The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

More about me? Why not, I started this…

June 27th, 2005 . by Cary

I am married to The Most Beautiful Woman in the World (TMBWitW), the best thing that has happened to me since late December back in 1961. We currently have six dogs and five cats. Yes, we are slightly crazy, but you won’t see us on the news for neglecting these little overstuffed sausage casings:

These three are Sadie, a Dalmation/Pointer mix, Mackenzie, a Cocker/Dachsund mix, and Sara, a Black Lab/Welsh Corgie mix. Yeah – think about that one for a second.

This is Cinnamon – we aren’t real sure what she is. When we first rescued her, I was calling her “Little Brown Dog We Don’t Know What She Is.” Try training a dog to come to that one.

This is Princess (we didn’t name her!) who was rescued from a family that couldn’t have a dog in their apartment – which means that their cousin had no respect for them, since he dropped it off with them. Some people. She has grown a bit, as you can see in the bottom picture. She’s a boxer mix, according to our extremely wonderful vets.

This last one is Logan, a Great Dane mix. He is just 4 months old right now, and would you look at the size of those paws! He’s going to be a biggun.

Well, I’ll let you absorb this for now. I’ll write more later…

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