The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

Time Flies and Other Insects

March 17th, 2010 . by Cary

Well – here we are, about a month and a half since the last post. (made you look!) Lots going on, with very little time to actually sit down and blog. TMBWitW is on “fur-cation” this week, I worked in the deli on Monday, stopped by Harold’s house to ship some eBay stuff and went to Kingman yesterday; and I was going to be driving a cab today except that we didn’t get back from Kingman until 0130 this morning. You are welcome, drivers on the streets of Phoenix, I am not trying to drive a cab on three hours of sleep. We did, however, get to see cousins and friends while we were in Kingman. Good times! Also found out just how badly TMBWitW hates traffic circles, and that we don’t communicate well when one of us is awakened from a power nap during the drive: I had asked her to drive about an hour north of Wickenburg, and she did. Just as we were coming into town, she woke me up and asked how to navigate the new traffic circles that bypassed downtown Wickenburg. I told her to get in the left lane, and when the exit came up, I said “OK, exit right.” I think she thought I was going to say ” … NOW!” after that. We went around the circle again, and I told her to turn right when the exit came up. She did. The thing is, there is another circle right after that. I told her to get in the left lane again (she had wandered over to the right lane) and while we were going around, we would pass the exit to go downtown. I told her to stay left (meaning, continue around the circle) and she promptly cut across a traffic lane and exited towards downtown, making a right exit. She pulled over, I gave her a big hug, and said “Next time, we’ll pull over before we get to the traffic circles and I will take us through them.” She said “I hate traffic circles.”

Remember back a few posts, when I have written about the city of Phoenix giving my Pastor a hard time because he has a home meeting? Well, until the church building is built, it’s going to continue. You may also have heard about the city of Gilbert (part of the Greater Maricopa County Metropolis) banning home groups of a religious nature. That one is getting straightened out. In the meantime, Pastor has been in contact with a few “legal minds” regarding his private property, and the number of friends he invites over for worship and prayer. Without going into detail, let me just say that there are a few high-ranking judges who disapprove of ANY city trampling on private citizen’s First Amendment rights…

In a related vein, several of us (people with a standing invite to Pastor’s home) have decided that if the city of Phoenix wants to try to curtail our 1A activities, then we have a nice legal option called the “class action suit.” Wonder how the city wants to fund that defense, since it’s facing some nasty budget issues to begin with?

Chat ya later…


Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, don’t buy or breed cats or dogs while homeless pets die (spay, neuter & adopt a pet, one by one, until there are none), Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

2 Responses to “Time Flies and Other Insects”

  1. comment number 1 by: TexasFred

    Women and traffic circles.. Go figure… Mine hates em too… Got lost on one once… 😕

  2. comment number 2 by: Joe

    When it comes to government, federal or local, I say, “Go get ’em!”