The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
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Illegal Immigrants and Self-Deportation

June 10th, 2008 . by Cary

I have been thinking on this subject for a while; I had been noting the changes here in Arizona as the sanctions law went into effect and wondered if the rest of the nation was taking note.

One of the biggest obstacles to ridding the country of illegals, or so the left would tell you, (and, by extension, the best reason for granting amnesty to these lawbreakers) is that we can’t deport them all. Well, actually, we don’t have to. If the nation were to take on the task of actively deporting the illegals, it would cost hundreds of thousands, possibly millions, of dollars – money that could be much better used elsewhere.

My buddy Gawfer pointed me to this article on The Loft. In particular:

That’s right…. by simply enforcing immigration laws and penalizing employers for hiring illegal aliens, the numbers of illegal aliens went DOWN. Does this mean they all left the country and returned home? No, of course not. Some probably did, while others went to another area of America where laws are not respected or enforced.

I’ll tell you this, from first-hand observation: the traffic levels are lowering. There are fewer Mexican plates on vehicles on the street. There aren’t the crowds outside the home improvement warehouses that there once were, although there are still the hangers-on. And, stats do show that there are fewer car-jackings and ID-jackings going on.

And, while the majority of these invaders may have gone back to Mexico, a good number of them, still trying to force their way into the American Cream, have gone to other states where the sanction laws have been either not put in place yet, or, if they have, activist judges are trying to knock them down. Arizona’s laws are facing the Supremes soon, followed closely by other states (Oklahoma, for one) and the Arizona ruling is expected to set a precedent.

Now, if only the Career Politicians would get a clue, and realize that We the People want secure borders and enforced laws…

I know, but I can dream, can’t I?

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16 Responses to “Illegal Immigrants and Self-Deportation”

  1. comment number 1 by: Rodolfo

    I actually agree with you. Now if only we can elect leaders who can be held accountable.

  2. comment number 2 by: cary

    That’s the on-going process.

    Where we disagree is whether Obama will take responsibility and be held accountable. I haven’t seen that in his record, so I kinda doubt it – although he might “change” in the future…

  3. comment number 3 by: Rodolfo

    Aside from the common gaffes that is expected in campaigning where’s the evidence that Barry’s irresponsible.

    This is a candidate who teamed up with a Repub to open up govt by setting up a googlegovt webpage to show the public where there money is going. That’s not transparent enough for you? Surely you can’t deny the fact that the man chose a low paying job over a job in wall street to help communities who’ve suffered from plant closings. This is not only evidence of responsibility towards neighbors but also a sign of maturity beyond his years. He was probably 25 when he decided to work in small communities.

    I seriously doubt you’ve actually looked at Barry’s overall record.

  4. comment number 4 by: cary

    I don’t know how long you’ve been involved in the voting process; since you were born in the eighties I’m guessing not very.

    There is no such thing as “common gaffes” in campaigning. This is the biggest, baddest job interview these people will ever be on – why would you allow yourself to make “gaffes” in your interview?

    I don’t want either of the presumptive candidates – neither one is conservative. This country needs a strong conservative leader, not someone who is going to give away the store once they are in office.

    Obama was involved in the “Google for Government” law – OK, but how is it that a junior senator can get his first law passed on September 26, 2006, and less than two years later he’s the presumptive Dem nominee? And it’s transparency for the rest of the government, not for him.

    Oh, I’ve looked at his record – starting with a record of people he hangs out with: Rev. Wright, Fr. Pfleger, Bill Ayers, Rezco,

    Not the impressive resume one would hope for.

  5. comment number 5 by: TexasFred

    You’re going to keep on making these common sense posts and someones gonna call you a racist…

    If I don’t get called a racist at least 3 times a day, I fugure I must be slipping… 😛

  6. comment number 6 by: cary

    Well, that is my goal – to be compared to a fine, upstanding member of the racist group, like you, Fred.


  7. comment number 7 by: Rodolfo

    hey fred who’s racist again?

    Cary-you know why Cary? Because he’s the messiah. lol. I’m kidding. He’s an exceptional politician that’s why. Yes he’s ELITE but he’s not an *elitist*. That meme doesn’t stick very well because a) he was raised on food stamps and b) the career choices he make reflect his desire to help the average joe.

