The "O" Word
Conservative by Nature, Christian by Choice
Wait!  Where's the pictures?  They're supposed to be right here!  I swear, you can't find decent help these days...

Good Grief.

November 17th, 2005 . by Cary

Go read this. Go ahead, I’ll wait.

Are you back? Good.

Can you seriously stand there, with a straight face, and say that we can negotiate with these people? They don’t like us. They don’t like our lifestyle, with our wimminfolk all running around being productive and what not. They don’t like the fact that this country is powered by the people, and no one person can tell us what to do or not do. We have the power to vote and determine, all by our own selves, how we want to be governed.

Is the picture coming clearer yet?

Now, you ask why we are still in Iraq – because the Iraqis are still not strong enough on their own to stand up to these “Peacefully Religious” zealots and their facists followers. If the US and it’s allies (God Bless them, every one) were to pull out tomorrow, the resulting vacuum would suck in every wanna-be warlord and insurgent from around the world, and then the liberal, Muslim Supporting Media would be lamenting the fact that the people in Iraq are being slaughtered even faster than they were under Saddam.

Until the people of Iraq can resist the insurgents and terrorists who are trying to tear down the foundation we are trying to leave, the US and allied troops (God Bless them, every one) should remain in that country.

Because the last thing this ol’ warhorse is going to tolerate is another attack on the soil of this country. And that, my dear and gentle readers, is exactly what the Islamofacists are aiming for, and that is their next objective if the Muslim sympathizers in this country bleat loudly enough to get our troops pulled from Iraq.

Don’t stand in the middle of the sheep and wonder what happened. Let your governmental leaders know how you feel about the troops. Let them know that there are plenty of Americans who are supporting what the troops are doing, we just don’t have celebrity status or handlers helping us get our message across. Don’t let shriekers like Cindy Sheehan be the voice of America. Don’t let clueless “celebrities” like Janeane Garafalo be the ones who influence policy. If the Religion of Peace had their way, Cindy and Janeane would be first in line to be silenced.


What Cindy and Janeane don’t realize is they are able to speak as they are because We the People decided to not allow a single ruler to dictate how we live.

Keep that in mind, America.

Even though some of you are rough around the edges, I still wouldn’t want any one of you to lose your freedoms and rights and responsibilities.

None of you.

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