The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

How Time Flies

June 23rd, 2007 . by Cary

It seems like it was just yesterday when I was happily drawing kitchens.

I sure miss those days. Weekends off, daytime working hours, seven to eight hours of sleep – at night! in a row! – and now, I just seem to be losing track of the days. Sleep deprivation has gotten the better of me. My accountant tells me that I am losing money in this contract, with having to pay a helper seven days a week. My internal clock tells me I’ve just lost track of the better part of a week. My mind and my body are on the verge of mutiny (on the “plus” side, I’m down to 196) and I am physically unable to keep up this pace. A typical day:

0000 hours: I’m driving towards the dock, to pick up the papers. I may stop for gasoline, if the tank is thirsty. It’s usually thirsty.
Between 0100 and 0200 hours: papers loaded, headed to the first stop.
Between 0430 and 0600 hours: route finished, heading home.
0600 to 0800 hours: paperwork, updating the online database, filing, sorting, getting things ready for tonight’s run.
0800 to whenever little Miss wakes up: nap. Feed little Miss, help her learn how to play, read to her, wait for her gorgeous blue eyes to get heavy and fall down. Nap for about an hour, while little Miss also naps. Repeat as needed, per little Miss’s schedule. Shower when possible. Shaving is an option, but only until TMBWitW gets home.
1700 hours: TMBWitW is home! Family time, dinner, conversation, TMBWitW catches up with little Miss.
2100 hours: print out new run sheet for that night.
2115 hours: lay head down for another nap.
2345 hours: get up, try to jangle the body into awareness, slam some caffeine. Cold water works well, also. Make sure everything is in order for the run tonight.

Yes, this is seven days a week. Sundays are a bit different; I need to pick up my helper and get the trailer, so my evening nap is cut short by thirty minutes or so.

Your mind plays tricks on you after not getting enough sleep. It’s hard enough for me to type, since I am slightly dyslexic, and I have to concentrate on every word to make sure it’s spelled correctly so these entries are legible. Bad spelling makes my reading slow way down, because then I’m not sure if what I’m reading is spelled correctly or not. When I have enough sleep, this process is almost seamless and I can operate at the same speed as most of the world. When I haven’t had enough sleep, though, it’s way tougher than normal.

If the schedule were consistent (notice the variable at the dock – you can’t count on when the papers are going to come off the line, so you can’t really sneak a nap while at the dock), or if there were days off for recovery built in, I think it wouldn’t be so bad. But, here I am, with a sleep schedule so out of whack with what God designed, that my whole being is disrupted.

Which brings me to this point: I won’t be doing this much longer. I have caught myself taking naps at red lights. Not a problem when I’m the only one on the road, but sometimes it’s during the day. Or during rush hour. Phoenix area drivers are notoriously impatient, so don’t even delay them getting to their oh-so-important destinations. I’m getting pretty good at identifying vehicle make and model by the sound of the horn… Anyway, July 29 will be my last day as a contractor. I am so looking forward to maybe getting some sleep after that…

Thank you for stopping by, God bless you all, Wear Red on Fridays, support Warriors for Innocence, and write in Cary Cartter for President in 2008!


10 Responses to “How Time Flies”

  1. comment number 1 by: Just John

    I feel for ya brother. I really wish you would find a new line of work, with a bit of normalcy to it. Sleep deprivation is bad news.

    As usual, you remain in my thoughts and prayers.


  2. comment number 2 by: cary

    I appreciate the t&p, John. As you know, sometimes that’s all that keeps somebody going.

    Now, pardon me while I go back and add a missing word in the post…

  3. comment number 3 by: Deborah Aylward

    Do be careful in traffic until you are back on schedule, please.

    On the plus side, you’re becoming a remarkably proficient proof-reader. Take care.

    Veritas et Fidelis Semper

  4. comment number 4 by: cary

    Schedule? Oh, yeah – I’ve heard of those… Thanks for the concern, Deborah. I have a very important reason for staying around – two, actually – and I plan on being around them for quite a bit longer.

    Thanks for noticing – did you figure out which word I missed the first time?

  5. comment number 5 by: Cimarron

    Dad you need more sleep.I don’t like knowing you are sleeped deprived.

  6. comment number 6 by: Greybeard

    I’ve found it’s impossible for me to nod off if I’m sucking on an ice cube. Carry a cooler full and see if it works for you.
    Also, go here and read my comment about you.
    Be well, my friend.

  7. comment number 7 by: cary

    Cimarron – that explains the phone call this morning. Thank you for caring. And for your prayers.

    Graybeard – I’ll give it a try. Can’t hurt, right? I was actually thinking about you earlier today – I was on my collection rounds, when a life-flight chopper landed right across the street from me. I thought, “How cool would it be to have Graybeard fly Marine One?”

    Thanks for the mention on Andrea’s blog. (psst – the first name is Cary with a “C”) Once I get off this silly route I can concentrate on campaigning again and get in touch with Andrea and the very large, very strong independent conservative base here in blogland…

  8. comment number 8 by: Greybeard

    Okay, all I can say is my fingers didn’t do what I told them to do, and my eyes are gettin’ so old I can’t tell a G from a C!
    I know/knew it was Cary. The saving grace is, I got the link correct. Hope you get some traffic because of it, and I hope others notice my mistaken G.

  9. comment number 9 by: cary

    Old eyes – that’s a problem coming up, isn’t it? It’s OK, Graybeard – I know you mean the best, and I appreciate the link love. I sure do hope traffic increases, and maybe I can expand my campaign note mailing list, once I get back to writing campaign notes…

  10. comment number 10 by: daniel

    Happy Independence Day Cary!
    I salute the American flag and All you serve or served!
    God Bless the U.S.A. !