The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

Your Attention Please

March 20th, 2007 . by Cary

May I have the attention of Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, John McCain, and anyone else with the temerity to run for President?

Thank you. Just wanted to let you know that you are going about this the wrong way. Telling the American People that you are going to change your ways if you are elected is not a good way to gain our trust.

Hillary – do you really think that this country has forgotten who was ramrodding the Whitewater affair?

Barack – how gullible do you think we are? OK, Ellison made into office, but that was just one state that got stuck on stupid last fall.

McCain – sir, your cards have been played out. War hero, former POW, history of service to the country – great! Time to retire. Let the next generation step up.

No, MAKE the next generation step up.

All Career Politicians – you should know that We the People are tired of being told we “don’t understand how government works” – really? Then why allow us to vote at all? Why not just declare yourselves royalty and never step down? Heck, you do that already, even when you get voted out of office you keep your nasty, sticky fingers in the national cookie jar anyway. With a few exceptions, there needs to be new blood in the running of this country.

That’s where the voice of the nation needs to come in.

The nation needs to rise up and be heard once again. The voice of the nation was heard when it was founded, and things have kind of gotten away from the “citizen statesman” ideal – now, you need to be born in the right family, or have the right trust fund, or have enough money to buy an election outright in order to get into office.

I am asking everyone who reads this to mention me to everyone you run into. Tell them, “Vote for Common Sense – Write in Cary Cartter for President in 2008.” Say this to everyone you meet – I do. Sooner or later, word of this will reach the right ears. Then, maybe the Career Politicians will be made aware of the fact that they are not representing us anymore. Actually, I’m pretty sure most of them already know that, they just don’t admit that they are in it for themselves instead of the country. If there were such a thing as an Honest Career Politician, he or she would admit that the don’t have the best interest of this country at heart when they are in session.

I, for one, am tired of being told that while my viewpoint is valuable, it doesn’t count toward anything. My representative (I didn’t vote for him, but since he’s representing my district, shouldn’t he be listening and hearing what is being said?) is tired of getting faxes and letters from me. Mainly because he believes that “normalizing” “guest workers” is vital for the continued success of this nation. I say amnesty in any form is bad news. He says these people are woven into the fabric of our nation – I say these leeches are sucking the life out of our entry level jobs.

You know why teenagers can’t start out at the bottom and work their way up? Because some illegal invader is willing to lie, cheat, and steal to get false papers and then work for minimum wage for the rest of his life, and the employer will gladly never give a raise. And that entry level position is now lost to the legal citizen forever.

You don’t see teenagers mowing lawns for spending money anymore – because the illegal invaders are doing it for less than the teenager would.

Politicians, wake up. You are selling this country down the Rio Grande and not even listening to the watchmen on the towers.

America, wake up! Don’t let them continue on this path – or we will lose this country and no one will be the wiser. Think about that the next time you have to “press 1 for English.”

Thank you for stopping by, God bless you all, Wear Red on Fridays, and write in Cary Cartter for President in 2008!


6 Responses to “Your Attention Please”

  1. comment number 1 by: Whymrhymer

    Interestingly enough, I agree with almost everything you say in this post about the other candidates (posers) for the presidency in ’08 but you would have to hold a shotgun to my head to get me to vote for someone who’s introduction begins with: “Christian. God said it, I believe it. See for yourself – it’s all in the Bible . . .”. I’d prefer someone with both feet on the ground and who has a more logical basis for their positions.

  2. comment number 2 by: daniel

    One can have boots on the ground and a heart towards the heavens.
    One Nation Under God, it’s that simple.


  3. comment number 3 by: cary

    Whymrhymer – that is your choice, and I pray you maker a wise one. Having the Bible as my guide merely continues the founding father’s example.

    Thanks for the back-up, Daniel!

  4. comment number 4 by: Jenn of the Jungle

    You tell ’em Cary.

  5. comment number 5 by: "My Point"

    Very good Cary..Very good you said it all! Speak well, my friend.

  6. comment number 6 by: cary

    Thanks, guys – be sure to pass it on!