The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

What a Week!

October 31st, 2005 . by Cary

New walkway from extended patio to trash can pad – done.

Form for new trash can pad – built, not poured yet.

Yes, I mix and pour my own. Not bad for a cabinet guy, huh? Of course, now that I am getting up in the years, I can’t throw the 80 pound bags around like I used to. I am rather nicely surprised by how much I am not stiff and sore. Sure, a little achy, but not bad considering the shape I’m in. TMBWitW told me on Saturday to listen to my body – and to stop when I got tired. “But I’m not finished pouring the sidewalk, and there will be a ragged seam in the middle…”

She said, “I can live with the ragged seam, I can’t live without you. You are stubborn, aren’t you?”

Like that comes as a shock and surprise to anyone who knows me. I’m not stubborn, I’m a perfectionist. Sunday as I was finishing the pour, I was thinking to myself how to topcoat the concrete so it would look all smooth and one-piece.

Cinnamon put her right front paw in the almost-cured part. We decided to put all the paw prints (dogs only) in the same area.

All I have to do is level out the base for the last section, and I can start pouring that part. I should be finished by this weekend, then I can do the concrete Saturday morning. After that, I can start looking for some sod, edging, and kennel grit for the rest of the back yard, and maybe we’ll finally have the upper hand on the dust issue. Maybe. This is Arizona, after all.

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