The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

Princess Update 2

July 25th, 2005 . by Cary

Princess has found a home.

J and A decided to make her a part of their family. Their two boys love her so much, when we visited them last night the youngest was afraid that we were going to take her with us when we left. He cried until after we were gone and Princess was still there.

TMBWitW and I are happy, relieved, and sad. Happy that we were able to find her a good home, and we had final say over who adopted Princess. Relieved that the placement period is over. Sad that Princess just wouldn’t fit in.
It has been so hectic, that I forgot who we were working with to place Princess. I will have to dig back through my notes and post that information here, to publicly thank Carol (I at least remembered her name, just not the organization she is with) and to let others know about her.

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