    Download his blueprint online and give him a chance. You’ll find you have more in common with him than your biases might tell you.

    Another thing I might point out. This is a change election. No one can deny that Obama and McCain surprised the nation by being their party’s respective nominees. That tells me that usual talking points and soundbites simply aren’t gonna work this time. I’m talking about the whole deal with being left or being right. These two candidates reflect the mood of the nation. Most people are simply tired of the division and political labels. And rightly so because a) it’s gotten us nowhere and b) it’s not a good condition to be in during a time of war. The global community is abandoning us while our enemies unite. If you’re serious about fighting extremism then we need to try a different course.

  8. comment number 8 by: Rodolfo

    re: gaffes

    I agree there’s very little room for error when it comes to the presidency. But we’re not electing a new deity here. We’re electing people into office. So they’ll make mistakes. I supported this President until I realized they weren’t willing to own up to their mistakes. Perhaps it’s too early for me to anoint anyone at the moment. But I understand what’s at stake. The criticisms will only continue to grow louder as the election gets closer.

  9. comment number 9 by: ablur

    The simple fact is we don’t need to change a thing in the way of laws. We simply need to enforce the laws that are on the books and ‘poof’ the problem will go away.
    Ok perhaps one change, Employers can no longer deduct wages paid to anyone without a valid SS#. That simple change in the tax code would stop employent of illegals the day it is signed. No Mon, No Fun. They would be outta here.

    I got a list up on what I need to see in a candidate to support him. Head over and read You Might Be a Racist

  10. comment number 10 by: Samantha West

    Ablur, I agree with enforce the laws we already have. Since I represent companies before the IRS every day, I’m pretty up on tax code and laws.

    The law severly penalizes any employer who pays wages or contracts someone with an invalid SS#. The problem lies in the amount of time it takes to uncover the false identity. Usually about a year, and by then the “employee” has moved on and the issue gets thrown out.

    We just need a way to quickly cross reference SS #’s with IDs and that would allow us to hasten the enforcement of the law.

    “Well, that is my goal – to be compared to a fine, upstanding member of the racist group, like you, Fred.”

    Well do do you like that! Cary, I thought you wanted to be know for the “Post Turtle” post! 😉

  11. comment number 11 by: cary

    R – he was NOT “raised on foodstamps – he went to private schools, and his family’s name (whichever one they were using at the time) is not to be found in the records of those who were on the dole.

    Second, yes, he is an elitist – anyone who gets educated at Harvard and then tries to compare themselves to the average Joe while living in a 1.3 million dollar home is an elitist.

    I work for a living, he’s lawyer. I believe everyone should lift themselves up by their own bootstraps, he wants to qualify everyone for handouts. Except for the “air-breathing” and “bi-pedal” part, I don’t think we have a whole lot in common.

    “These two candidates” were pretty much foisted on the US by the MSM – McCain, constantly touted as the “straight-talk maverick” and Obama as the new and unusual (read: young black man). The decent candidates (Huckabee, Hunter, Tancredo) didn’t stand a chance. The early primaries pretty much kill the chances for anyone not anointed ahead of time, and for sure any independent candidate. (speaking from experience here)

    Bottom line, Rodolfo: Our views (yours and mine) are not going to align, since you are obviously liberal in your thinking and I am very much conservative.

    However, I do want to thank you for the spirited and civil debate. I don’t see a lot of civility from the liberals these days.

  12. comment number 12 by: cary

    ablur – you are correct. Enforcement of existing laws, with work to expedite the whole ID/SS# number match up thing, would pretty much eliminate the easy money draw for both sides of the equation.

  13. comment number 13 by: cary

    You know what, Samantha? As long as the name is spelled correctly, I really don’t care what I’m known for!


  14. comment number 14 by: Rodolfo

    My goal is to find common ground. You and I will not agree on most things but if we can agree on some basic practical things then maybe we can move forward. More importantly our country can move forward. There’s too much at stake for us to be divided along political and religious stripes. Not when we’re at war. I don’t speak for liberals and neither do I care to. I’m trying to get back to our roots that we’re Americans first and Republican or Democrat second.

  15. comment number 15 by: Samantha West

    Cary, how was your dr’s appointment?

  16. comment number 16 by: cary

    Thanks for asking, Samantha.

    I’ll be putting a post up soon.