The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

Sea Change

July 14th, 2008 . by Cary

That is, a change in direction.


You see, after much thought and consideration, I placed an “employment wanted” ad on WoodWeb, a site for wood professionals to network.

I have been contacted a couple of times already, and I am in comminication with those who have contacted me. Depending on many, many factors, including what TMBWitW and I hear from God, we may end up moving from here.

I am not looking forward to trying to sell this house, leaving our church family, or leaving the railroad and then trying to find suitable replacements for any and all of these.

Maybe I’m just a real softy for our animals, but I worry most how a move would affect Logan.

Logan under the tree

You guys? I’m not worried about the friends I’ve made in the blogging world – this address wouldn’t change, and I know where to find your blogs. And, you’re tough. You’ll get by without me being here for a few days in the middle of a move. I will sure have a lot of stuff to blog about and talk about on The O Word from something like this.

And then, there is the old, old felling of uprooting myself again. Growing up, I never spent more than three years in a single school. My Freshman year in high school started out in Greenhills, Ohio, and ended up in New Madison, Ohio – from suburban to rural, from walking to school to riding a bus. And, of course, meeting a bunch of new classmates who were already three quarters of the way through their Freshman year and had been together since Kindergarten. No, no trouble fitting in there at all. Now, I’m (*%* years old (huh – looks like I get line noise even on a cable modem…) and I am thinking about uprooting the family myself. The rest of my family is kind of scattered, but mostly here in Arizona (with the exception of a brother in Utah and a sister in Ohio).

I can see there is going to be a lot of praying and talking about this. Please hold us up as we consider this. We appreciate it.

Update late Monday afternoon:

One of the conversations has ended, with a “thank you” so that leaves one, for now.

Thank you for stopping by, God bless you all, Time, Inc. is a bunch of weasels, listen to The O Word on BlogTalkRadio, Wear Red on Fridays, and support Warriors for Innocence!

10 Responses to “Sea Change”

  1. comment number 1 by: Gawfer

    chew gottit mang…

  2. comment number 2 by: Bloviating Zeppelin

    I’ve found in this world there are those who have to have consistency, solidarity, hooks and anchors. Many people can move from place to place, make great achievements and do it anywhere. I’ve always been a coward in that regard. I’ve had one job for 33 years, although I did consider moving to another department when I was MUCH younger. But now? I’m waaaaay too old.

    So what’s the potential job as woodworker? A specific company? An ability to be your own entrepreneur, so to speak?

    The bottom line is this: Life has taught me that you have to do what is BEST for YOU, and WHEN it is best for you. If you have a wonderful opportunity potentially in the palm of your hand and your family concurs well, then, never look back. After all, as you point out, WE’LL just follow along. . .



  3. comment number 3 by: cary

    Tanks, Gawf. Tanks.

    BZ – the catch in this instance is that I’ve spent the last fifteen years in this area. My wife, in the other hand, has spent the last twenty years in the same company. In this day and age, as you are aware, that is unheard of. You two are the last of a breed.

    One opportunity is a project manager’s position, with an established company. The other is not at the stage where specifics are mentioned yet, and it is the longer move, but the person who contacted me was so positive and upbeat about the company I couldn’t help but keep the conversation going.

    I appreciate you being willing to “follow along” and see where this is going to take me…

  4. comment number 4 by: Robert

    It appears that change is coming all around Cary, I wish you all the luck and all the guidance from above in your decisions.

    The change for me, at the moment is depending on the INBEV/AB issue, Anything can happen so I am preparing for all possible scenario’s…

  5. comment number 5 by: cary

    Saw that – didn’t realize it would affect you, but I am sure that it will turn out.

    It always turns out. One way or the other.

  6. comment number 6 by: TexasFred

    My wife is fond of saying, “Where one door closes, another opens”, I don’t know if you’re closing a door, not in on the details, but if it’s meant to be, brother, it WILL happen…

    Yeah, you know where to find me, same as always, hanging out here and making libbers very unhappy, that’s not gonna change…

    Go for it man, new scenery might do you some good…

  7. comment number 7 by: Sues

    Sounds like you have some big decisions to make. I’m sure it will all work out in the end. It’s just the getting there that will stress you out. Keep us updated!

  8. comment number 8 by: cary

    Fred – the doors are not controlled by us, if you get my drift. Gawfer called me yesterday afternoon and gave me some good encouragements, reminding me of things I already knew, and generally keeping my spirit up. I’m not closing any doors, per se, but with no one buying my custom woodworking, other revenue streams need to be explored.

    Sues – I’m sure it will too. Yeah, the stress can be a bear. Watch this space for updates as they become available…

  9. comment number 9 by: Greybeard

    I’m reading this on Friday the 18th, first chance I’ve had to drop by in a while.
    Moving is scary, but you know, and I know scarier things. I like and believe TexasFred’s wife’s comment above, and will add another that a friend used to improve my unemployed spirits some years back:
    “The cream always rises to the top.”
    Have no fear my friend. You’re a first class guy, and God is with you.
    Who can be against you?

  10. comment number 10 by: cary - Botan Ichihara

    And you have been missed, Greybeard. Hope all is well in chopper land.

    Yes, we do know scarier things. Thank you for the words of encouragement, they have come at a good time.