The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
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Liberal Thinkers Welcome

June 29th, 2006 . by Cary

I know, it’s an oxymoron, but I wanted my newest troll to feel welcome. (Hi, Pete!)

As I introduced him in the comments to the previous post, I thought that perhaps some of you would like to know what this country is up against, as far as beating ourselves in this global fight. I am sure that if Pete feels the need, he will let you know exactly where he stands on almost any issue. He’s the kind of citizen that makes me proud to have served this country and preserved his rights.

(sarcasm off, moving right along)

As most of you are aware, I don’t just list links over on the side for decoration. I make an attempt to interact with the writers of those blogs whenever a new post pops up. I don’t always comment, but I at least try to get over and read your new ones. Some of the blogs I visit have stronger language than others; the ones I have listed show those ratings. The ones on the Texas blogroll are under Texas Fred’s jurisdiction; he does not “rate” the blogs as I do. As it should be, since that is his blogroll, and it is under his control.

I said all that to say this: the No PC BS blog is one of the blogs that has language a bit harsher than mine; I don’t hold that against Jenn or any of her visitors (by the way, write “Diggz” in the blank line on your 2008 presidential ballot). I’m saying that to let you know so you can make your informed choice as to whether to visit her or not. Over there, I tend to cut loose on some of the topics that are brought up. Sometimes, that cutting loose gets aimed at specific people, today it was towards two liberal commenters, who call themselves “dave” and “Pete.” I don’t regret anything I said; I was probably a lot easier on them than some of you fine folk who happen to be regular readers. Tell you what, judge for yourself:


Pete and Dave, your vitriol is very potent. No matter what happens, you will find the gall to criticize and denigrate it.

If not for the hate-spewing, misguided, and uninformed statements from certain citizens, this country would still be the powerhouse it was destined to be.

Keep tearing down that which was built up, guys – and when it finally collapses, do NOT come crawling to the military (rednecks getting their limbs blown off), the governement (all in collusion with big business) or any other body of leadership that you have put down, torn apart, or ripped on for help. Oh, they’ll give it to you, because that’s their job – but if you so much as demand one iota of help, you will be showing your true lack of honor, integerity, and self-respect. People like you who do nothing but spew WITHOUT OFFERING A SINGLE ALTERNATE COURSE OF ACTION make me sick to my stomach. I defend your right to free speech, regardless of whether you excercise your responsibility or not.

You, Pete, are the epitome of why this country is mired in a PC BS mess – if the military were to operate in the manner they are capable, this war would have been over almost as soon as it started. Go away, Pete. You keep threatening to leave and never come back, but I have yet to see you keep your word in any regard, so I can’t say I’m surprised you keep rearing your dissenting head.

We now return to our regular schedule…
cary | Homepage | 06.29.06 – 9:42 am | #


To fully understand why I said some of what I said, you would have to go back through the post archives over at No PC BS and see where Pete and dave are coming from. That is, if you can stomach what they keep spouting.

God bless you all. Especially you, “Pete,” since you seem to be the most resistant to the blessings God has bestowed on you.

7/5/06 Update:
Pete only referred to one soldier as a “redneck who got his limbs blown off,” but due to his continued bashing of the American Fighting Man in general, this statement was attached to him iconically, much like Reagan’s “Tear down this wall!” Only, of course, without the pride of Americanism behind it.

8 Responses to “Liberal Thinkers Welcome”

  1. comment number 1 by: TexasFred

    Strong language??

    LMAO… That’s NOTHING compared to the cadence we used to call when on a ‘road march’…

    Using ‘salty’ language is NOT a sign of the inarticulate, it’s just a hell of a lot easier to spell…

    And the ding a lings can easily understand one and 2 syllable words, thus negating the need to totally bore them with mundane verbosity…

    Translation = B.S.


  2. comment number 2 by: Cary

    I know what you’re saying, Fred – back in the day, I used to be able to make sailors blush at a hundred yards with my language. I have since found the Lord, and cleaned up my language accordingly. The inarticulate is on the side of the “progressive” “PC” “thinkers” that seem to do most of the hate mongering and spewing that they accuse the conservatives of doing.

  3. comment number 3 by: Fix4RSO

    Cary, you’re spot on … I take blogrolls for what they are. I mean, if Michelle “The Mighty” Malkin can have whacko left wing nutjob sites on her blogroll, well, so be it! 😉 I don’t have her site on mine, though … an old wound that still has not healed. I’ve got a pretty thick head and a stubborn streak … maybe I’ll get over it.

    AND MAYBE NOT!!! 😉

    Love ya man, keep on postin’ the good stuff!

  4. comment number 4 by: Cary

    Thanks for the encouraging words, Fix. I will go read MM once in a blue moon, but I won’t link to her. No wounds, I just don’t need to aggrevate myself by seeing the left-leaning blogs over there…

  5. comment number 5 by: Fix4RSO

    Wish I could be more foregiving, ya know? Sometimes, people do things, and you just move on and leave them be. And, often times, they have NO EARTHLY IDEA that affected you in any way …

    Funny how that happens, eh?

  6. comment number 6 by: gawfer

    Make a Sailor blush at 100 yards?

    What kind of backhanded compliment was that?!

    We were always ship shape and up to date with our articulate ‘Sailor Rhetoric’, and took special care to annunciate every syllable with great accuracy and care!

    Go Navy!

  7. comment number 7 by: Cary

    Fix – the “drive by” dig is the worst.

    gawfer – we have always, and always will, hold the Sailor’s Use of Prafanity to be th Gold Standard. Therefore, being able to use profanity in such a way that either the sailor hasn’t thought of that combination yet (making a sailor applaud) or with such ferocity and lack of fineese (making him blush) was a way of bragging. Take it as a compliment.

  8. comment number 8 by: gawfer

    Aye aye!