The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
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Thursday’s Ramblings

August 30th, 2007 . by Cary

Well, I was paging through the paper over lunch (fresh-baked cinnamon bread, and a glass of cold whole milk) and noticed two news items that I just had to talk about.

The first is the blurb about Leona Helmsley’s will. She left two grandchildren in the cold, for “reasons that are known to them” and favored her brother and two other grandchildren with tidy sums of money – in the millions.

To add insult to injury, she left a twelve million dollar trust for her dog. $12,000,000.00. To take care of a dog. At the outside, the dog will live about fifteen years, if it’s not too old or too big now. That’s well over a million a year, considering she probably left the trust with a method of generating interest as it went.

So, she who has all this money and a really sour disposition from what I’ve seen, can’t find it in her heart to forgive her own children but will take care of a dog for more than it’s natural lifespan. Lovely.

A house without the Lord is a cold place indeed.

The second item reveals that a panel of professional second-guessers (my guess is that they hired the 9-11 panel, since they weren’t doing anything) says that the officials at Virginia Tech didn’t do enough to warn the students of the shooting by Seung-Hui Cho, and that the university did not intervene in Cho’s mental health issues.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t this the “police state” that the libs would have us all believe the current administration is trying to force on us all?

Isn’t knocking on dorm room doors, or calling the dorm phones, the kind of intrusion that these college students are protesting against, at the behest of their oh-so-enlightened professors?

Isn’t stepping in and intervening on someone’s behalf the sort of “draconian measures” that the feel-goods would have us think is the aim of the Christian right?

The liberals cannot have it both ways – they have to choose.

Choose either total interference by a big-brother like entity, or accept that life has many twist and turns and no one, except the Good Lord above, knows when you will be leaving this earth.

Choose either knowing one another well enough to be able to pass on information quickly and efficiently or be surprised by the occurrences that develop.

One thing you don’t have a choice about – time travel is not possible, so going back to “fix” a blown call, or “do-over” a missed sign, is not possible.

However, to mitigate most of these issues, we all have to take a very important step – the one that a lot of us “Right Wing Christian Conservatives” have already taken – act responsibly, and take responsibility for your actions.

I know, it’s a radical and, to most liberals, FOREIGN concept, but one that is imperative if this country wishes to remain at the forefront of civilization.

Thank you for stopping by, God bless you all, Wear Red on Fridays, support Warriors for Innocence, and write in Cary Cartter for President in 2008!


8 Responses to “Thursday’s Ramblings”

  1. comment number 1 by: Just John

    Whenever any tragedy garners national attention, all of the professional hand wringers stumble over themselves in an attempt to be the best at playing the blame game.

    It’s frustrating that seemingly intelligent people would point the finger in every direction except toward those that actually committed crimes.

  2. comment number 2 by: cary

    Wait a minute, John – you mean actually hold someone responsible for their own actions?

    Ya know – it’s just crazy enough to work!

  3. comment number 3 by: Douglas V. Gibbs

    in light of Owen Wilson’s attempted suicide, it reminds us of how many people there are out there that are rich/famous/popular yet not happy. They spend their lives trying to fill the void. Bill Gates has been quoted as saying that he’s not happy. Howard Stearn has said that he has never been happy a day in his life. They don’t realize, that void can only be filled by the Lord. Sad, really.

  4. comment number 4 by: cary

    Sad indeed, Doug. Sad indeed.

  5. comment number 5 by: Greybeard

    So can we go another step here?
    Realizing all that money would ruin their lives, Leona did those grandkids a tremendous favor by NOT dumping all that unearned cash in their laps, right?!

    (And I really do believe that’s true.)

  6. comment number 6 by: cary

    Old, Gray, and Wise – you are, indeed, correct in pointing that out. Of course, the kids are probably not seeing it the same way!

  7. comment number 7 by: Jenn of the Jungle

    What more could they have done? That psycho was bent on killing everyone he could. They could have sent out e-mails, knowcked on doors whatver and it would not have changed the fact that he was going to kill.

    Oh, and my dog must be a cheap date, because she’s perfectly happy with her dry dog food and the occasional chicken jerky or carrot. She’d not be able to spend million.

  8. comment number 8 by: cary

    I’m no expert, Jenn, but from what I could tell, they did what they had planned on doing – the operative phrase here being “what they planned.” You cannot plan for a maniac to do what this guy did. It’s ludicrous to assume that you can control all outcomes of all scenarios.

    As far as dogs – my five would be living very well for the rest of their lives on that kind of money. Poor rich people, they don’t know how to get by within a realistic budget.