The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
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Monday Campaign – Write In Cary Cartter for President

May 6th, 2007 . by Cary

I’ve started sending out Monday Campaign posts to the blog authors who have indicated an interest in getting this country back on track, and who have agreed to support me in my attempt to get out the word about my campaign.

Here’s the first post:

Write In Cary Cartter for President

I don’t know about you, but the choices for President are getting pretty homogenous. For the most part, the current crop of candidates have some glaring common ground – they are all Career Politicians, none of them appear to have ever needed to work for a living, and none of them seem to have a source of income outside of their investments – or rather, their family’s investments.

How can they claim to be watching out for the best interests of the United States when their idea of “best interests” closely mirrors their investment list? There are not a lot of people in my neighborhood who are living off their investments. Most of my neighbors are working stiffs, just like me. Most of my neighbors don’t feel represented in government, just like me.

When was the last time a candidate could say he or she was a member of the working class – with a straight face and without cue cards? And without paying hundreds of dollars for their hair to look “just right” while saying it?

I believe this is the greatest country on earth. I believe Political Correctness is tearing this country apart, on a variety of fronts – illegal immigration (“they do the jobs Americans won’t” – oh, like murder, rape, and driving without license and registration?), the War on Terror (“if we talk to them, we can come to an understanding” – with a religious belief that you either convert or die?), and Liberalism. I believe that the United States needs to regain her direction and drive, and move to the forefront of the free world once again. I believe that We The People need to have our voices heard and listened to once again.

If you feel you are Out of Voting Choices, then choose to Make a Difference – write in Cary Cartter for President in November 2008. Please help me get the word out.

If you have any questions you would like to see addressed, or if you would like to help spread the word about my campaign, you can e-mail me here.

Thank you for stopping by, God bless you all, Wear Red on Fridays, and write in Cary Cartter for President in 2008!


12 Responses to “Monday Campaign – Write In Cary Cartter for President”

  1. comment number 1 by: Barbara deVoile

    I do hope that will not, as your predecessor GWB has done, totally ignore good advice from those who understand the problems we all face. You will find some useful comments on my website.
    Good wishes

  2. comment number 2 by: cary

    Actually, Barbara, one of my main points is that it is plain stupid to think that one person can have all the answers. Hire people who know what they are doing in the areas you need help, and get out of their way to let them do the job they were trained to do the best way they know how.

    Thanks for stopping by.

  3. comment number 3 by: prying1

    Cary – I’d say that from your comment responding to Barbara’s comment shows quite a bit of wisdom.

    How about a post on how you would find the best people to do the best jobs.

    Some are easy like Thomas Sowell for economics but would you choose Willy Nelson for agriculture?

  4. comment number 4 by: Barbara deVoile

    You seem to be saying that you will listen to no-one’s opinion except that of the people you hire. That sounds exactly like Dubya.
    I’m afraid you won’t get my vote.

  5. comment number 5 by: cary

    p1 – easy enough. Get the opinion of as many people as possible in the area I’m looking to hire, then go with the majority’s pick on who they would go to for tough decisions in that area.

    Heh – Willy for AgSec … that’s a good one. Actually, my pick for AgSec would be Tom Singer, from Palestine, Ohio. He’s been farming as long as I’ve known him, and he’s got a good head on his shoulders. Well, except that time he “accidentally” let that bale drop off the loft, back onto the wagon I had just thrown it from…

    Barbara, in typical libby fashion, you have placed words and thoughts where none existed. I said I would hire people who know what they are doing, and then let them do their job. I didn’t say anything about who’s opinion I would listen to.

  6. comment number 6 by: prying1

    CC – That is the answer I expected from you. Keep it simple. Yup, yup, yup… – Or you could do like the Clintons. Raffle the position off to whoever gives the biggest donation…
    Well Barbara – Now that Cary has explained that he will delegate by hiring the best he could find for each job and then get out of their way will he get your vote?

    I’ve got to wonder though if your real opposition to Bush (and extended to Cary) might simply be that Bush doesn’t follow ‘your’ opinion in all things…

    Don’t feel bad. There are a lot of domestic things Bush has (or hasn’t) done that I disagree with. (border/immigration policy, not dumping a bunch of costly social programs, bailouts for big corporations, not telling Katrina victims to get off their asses) but one real important foreign issue that trumps a bunch of that is the war against terrorism. – Libs don’t seem to understand that it cannot be micromanaged.

  7. comment number 7 by: Barbara deVoile

    So long, boys, it’s been a real gas talking with you. My husband Juan-Antonio says you’re a couple of cool dudes.

    Take care, now.

  8. comment number 8 by: Gunny John

    But Prying1, how can you possibly think about dumping social spending? Do you realize how many illegal aliens would suffer if that happened?

  9. comment number 9 by: cary

    Barbara – sorry you couldn’t stick around, to really get to know us. Most of the regulars didn’t even stop in for this one…

    Gunny – can’t be hurting the “backbone of our economy” now, can we?

  10. comment number 10 by: prying1

    Gunny John – OK – I’m Sorry!!! I should have known better. Lord knows we don’t need to hurt anyones feelings. Even if they are criminals because they ignore the laws of our lands.

    I do have to wonder though??? Are politicians that ignore our laws are criminals too???

    Don’t answer that! I’d hate to see your house firebombed by an elected official…

    We can just leave it up in the air for others to guess at the answer…

  11. comment number 11 by: Douglas V. Gibbs

    the left fears W because he was willing to engage the enemy, Conservatives dislike W because he is an internationalist and has allowed big government to infiltrate the Republican Party. Folks are looking for the next Reagan, but Reagan is gone. However, conservatism must live on, and that is the point. Americans wish for conservatism and someone willing to stand up to the left, rather than try to be politically correct. You kick butt, Cary.

  12. comment number 12 by: cary

    Hey – that could be my next slogan:

    Vote for Cary – He Kicks Butt.