The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
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AZ Police Need More Range Time

February 11th, 2011 . by Cary

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All officers in all levels of law enforcement in the state of Arizona need more range time. This may appear, at first blush, to be a case of armchair quarterbacking, but hear me out.

A little over a year ago, Chandler Lt. Eric Shuhandler was shot and killed by Christopher Redondo. Redondo’s buddy, Daimen Izirarry, while not convicted of the shooting, was convicted of being the getaway driver. Izirarry is currently serving 107 years in prison. After the shooting, Izirarry drove away, leading police from four agencies on a 50 mile chase. The officers involved finally stopped the car and injured both “men” with multiple shots.

Izirarry is suing the agencies involved for excessive use of source. No, really. Here’s the article on Getaway driver in Gilbert officer’s slaying sues police.

Here are my thoughts on the matter: the police officers involved were ineffective in their use of well-placed rounds. If they HAD been well-placed, there would be no inmate suing the agencies. (If this lawsuit goes through, I may have to sue the same agencies for not using enough force.) The lack of accuracy is going to cost the state of Arizona hundreds of thousands of tax dollars to feed, clothe, and house Izirarry for the rest of his natural life, and the legal fees to defend against this frivolous lawsuit (and others sure to follow if this precedent is allowed to be set) aren’t going to be insignificant either.

Officers, you are being paid to serve and protect. I suggest you spend more time on the range to sharpen your abilities, and save the tax payers long-term dollars in the process.

Chat ya later…

cary friday

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2 Responses to “AZ Police Need More Range Time”

  1. comment number 1 by: Larry

    I need more range time, too (my quals for my CWP class were atrocious), but I don’t pack heat for a living.
    Once upon a time in South Hill, VA police shot at a suspect 37 times and didn’t even hit him once. He surrendered out of pity, I suppose.

  2. comment number 2 by: cary

    37 times?

    Kinda proves the point, doesn’t it?