The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
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What a Workout!

August 14th, 2006 . by Cary

I am going to leave the political aspirations of certain ill-bred whiny women out of this post. I’ll leave that to people who have more time and desire to commit to tracking those sorts of things, like the Old Ranter.

Me? I’m into the whole “home improvement” thing – you’ve seen pictures, right? – and this last weekend was no exception.

TMBWitW has decided that the landscape bark didn’t really fit what she had envisioned – so it’s now composting at the new church property, waiting for the right moment to be used over there. Instead, we are now installing “fish-eye” gravel in most of the backyard. There will also be a patch of grass, with any luck; and a sandbox and playhouse for TMBLGitW when she shows up. OK, I know, I don’t have to have the playhouse built quite yet, but I am a project oriented type of guy…

So – do you know how many trips with a wheelbarraow you need to move three tons of 3/8 gravel from the street to the backyard? I quit counting at twenty five – and they weren’t light loads, either. Every muscle in my body was screaming at me yesterday morning; today wasn’t much better. I’ll be doing this again, with a ten ton load, in the near future. Someone miscalculated the area to be covered, by a factor of three, and how deep, by a factor of 2, so the first load wasn’t nearly enough. I’ll have to fire my project manager or hire a quality control inspector. Anyone willing to help me out next time? Drop me an e-mail…

Some serious news – TMBWitW’s mother had a stroke last week, and is still in the hospital. Any prayers anyone would care to offer for the grace of God to be with Grace as she recovers would be appreciated.

I am co-teaching a small group on Thursdays, and we are going through a wonderful series found at the Boston Christian Bible Study Resource web site. Drop me a line if you would like to study along, I will let you know what we are covering each week.

There has been a change of policy at my work regarding Internet access – it is now only for work related purposes, including break and lunch time. That means I’ll start getting caught up on my reading, but I’m going to fall behind on my surfing. If I don’t visit your site for a while, I have not forgotten about you – I just haven’t made it there.

I appreciate every single one of my readers; I treasure those of you who stop by even if it’s only once, and I cannot place a value on those who are regular readers here. I love all of you, and pray God’s blessings on your lives and in your everyday walk. Yearn to grow closer to Him, and know that you were made to worship Him.

God bless, and take care.

13 Responses to “What a Workout!”

  1. comment number 1 by: jarhead john

    Busy busy busy. You could always hire some “migrant workers” to spread it for you. That way, you can show your support for “comprehensive” immigration reform (aka: amnesty). Just kidding.

  2. comment number 2 by: Sues

    Too much stuff to do and not enought time!! I hear you on that.

    I’m sorry to hear about your Mohter-in-law. I hope she is doing better. Remember, if you have any questions, feel free to email me- as often as you want!!

  3. comment number 3 by: gawfer

    Cary, she is logged into the prayer journal… Now get to work!

  4. comment number 4 by: Cary

    John: You so funny! Bah! Bahha! Bahhaha! Oh, wait, I was thinking of someone else…

    Sues: You got it. Don’t be surprised…

    Gawfer, thank you.

  5. comment number 5 by: KurtP

    A bobcat should help move that gravel (and pick it back up if *someone* decides she doesn’t like that either) better than
    *cough* migrant workers, or a wheel barrow.

    You just have to remember not to neutral-steer if their’s any grass you want to save.

    Thoughts, prayers M.i.L.

  6. comment number 6 by: Ebyjo

    Well Cary-You and Bushwack are both MIA due to HDL’s… (honey do lists) so we’ll catch you on the flip side, unless I start a honey do list on my own. Gunz has standing orders to get better!

    I’ll put your mom-in-law on the prayer list.

  7. comment number 7 by: Mary

    Praying for mil.

    Praying for you doing manual-back-breaking-labor-for-FREE!!! (well, to stay off the couch-right?)

  8. comment number 8 by: Cary

    Kurt – I live in Phoenix. Grasss is an endangered species. I don’t have any that I’ve planted, and the areas I did plant died and are now covered with landscape cloth. For the next batch (probably ten tons) I am going to look at a Bobcat, for sure.

    HDLs are what makes the world go ’round, Ebyjo. That, and keeping TMBWitW happy, and since the first takes care of the second… I will never be accused of not being efficient!

    Mary, thanks. Actually, thanks to everyone who is praying for her. She’s still being stubborn and not submitting to nasty little things like an MRI to see the extent of the damage…

  9. comment number 9 by: prying1

    Hey Cary – Want to save your back on the sand you will have to move? You might mention big kiTTy litter boxes (AKA Sand Box for the kiDDy) might not be too healthy for small children. Astro turf is easier to handle. AND it stays green (until the sun bleaches it)…

    Praying for grace for Grace.

  10. comment number 10 by: Gunz

    We appreciate you also…you’re a good man. Semper Fi.

  11. comment number 11 by: Cary

    As it turns out, my gate is about two inches too narrow for a Bobcat to get through. There’s material for a post when I get good and P.O.d about the “quality” of the “work” done on this house.

    Prying1 – your advice will be taken into consideration. I hadn’t even thought that far ahead…

    Thanks, Gunz. Ooh-rah.

  12. comment number 12 by: Sage

    Won’t go into the MRI?
    Slip her some Versed in her IV then stuff her into it. j/k.
    Prayers going up for her and your family Cary.

  13. comment number 13 by: Cary

    They need to do something so they can find out what’s ailing her… she isn’t cooperating. We may need to make an emergency run to the hospital – and it’s 5 1/2+ hours away…