The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...


January 25th, 2011 . by Cary

This is puzzling to me, on several fronts. First, let me assure you I am aware the accused is considered innocent until proven guilty. However: There is footage of Laughingboy pulling the gun and pulling the trigger. He hasn’t manned up, that I know of, and taken responsibility for his actions (ie, confessed) but there are enough eye witnesses to the events of January 8, 2011 in front of the Tucson Safeway that there is no doubt about who did what.

Yes, the headline says Laughingboy pleads, and in the article it clarifies that the judge entered the plea for Laughingboy at his lawyer’s request, but what do you expect from an industry that doesn’t always get it right the first time?

And, if you don’t mind my asking, what kind of a self-respecting lawyer would take on this case as Laughingboy’s defendant? Oh, wait – never mind. Anyone who has built her career by defending Ted Kaczynski, Susan Smith, and Eric Rudolph is probably looking at this as another feather in her resume…

Yes, I am being harsh. Yes, I am aware that she is the best defense attorney for the accused if they don’t want the harshest sentence. Yes, I know I am being hardheaded about this. Lord, forgive my attitude, help me to understand these things.

please note: the link may or may not work, i’ve had trouble with links from i also know of some self-respecting attorneys, so forget the “no lawyer is self respecting” jokes – we’ll have a special forum for lawyer jokes later. some of my best lawyer jokes have come from lawyers. this whole scenario would be moot if just one person had exercised their second amendment right, and we would be hailing a hero instead of mourning so many victims. remember, it is up to you to provide for your own defense – the police are really good at securing a scene so evidence can be collected, but they cannot be everywhere to protect everyone at all times.

Chat ya later…


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4 Responses to “Incomprehensible”

  1. comment number 1 by: Greybeard

    Understanding your basic sentiments, the boy still gets the benefit of our legal system, and that means it has to work and prove him guilty.
    But like you, I would hope his defense attorney finds the job repulsive.
    He knew it was wrong but did it anyway.
    I want to see justice served.

  2. comment number 2 by: cary

    Yes, he does. And with any luck, there is no way (unless the jury is completely liberal) he will not be found guilty.

    His attorney did not want to discuss mental state at the time of the plea …

    I want justice to be served, also.

  3. comment number 3 by: Larry

    She has to provide him the best defense possible. In a perfect world this means that the prosecution is forced to prove their case and plug all loopholes so that when the “accused” becomes the “convicted” he can’t weasel out of his sentence because of incompetent defense.
    In a perfect world. Of course, in a perfect world one or more spectators would have been armed, and the butcher’s bill would have been much lower.
    Or in a more perfect world, the sheriff would have done his job and Laughingboy wouldn’t have been able to legally lay his mitts on his chosen tools of destruction.
    But then again, you could fill a library with books about a perfect world, all in the fantasy section.

  4. comment number 4 by: cary

    Well said, Larry.

    I think I’m just letting it get on my nerves too much.

    I really need to relax, and trust the government to let justice work as designed.

    There, I even said it with a straight face.