The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

Thursday Roundup

January 24th, 2008 . by Cary

I started my Thursday with my nose within dangerous proximity of the southern end of a northbound cat. I hope yours started out better, although mine can’t possibly get any worse!

GuyK was at the top of the list when I checked in this morning, with a bit on National Health Care. Take some time on his site, see if you can find the gem about what he has against Hillary…

Scotwise has Friday’s funnies up already – thanks for the head start!

Bushwack let his true feelings for Ron Paul slip…

Third Wave Dave updates us on Andrea Shea King’s latest doings, and the Voice of Liberty Podcast Network.

John posted about Mitt Romney last Wednesday on Fire of Liberty – everything OK there, John?

Greybeard makes some good points about freedoms afforded to those not used to them in his review of “MIG Pilot Escape” over on Pitchpull.

Stuart on Seaspook points out that not condemning something as “an archaic, violent, intolerant philosophy of domination and hatred” is as bad as then praising it, no matter how faintly.

Fred is celebrating Fat Tuesday in the Town That Should Be Moved on TexasFred’s.

Gunz has a new look at his place, Long Live The Republic.

Phishing isn’t the only threat nowadays – pharming by taking control of your router has started to rear it’s ugly head, as documented on Fraud, Phishing, and Finacial Misdeeds.

Mike’s comic genius is matched only by his ability to actually get it in writing on Reality is Overrated. (please note that he carries a “Fully Adult” rating) I dare you to scroll down to his stairway story and NOT laugh ’til you cry…

Good Ole Doug re-examines the outlook for a Red November on Political Pistachio.

Kasee highlights this week’s Wednesday Hero on Supporting the Troops.

Paul shares some lost poetry on prying1.

Cube shares her love of clowns on the BLOG.

JustJohn shares his thoughts on joining the Corps at Write on the Right.

Please be sure to stop by at the Loon, Jenn’s place, Gawfer, and the rest of the fine folks on my blogrolls.

Thank you for stopping by, God bless you all, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

One Response to “Thursday Roundup”

  1. comment number 1 by: gunz

    Again, thanks for the plug. It’s certainly starting to come into it’s own now..
