The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
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Using Their Own Tools Against Them

November 16th, 2009 . by Cary

For the life of me, I cannot remember who I need to H/T for this. I saw a blurb on Facebook, and followed through with it, and now I need to let everyone know about it.

The Demoncratic Party has made it possible for all their loyal unionist thugs to write one letter to the editor and have it sent to as many newspapers and other “news” outlets as the letter writer chooses. Chandler’s Watch published the link, and I think the best thing for us, as conservatives, to do, is to use their own tool to help our cause(s). The site has lovely “talking points” to help those of us not quite sure what we want to say. I used them to my advantage.

Here’s the letter I sent to The Arizona Republic, the East Valley Tribune, the Arizona Daily Star, the Daily News-Sun, The Daily Courier, USA Today, the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, The Washington Post, and the Financial Times:

Subject National Health Care
Message Last November 7th, the House of Representative caved in to pressure from Speaker Pelosi and her ilk to pass a form of Government Controlled Health Care. This bill, which was NOT placed before the public in order for it to be reviewed prior to the vote, will increase the national deficit, promises to fine and/or JAIL anyone who does not purchase government mandated coverage, and increase t he cost of doing business for all businesses in the United States.

Representatives who voted for this bill, in spite of being shown what this bill would do to the insurance industry and ignoring what their constituents were telling them, should be put on notice by We The People (remember us? your employers?) that they will not be representing us any more after the next election you are in.

Representatives who voted against this bill should be commended for their right-thinking actions, and assured that their positions will not be under attack.

This one hundred year fight is not over. As long as there are conservative thinking people in this nation, the government needs to be told over and over and OVER again that they shall not institute socialist programs like this one.

And, while we’re at it, get the government out of the automobile and banking business, also. The government is not here to control us, the government is to be controlled by We The People.

The Demoncratic Party was nice enough to send me an e-mail confirming my use of the site, and providing a link to let them know, should my letter get published:

from Democratic Party
to carycartter AT gmail DOT com
date Sat, Nov 14, 2009 at 23:30
subject Speak Out: Thank you for writing a letter

Thank you for writing a letter to the editor.

By speaking up, you’ll help shape pubic opinion in your community and ensure that health insurance reform becomes a reality in 2009.

If your story gets published, we’d love to hear about it. Please let us know here:



Mitch Stewart
Organizing for America

Trust me, Mitch – I will be letting you know if my letter gets published. Oh, and Mitch? Thanks for providing the tool to do this.

Chat ya later…


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One Response to “Using Their Own Tools Against Them”

  1. comment number 1 by: TexasFred

    Use the tools they give ya… 😈