The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

Happy Thanksgiving!

November 26th, 2009 . by Cary

I was going to post a letter from “President Obama” that I received as a result of using the Democratic partys’ mass-mailing site (by the way – it didn’t work. none of the papers published my letter. i wonder why not?) and my reply, but then I thought to myself “Self, why be such a downer? God is on His throne, the sun is shining, and it is a beautiful day!”

So instead I leave you with this prayer:

Lord, Thank You for your everlasting Love, Your everlasting Grace, and Your everlasting Peace. Thank You for the blessings we have received, and the blessings You have planned for us, Your humble servants. Thank You for taking pity on us, and most of all, Lord, Thank You for Your Son. Amen.

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