The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
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Can’t We All Just Get Along?

September 27th, 2007 . by Cary

Remember that little question? A lot of the liberals today are quaking and bleating that we can all get along, and to do so would make the world a better place.

The short answer is “no.”

The longer answer is “NNNNOOOOOO!!!!!!!”

The reason? Let’s think about it for a minute, in different areas of the public scene:

Well, we all get along, so no one disagrees. Good for incumbents, bad for innovation. Since everyone gets along, and there is no disagreement, everyone votes the same way. With the exception of the President, politicians are installed for life. Since the President has been doing such a great job since everyone got together and talked out their differences, let’s go ahead and let the President serve for life also. No new bills are introduced, no laws are passed, the Supreme Court dies from boredom. All the lawyers die from starvation, since everyone agrees and gets along, and no one is suing anyone else. Wait – what happens when an incumbent dies? No young politicians have been in training, since the incumbents were doing such a magnificent job, so now there is no one to replace the deceased statesman.

On Wall Street today, everyone agreed that all the stocks were quite attractive. No single stock was singled out, as there is no reason to make a particular stock feel differently from any other stock. Volume was zero, since no one wanted to buy or sell their stocks, in order to avoid making any particular company feel compelled to change their course of action. After all, everything is perfect the way it is, right? And, in order for you to sell a stock, someone else has to disagree with your assessment of how it will do in the future and want to buy it.

All religious groups have come to agreement. All citizens of all nations are members of the same religious group, in order for all people groups to live in peace and harmony one with another. Since no one needs to be recruited, the focus is now on strengthening everyone’s faith. All meetings of religious groups are identical, so as to avoid any misinterpretation of the message. Dissension is unheard of, discussion of differing points of view is prohibited.

Everyone must view the same movie before a new movie is released. Can’t be watching things out of order, that might change your viewpoint. All game platforms are the same, manufactured by the same company. (Badly manufactured, by the way. But, since they are the only company, and their stock is doing so well, they don’t feel the need to improve, or even release any more games.) Everyone plays the same video game, and everyone has the same level of ability. Game competitions are a stupefying gathering of equally talented players, and all games end in a draw. The prize is always split between all the “first place” winners. Any truly breakout players are drawn aside, and instructed in the fine art of total agreement on all sides. Further outbreaks result in banishment from the tournaments. After careful consideration by the entire population of the world, tournaments themselves are banned, since they only encourage and foster competition and the desire to prove oneself to be better than another, or, at the very least, to let you see how you stack up against the other players.

Everyone uses the same computer. Not the same machine, but the same type. The same software. The same browser. Everyone’s blog looks just like everyone else’s, since everyone now thinks exactly alike. Even the entries are the same, and traffic has dropped to zero, since everyone already knows what every blog is going to say. Everyone drive the same type of vehicle. Police are not needed to enforce traffic laws, since everyone drives the posted speed limit and obeys every law on the books. There aren’t really that many laws on the books anymore, since everyone has agreed that limiting anyone is not acceptable.

So – can we all get along? Yes, but forget trying to get everyone to agree. Disagreement is the reason there are changes, and why we continue to move forward in our development.

At the same time, we must have change in order to avoid stagnation. Which brings me to my point: Make a Difference. Write in Cary Cartter for President in November 2008.

Thank you for stopping by, God bless you all, Wear Red on Fridays, support Warriors for Innocence, and write in Cary Cartter for President in 2008!


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