The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

July 4th, 2013

July 4th, 2013 . by Cary

We celebrate the 237th year of the existence of this “Experiment in Freedom” – 237 years since the foundation of a representative republic, and it may come crashing down within a decade, since a majority has voted itself largesse from the treasury, in the form of voting for those who have promised to keep the Free Cheese flowing to those who do no work for it.

“This was the object of the Declaration of Independence. Not to find out new principles, or new arguments, never before thought of, not merely to say things which had never been said before; but to place before mankind the common sense of the subject, in terms so plain and firm as to command their assent, and to justify ourselves in the independent stand we are compelled to take. Neither aiming at originality of principle or sentiment, nor yet copied from any particular and previous writing, it was intended to be an expression of the American mind, and to give to that expression the proper tone and spirit called for by the occasion.”

–Thomas Jefferson, letter to Henry Lee, 1825

Founder’s Quote Daily

Happy Fourth of July. Let’s make sure it’s not the last time we celebrate our freedom, shall we?

Chat ya later…


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