The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
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This Just In…

November 9th, 2005 . by Cary

The President had been receiving flack about who knew what before the attacks on 9/11. Based on the loudest responses to the current war on terror, the ones who are bleating the loudest won’t be happy no matter what kind of a response the USA had provided.

For instance:

If the security levels had been implemented and raised prior to 9/11, thereby preventing the attack from occurring in the first place, the sheep would have been complaining about the infringement on their personal rights.

If you ask them, they will say “No, no – we would have allowed that, considering what happened on 9/11.” Don’t try to remind them of the paradox involved in their statement, they don’t want to hear it.

Since the leaders of the USA now have confirmable intelligence that there is a terrorist organization that has plans to attack the USA, and the leaders of the USA are actually doing something about it (keeping that same terrorist organization busy in their own backyard), why are the bleaters saying we shouldn’t be involved? Don’t they want us to protect the USA, considering how many more 9/11 attacks have been curtailed?

I say all this to present this: Prevention, or the perception of prevention, will guard against more attacks than can be counted, since there is no poll to track the number of attacks that haven’t happened because of a perceived lack of success on the part of the attackers.

Here in The Valley of the Sun, two high-school boys were working the late shift, closing the Subway shop where they worked. Two men came in, one kept watch, the other attacked the boys, shooting them several times with a rifle while the boys were trying to get away. Both boys were killed. If there was a law that allowed workers to carry personal weapons, and the would-be attackers knew that there was a chance the planned victims could be armed, there would have been a much different outcome: the boys would have finished closing, gone home, and seen the next day’s sunrise. Because the attackers would not have wanted to risk their own lives to attack someone who could fight back.

Transfer that thought process to the world’s situation today, and you can see why we have to demonstrate that this country will not back down from what it has set out to accomplish, until every last one of the terrorists are no longer able to spread their brand of evangelism. If we back down, or show weakness, the terrorists will be emboldened and attack even stronger than before. And, they will attack here on our soil. We cannot let that happen. Ever.

Go read the essays over at Bill’s site; he has a good grasp of what’s going on. Go. Read. Think. Think. THINK.

2 Responses to “This Just In…”

  1. comment number 1 by: Jeff

    Great post. Keep up the good work.

  2. comment number 2 by: Cary

    Thanks for stopoping by, Jeff.

    Above all, let’s keep our guard up.