The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

The Malaise is Over

November 12th, 2005 . by Cary

I have not been posting over on my other blog since I came back from Cleveland. I would like to say that I was waiting for inspiration to strike – but actually, I was just not able to get back into transcribing my Grandfather’s family story. I’ll tell you how bad it was – there was a layer of dust on my keyboard here at home.

No, not dust. Dirt.

I’ve been trying to get the backyard in some kind of shape for five years now. I tried grass; I live in Phoenix and the water bill was getting pretty steep. Now the plan is to finish pouring the walkway and trash can pad, then bring in kennel grit (like pea gravel, only mined in the west instead of the east) and have about three to four inches of that everywhere. Meanwhile, it looks like the Dustbowl back there, only without any Grapes of Wrath hanging around. Logan likes to flop in the middle of the biggest dust pile, and when he comes in he drags most of that with him. Keeping the inside of the house clean is tougher than usual, and it doesn’t help that the back door stays open for the weather and the dogs.

Anyway – I got another chapter up (eight down, thirteen to go) and I am just in awe at the amount of information Grandpa was able to find. Just think – I also have to transcribe the actual genealogy of the family; that should prove to be rather interesting.

Well, the malaise is over, just in time for a stomach bug to ravage both of us. Food seems to be a major issue, so we’ll just subsist on water and dry toast for a while.

I hope and pray that you are all in good health.

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