The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

Frustration Level = Elevated

April 28th, 2007 . by Cary

First, the good news: 201!!

One pound away from my first goal – that is, breaking 200.

Bad news – I don’t think the helper I hired is going to work out. It takes me 2 hours and 5 minutes to run that part of the route – I know, I timed myself this morning, after the helper “couldn’t make it” read: didn’t show up at the dock – and yesterday morning, it took the helper six hours to complete the route. Actually, not quite complete, since the last two racks didn’t get any papers. Such is life. There’s not a lot of traffic at those two racks anyway.

I know, I know – I’m familiar with the route. Heck, it’s just a big rectangle, with three stops at the first corner, three at the second, seven at the third corner, and eight stops at the last corner. The northern and southern sides of the rectangle are two miles long, with no stops. The east end is one mile, with the third of the the three stops on the second corner located about a quarter mile south of the first two. The route starts at the northwest corner, and proceeds clockwise from there, with the southwest corner being the last stops.

I think the helper fell asleep, and doesn’t want to admit it.

It’s OK, though. God has a plan for this, and I needed the exercise. I can’t believe I’ve lost twenty pounds in four weeks. That’s pretty awesome.

Campaign update: Really, I’m going to be sending out e-mails to those of you who are current supporters. I’m kind of waiting on a few states to reply with the requirements for a write-in candidate to be counted, and then I can really get moving on this.

Considering the hours and the effort I’m putting into this paper route, perhaps getting elected and running the most powerful country on earth for a few years would be a nice vacation. I know the sleep patterns would be more stable!

So – how are you all doing? I really miss not having the time to get out and cruise the blogs like I have in the past – are you all staying out of trouble and holding the Liberal Line up to the light of truth? Good – keep up the good work!

Thank you for stopping by, God bless you all, Wear Red on Fridays, and write in Cary Cartter for President in 2008!


4 Responses to “Frustration Level = Elevated”

  1. comment number 1 by: Sues

    Glad to hear everything’s going well Cary. Working odd hours and missing out on sleep is a real stress builder. I know, been there, doing that.

  2. comment number 2 by: cary

    Knowing that you do this all the time, I figured that you would be able to relate!

  3. comment number 3 by: Sues

    Yep. I just had a particularly bad week at work. Plus this is my first full weekend off in months- I’ve been working extra shifts lately- a lot of them, lol

    I’ve actually got bruises under my eyes. Stress can really mess with you sometimes.

  4. comment number 4 by: prying1

    I remember my news route.

    I had hand drawn a map of my neighborhood (No Yahoo maps back then) and figured how to do it so I ended and started from the same corner. Mo backtracking and the starting/ending corner was closest to my home.

    I had one particular hill that was a tough bicycle ride up with only two tosses on it. One near the bottom and another halfway up.

    I dreaded riding up that hill even before I got the route. Quite a challenge.

    It didn’t take me long before I figured if I reversed my route I would be going down that dreaded hill as opposed to up it.

    Since then I’ve been pretty much ready to change direction as soon as I find out I’m going the wrong way…