The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

It’s Almost Christmas!

December 20th, 2006 . by Cary

The most wonderful time of the year is here – and here in Phoenix, the Valley of the Sun (33 this morning on Mr. Thermometer. What happened to the ‘dry heat’?) the Christmas spirit – seems to be missing in the drivers.

Yes, I’m going to rant a bit.

With this new job, I’ve had to pick a new route to work. The route I have settled on takes me across town on one avenue most of the way, and it seems that there are a few “regulars” with whom I share commute times.

One of these is a young lady (appearances can be deceiving, and age is relative, so let’s leave it at that) who drives a classic VW Bug – about a 1968 or so.

Well, she used to. Yesterday afternoon, on my way home, there was an accident. A driver, in too much of a hurry, cut her off. Clipped her front end, actually. Hard enough to spin her off the street, over the curb, and sideways into a telephone/power pole. The driver’s side was caved in to the center console. I came upon the scene right after the ambulance pulled away, so I don’t know her condition. I do know there was a lot of blood on the white interior, and the car itself was totaled.

I knew that this country was getting more and more self-involved, but to get to the point where you think YOU have more important things to do than anyone else on the road is inexcusable. Asinine, even. If you break the covenant of driving, you will either hurt or get hurt. (The ones who need to be heeding this are thinking, “Hmm, 50-50 chance of survival – I’ll take it!”) What is it that makes you think that you are more important than anyone else? Do you make more money than everyone else? How do you know? By the car they drive? Sam Walton, who died a multi-billionaire, drove a 1972 pick up to the end. He could have afforded a car and driver, yet this man who was richer than anyone I know drove himself, in an old truck. Do you have a better job? You must, considering you are SPEEDING and SWERVING to get there. If you had a shred of decency or respect for others, you would leave the house earlier so you wouldn’t have to race to the office, but there’s the issue – no respect for anyone – including yourself.

This concludes my holiday rant on bad drivers.

In other news, no baby yet. Still time to get in the pool.

Thank you for stopping by, God bless you all, Wear Red on Fridays, and get in on the Baby Pool!

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