The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
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Police Week

May 15th, 2012 . by Cary

I have a friend named Fred. His daughter is married to a fine upstanding young man who happens to be a Sheriff’s Deputy. She wrote this in honor of her husband:

Every morning I watch him put his vest on.

Then he places his badge on his chest.

He always checks his gun, and makes sure all is in order before he heads out the door for his tour of duty.

I silently pray that he has the presence of mind to shoot first if he needs too.

Even though I know this action may end in his name being degraded in the news and by the public.

No one considers his 2 children at home, they only think of the cracked-out delinquent whose family will claim it was an act of police brutality and excessive force.

No one considers the 48 hour man hunt he may be on in, 100 degree heat, while wearing a ballistics vest and 50 pound rig belt.

The public will criticize him, for not finding him sooner.

No one knows that he watches his children sleep, thinking of the 18 month old he just preformed CPR on, or the 5 year old that died in his arms because his mother didn’t think he needed a car seat.

We don’t shop in Wal-Mart together. He knows he may see someone he arrested, and for fear of retaliation, he doesn’t want his family to be made.

He brings his gun to church, because even there, he scans the crowd, for someone who may pose a threat.

How about that day, he walked into his sons 1st grade class, to rescue a little girl from returning home to a house filled with unspeakable abuse.

He spends his paycheck at the thrift store, stocking up with stuffed animals to pass out to the neighborhood kids he encounters everyday. He spends holidays away from us, attends birthday parties in uniform.

He leaves in the middle of the night, and can’t explain the call from his Lieutenant.

He greets a sobbing family with terrible news, as he vows to find the perpetrator.

He keeps his Bible on the front seat. He knows he needs it.

So before you criticize him for laughing at a crime scene, just remember he has to find a way to block it all out. He wears his badge with pride and honor. He serves the greater good, knowing you will never understand the sacrifices he has made.

He would willing lay down his own life to save yours.

It’s Police Week!

Honor our officers.

Chat ya later…


Thanks for stopping by, In GOD We Trust, and Wear Red on Fridays!

One Response to “Police Week”

  1. comment number 1 by: Rita

    All so true. Nearly 7 years ago, IMP Officer Jake Laird was killed and five officers shot early one morning by some madman. My grandson’s father and his step mother were best friends with Laird and are also Indianapolis Police Officers. Remembering about hearing that news that morning still brings tears to my eyes. God Bless those brave officers who can drive up to a small domestic dispute and suddenly find themselves in a fight for their lives.