambling today, just a bunch of thoughts tumbling around in my mind.

May God richly bless your life. May you find His peace and love in your life. May you know that He will love and accept you, no matter what your life has been up until now.

We’re High Class Now!

July 24th, 2006 . by Cary

As much of a techno-junkie as I used to be, I stopped keeping abreast of bleeding edge updates quite a few moons ago. As such, the finer points of HTML have eluded me, much to my web-ring masters’ chagrin on more than one occasion, even though I only posted about it once.

Anyway – Gawfer started a blog roll of his own, with help from the exceedingly helpful and computer-savvy Texas Fred. I got a little piece of code (two things to watch out for – a software guy with a screwdriver, and a hardware guy with a piece of code!) and inserted it in my sidebar – now I have IKA’s Blogroll listed!

Go ahead, get the “ooh” and “aah” out of your system – I’ll wait.

After I tested the view, I noticed that IKA had a scrolling window – saving all sorts of room in the sidebar, especially as the blog roll grows. Well, I knew (being the hyper-aware kinda guy that I am) that Texas Fred’s blog roll didn’t have that little window. It only took me about five minutes of code inspection and some cut-and-paste action, and voila Fred’s roll is in a window too!

I have really come a long way, haven’t I? Well, I think I have.

P.S. to all the CAIR lurkers – until you all start standing up and denouncing the murderous activities of the “minority” of your religion, then the rest of the world will continue to see these actions as the mainstream, accepted actions of your religion, and you wouldn’t want that, would you? Unless, of course, it truly is NOT a “Religion of Peace” as you so heartily claim…

God bless you all, especially those who would reject the blessing – ya’ll are gonna have a real surprised look on your face come Judgement Day!

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