The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
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OK, Let’s Try This Again.

September 29th, 2010 . by Cary

Seems a certain halfrican is reading my blog, but only parts of it – cherry-picking the parts that help him the most:

“President Barack Obama said Tuesday that he is a “Christian by choice” and that his decision was influenced by gospel teachings about salvation and the importance of loving one another.”

Let’s refer back to the post of a few days ago, shall we?

Saying you are a Christian is easy. Being and acting as a Christian is another matter entirely, and one where a lot of “Christians” fall.”

Now, you are probably asking how this ties together – think about this. Obama, claiming to be a “Christian by choice” (cherry picking my tag line, above) has stated that he believes “that the ‘bedrock strength’ of the country is its embrace of many faiths, and also of no faith.” The United States was founded on Christian principles, no matter how many time the Saul Alinsky followers will tell you it wasn’t, by Christian men, no matter how loudly the left screams that the founders were “deists” and not Christian. Yes, the country allows many faiths to practice here, whether they are true *coughislamcough* faiths or cults, whether they have time tested tenets or not, whether they are legal or not. But the COUNTRY was founded on CHRISTIAN principles by CHRISTIAN men. Stealing lines from anonymous bloggers does not bode well for a “Christian” who isn’t supposed to steal. Bowing to the foreign heads of state does not bode well for a “Christian” who is forbidden from worshiping any god other than the One True God. Claiming you will do one thing and then denying it later (transparency of government) is not a Christian tenet, and again, does not bode well for a “Christian” who is not supposed to lie (bear false witness).

And, what the heck, I might as well throw in MY favorite diatribe – that of personal accountability. The next time someone blames the prior person to hold that office to blame for something that new someone has been doing, can we just draw up impeachment charges?

Before you get the wrong idea, (might be a tad late for this) please keep in mind that my prayers for our leadership are for God’s lesson to be shown, for His hand to be seen, for His providence to allow us to learn from our actions. And for God to work through the current leadership.

Chat ya later…


Thank you for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, God bless you all, don’t buy or breed cats or dogs while homeless pets die (spay, neuter & adopt a pet, one by one, until there are none), Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

2 Responses to “OK, Let’s Try This Again.”

  1. comment number 1 by: Larry

    Even Deists use the Bible, so they are under the aegis of Judeo-Christian beliefs (Ten Commandments, etc. They believe in the teachings of Christ, they just don’t believe He is God, hence their title). And quite frankly, those who claim certain Founders were Deists in the first place are using some pretty shaky evidence as proof.
    So yes, this country was definitely founded on Judeo-Christian principles by men with Christian beliefs. One only has to read their writings to know that.
    One stupid argument disposed of. Next?

  2. comment number 2 by: cary

    Well put, Larry. Standing O from this side of the screen.