The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
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I Dare You

June 20th, 2006 . by Cary

I dare you – no, I double-dog dare you – if you are in a position of authority, to enforce the laws that are on the books.

Police Chiefs, this means you start writing tickets for traffic infractions. Even the guy that stops at the intersection with his bumper in the crosswalk – give him a ticket. What? Not enough police? Hire them – the revenue will be there to pay them. Higher police presence = lower overall crime rate. Put the fear of the law back into the general populace! I dare you!

Governors, this means you start treating your state like the sovereign entity that it is. Don’t rely on the Feds to cover your butt if something happens – get the citizen’s pride involved in the well-being of their state! Forest Fire? You should have to turn away the volunteers! Flood? More sandbags than needed should be filled! Tornado? Host homes open up to help the neighbors who lost theirs. Foreign invaders from another country? Don’t make it economically feasible for companies to hire them, and they won’t come to your state.

Mr. President, this means you need to get up and enforce the constitution! Don’t stand by and let leaders of other countries dictate what the actions of this NATION should be! We have our laws, they apply only to those who are citizens of this nation. People who are not citizens of our nation do not have the same rights as those who are; do not allow them to bully you, your House, you Congress, or your Judges into kowtowing to them! They want rights? Make them renounce their other citizenship and become citizens of this country. Trying to run a war? Arrest anyone who leaks or publishes ANYTHING that could compromise the safety of YOUR troops. Political Correctness has no place on a battlefield, do what needs to be done and get it over with. What’s that? A true Christian wouldn’t wage war? NO, but we won’t stand around and let someone walk all over us – we will defend what is ours, that’s part of being a good steward as directed by God. It’s not murder if it’s done in defense of one’s own.

Has everyone gotten the picture yet? Two soldiers, who were captured in the middle of an attack, created such a problem for their captors, probably causing many injuries if not deaths, that they were tortured and killed in the vicinity of their capture because the ANIMALS who took them couldn’t control them. The enemy is not humane, do not treat them as such. They have no respect for the rules we obey, they only respect brute force. If this country is afraid to use brute force because it might “offend” the “progressive thinkers,” then perhaps the “progressive thinkers” need to get more involved in the effort to secure the safety and well being of this country.

I read a blog entry the other day that derided the statement “If we don’t fight them over there, we will have to fight them here.” The writer asserted that the enemy couldn’t come over here because they don’t have the ships and aircraft needed to attack us. No, they don’t. They come over here in ones and twos, gather together, take one of our aircraft by force and THEN attack. You want to keep seeing that every day in the news? I don’t! THAT’S why we are fighting them “over there!”

Now, get off your butts and fire up your leadership to start enforcing that which is already law – the end result will be more peace, more security, and more prosperity for US!

God bless you all! Yes, even the whiney liberal progressive thinkers!

7 Responses to “I Dare You”

  1. comment number 1 by: Sues

    Wow, great post Cary!! I loved it. And yea, you’re right, we don’t enforce ANYTHING enough in this country. Whether it be traffic violations or illegals.

    It’s about time the people started dictating what the government did. You know, the way it’s supposed to be?!!

  2. comment number 2 by: T.L. Stanley

    Good golly, this was a great post. I agree, we need to get rid of all those goofy Washington knunckle heads and get some real action oriented leaders who will not let our country be blown up by deranged people flying our own airliners into our buildings.

    Take care.

  3. comment number 3 by: Cary

    Thank you, both, for your kind words.

    This has been bubbling for some time, it finally boiled over.

  4. comment number 4 by: Jenn of the Jungle

    Cary my friend, you made an error here:”Yes, even the whiney liberal progressive thinkers!”

    First, you din’t put sarcastic parenthesis around the word progressive.

    Second, you implied that they think. That’t just wrong. : )

    Absolutely wonderful post, I can guarantee I couldn’t have said it better.

  5. comment number 5 by: Cary

    Hi Jenn!

    I figured the positioning of the three, exlusively mutual words would indicate the tone 🙂

    Thanks for stopping by!

  6. comment number 6 by: Mary

    Hi Cary, love your site. Have to argue one point though. Yes, true Christians go to war. How many times did God call his people into war, to go into the enemies camp-into the enemies territory-and wage war? LOTS! King David, the most successful war Kings went into the enemies territory and waged war. So yes, I think it is our duty to wage war on the enemy-even going into their camp to do it. God not only let the leaders win, but he let them take the spoils afterward. It’s not a Bible thing, it’s historical. I believe Pres. Bush is doing what we should do, it’s just too many Americans want to be politically correct. Enough so that they will put our homeland security second. Anyway, I wanted to put my .02 in there. I really love your site and I laugh at some of your comments on other blog sites-especially Sues.

  7. comment number 7 by: Cary

    Mary, thanks for stopping by.

    I was maybe too vague about that Christians and War thing – I should have said, “Christians won’t start it, but we will finish it.” That would have expressed my views a bit better.

    I look forward to seeing you around here again!