The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
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Driving Me Crazy

July 25th, 2005 . by Cary

Is it just me, or does it seem like there are more and more vehicles in the Phoenix metro area with Mexican plates? It seems like they are starting to outnumber the snowbirds and other out-of-state visitors.

Tonight, on the way home, I was passed (and by passed I mean, of course, blown by like I was sitting on the side of the road on blocks) by a Grand Marquis with Chihuahua state plates. Of course, he was right ahead of me at the next red light, and when that light turned green he was off like a rocket again.

No wonder my auto insurance keeps going up.

2 Responses to “Driving Me Crazy”

  1. comment number 1 by: Dea

    Thank you for stopping by and posting a comment at my blog. I thought I would visit yours and return the favor. *grin* It’s nice to meet you.

  2. […] tell you this, from first-hand observation: the traffic levels are lowering. There are fewer Mexican plates on vehicles on the street. There aren’t the crowds outside the home improvement warehouses […]